Nitish Sakhawalkar ec221c0bc4 Implementation of Paragraph Feature
Changes to support moving cursor to next and previous paragraph
and updates to corresponding documentation
2017-10-02 19:54:57 -07:00

7.6 KiB

Default Keys

Below are simple charts of the default hotkeys and their functions. For more information about binding custom hotkeys or changing default bindings, please run > help keybindings

Please remember that all keys here are rebindable! If you don't like it, you can change it!

Power user

Key Description of function
Ctrl+E Open a command prompt for running commands (see > help commands for a list of valid commands).
Tab In command prompt, it will autocomplete if possible.
Ctrl+B Run a shell command (this will close micro while your command executes).


Key Description of function
Arrows Move the cursor around
Shift+arrows Move and select text
Home or CtrlLeftArrow Move to the beginning of the current line
End or CtrlRightArrow Move to the end of the current line
AltLeftArrow Move cursor one word left
AltRightArrow Move cursor one word right
Alt+{ Move cursor to previous empty line, or beginning of document
Alt+} Move cursor to next empty line, or end of document
PageUp Move cursor up one page
PageDown Move cursor down one page
CtrlHome or CtrlUpArrow Move cursor to start of document
CtrlEnd or CtrlDownArrow Move cursor to end of document
Ctrl+L Jump to a line in the file (prompts with #)
Ctrl+W Cycle between splits in the current tab (use > vsplit or > hsplit to create a split)


Key Description of function
Ctrl+T Open a new tab
Alt+, Previous tab
Alt+. Next tab

Find Operations

Key Description of function
Ctrl+F Find (opens prompt)
Ctrl+N Find next instance of current search
Ctrl+P Find previous instance of current search

File Operations

Key Description of function
Ctrl+Q Close current file (quits micro if this is the last file open)
Ctrl+O Open a file (prompts for filename)
Ctrl+S Save current file

Text operations

Key Description of function
AltShiftRightArrow Select word right
AltShiftLeftArrow Select word left
ShiftHome or CtrlShiftLeftArrow Select to start of current line
ShiftEnd or CtrlShiftRightArrow Select to end of current line
CtrlShiftUpArrow Select to start of file
CtrlShiftDownArrow Select to end of file
Ctrl+X Cut selected text
Ctrl+C Copy selected text
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+K Cut current line
Ctrl+D Duplicate current line
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
AltUpArrow Move current line or selected lines up
AltDownArrow Move current line of selected lines down
AltBackspace or AltCtrl+H Delete word left
Ctrl+A Select all


Key Description of function
Ctrl+U Toggle macro recording (press Ctrl+U to start recording and press again to stop)
Ctrl+J Run latest recorded macro

Multiple cursors

Key Description of function
Alt+N Create new multiple cursor from selection (will select current word if no current selection)
Alt+P Remove latest multiple cursor
Alt+C Remove all multiple cursors (cancel)
Alt+X Skip multiple cursor selection
Ctrl-MouseLeft Place a multiple cursor at any location


Key Description of function
Ctrl+G Open help file
Ctrl+H Backspace (old terminals do not support the backspace key and use Ctrl+H instead)
Ctrl+R Toggle the line number ruler

Emacs style actions

Key Description of function
Alt+F Next word
Alt+B Previous word
Alt+A Move to start of line
Alt+E Move to end of line

Function keys.

Warning! The function keys may not work in all terminals!

Key Description of function
F1 Open help
F2 Save
F3 Find
F4 Quit
F7 Find
F10 Quit