2021-07-10 01:49:39 +08:00

60 lines
1.9 KiB

# gmifs
Gemini File Server, short gmifs, is intended to be minimal and serve static files. It is used
to accompany a hugo blog served via httpd and makes it available via the [gemini
protocol]( Why built yet another gemini
server? Because it's educational and that's the spirit of the protocol.
- **zero conf**, if no certificate is available, gmifs generates a self-signed cert
- **zero dependencies**, Go standard library only
- directory listing support `-autoindex`
- reloads ssl certs and reopens log files on SIGHUP, e.g. after Let's Encrypt renewal
- response writer interceptor and middleware support
- simple middleware for lru document cache
- concurrent request limiter
- KISS, single file gemini implementation, handler func in main
- modern tls ciphers (from [Mozilla's TLS ciphers recommendations](
This tool is used alongside the markdown to gemtext converter
## Usage
### Dev & Tests
Test it locally by serving e.g. a `./public` directory on localhost with directory listing turned on
./gmifs -root ./public -host localhost -autoindex
### Production
In the real world generate a self-signed server certificate with OpenSSL or use a Let's Encrypt
key pair
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.rsa -out cert.pem \
-days 3650 -nodes -subj "/"
start gmifs with a key pair
gmifs -addr -root /var/www/htdocs/ \
-host -max-conns 256 -timeout 5 -cache 256 \
-logs /var/gemini/logs/ \
-cert /etc/ssl/ \
-key /etc/ssl/private/
if need be, send SIGHUP to reload the certificate without cold start, e.g. after a Let's Encrypt
pgrep gmifs | awk '{print "kill -1 " $1}' | sh
If debug logs are enabled, the certificate rotation will be confirmed.