2015-03-29 19:12:56 -07:00

5 KiB

powerlevel9k Theme for Oh-My-Zsh

This is a theme for Oh-My-Zsh. This theme uses Powerline Fonts, thus giving you the most epic terminal styling in the universe.

Look like a bad-ass. Impress everyone in 'Screenshot Your Desktop' threads. Use powerlevel9k.

In addition to looking amazing, this theme actually provides a lot of useful information.


  • Shows lots of information about Git and Hg repositories, including:
    • branch / tag name
    • current action status (rebasing, merging, etc.,)
    • being behind / ahead of your remote
    • conditionally shows remote tracking branch if it differs from local
    • various local working tree statuses
  • Shows command number in right-prompt (so you can $ !<num> to re-run)
  • Shows return-code of command if it is an error code
  • Shows system time in right-prompt
  • Indicates background jobs with a gear
  • Will conditionally display the user@host string
  • Plenty of other segments you can enable if you want them (e.g., ruby, AWS)
  • Can be used as a single or double-lined prompt (see screenshots below)
  • Several built-in color configurations to choose from

If you would like an OMZ theme that provides most of the same features but doesn't require Powerline fonts, check out the sister font, hackersaurus.

These screenshots should give you an idea of what powerlevel9k looks like:


First, you need to install Powerline Fonts. You can find the installation instructions here. You can also find the raw font files in this Github repository if you want to manually install them for your OS.

To install this theme, clone this repository into your Oh-My-Zsh custom/themes directory.

$ cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom
$ git clone https://github.com/bhilburn/powerlevel9k.git themes/powerlevel9k

You then need to select this theme in your ~/.zshrc:


Segment Customization

Customizing your prompt is easy! Select the segments you want to have displayed, and then assign them to either the left or right prompt. The segments that are currently available are:

  • aws - The current AWS profile, if active (more info below)
  • context - Your username and host (more info below)
  • dir - Your current working directory.
  • history - The command number for the current line.
  • rbenv - Ruby environment information (if one is active).
  • status - The return code of the previous command, and status of background jobs.
  • time - System time.
  • vcs - Information about this git or hg repository (if you are in one).

To specify which segments you want, just add the following variables to your ~/.zshrc. If you don't customize this, the below configuration is the default:


If you want to show the current changeset in a git or hg repository, enable POWERLEVEL9K_SHOW_CHANGESET in your ~/.zshrc:


The AWS Profile Segment

If you would like to display the current AWS profile, add the aws segment to one of the prompts, and define AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE in your ~/.zshrc:

export AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE=<profile_name>

The 'context' Segment

The context segment (user@host string) is conditional. This lets you enable it, but only display it if you are not your normal user or on a remote host (basically, only print it when it likely you need it).

To use this feature, make sure the context segment is enabled in your prompt elements (it is by default), and define a DEFAULT_USER in your ~/.zshrc:

export DEFAULT_USER=<your username>

<<<<<<< HEAD


You can configure the look and feel of your prompt easily with some built-in options.

Double-Lined Prompt

By default, powerlevel9k is a single-lined prompt. If you would like to have the segments display on one line, and print the command prompt below it, simply define POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ON_NEWLINE in your ~/.zshrc:


Light Color Theme

If you prefer to use "light" colors, simply set POWERLEVEL9K_COLOR_SCHEME to light in your ~/.zshrc, and you're all set!


Solarized colors

If you want your terminal colors not so bright, you may want to use an alternate color scheme. One of them is "solarized": https://github.com/altercation/solarized

Bugs / Contact

If you have any requests or bug reports, please use the tracker in this Github repository.