2015-11-19 19:47:00 +01:00

3.7 KiB
Executable file

Qt binding for Go (Windows / Mac OS X / Linux / Android)

Desktop (Windows / Mac OS X / Linux)

  1. Install Go >= 1.5.1

  2. Install Qt 5.5.1 C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\ or /usr/local/Qt5.5.1/

  3. Setup the environment

    • Windows

      • Add the directory that contains "gcc.exe" to your PATH


    • Mac OS X

      • Install Xcode >= 7.0.1
    • Linux

      • Install "g++"

        sudo apt-get install g++

      • Install OpenGL dependencies

        sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev

  4. Download the qt binding

    go get

  5. Generate, install and test (run as admin)


Mobile (Android)

  1. Make sure the binding is working by setting up the Desktop version

  2. Install the Android SDK C:\android\android-sdk\ or /opt/android-sdk/

  3. Install the SDK dependencies C:\android\android-sdk\tools\android.bat or /opt/android-sdk/tools/android

    • Tools
      • Android SDK Build-tools (23.0.2)
    • Android 6.0 (API 23)
      • SDK Platform
    • Extras (Windows only)
      • Google USB Driver
  4. Install the Android NDK C:\android\android-ndk\ or /opt/android-ndk/

  5. Install Apache-Ant C:\android\apache-ant\ or /opt/apache-ant/

  6. Install Java SE Development Kit (linux: /opt/jdk/)

  7. Install and test android (run as admin)

    or android

Quick Start

  1. Create a folder: [GOPATH]/src/qtExample

  2. Create a file named main.go in this folder

package main

import (


func main() {
	widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args)

	var btn = widgets.NewQPushButton2("Hello World", nil)
	btn.Resize2(180, 44)
	btn.ConnectClicked(func(flag bool) {
		widgets.QMessageBox_Information(nil, "OK", "You Clicked me!", widgets.QMessageBox__Ok, widgets.QMessageBox__Ok)

	var window = widgets.NewQMainWindow(nil, 0)
	window.SetWindowTitle("Hello World Example")

  1. Open the command line in [GOPATH]/src and run: qtdeploy build desktop qtExample

  2. Wait a minute, then you will find the executable file here: [GOPATH]/src/qtExample/deploy/{windows|darwin|linux}/qtExample.exe