;(function () { if (htmx.version && !htmx.version.startsWith("1.")) { console.warn("WARNING: You are using an htmx 1 extension with htmx " + htmx.version + ". It is recommended that you move to the version of this extension found on https://htmx.org/extensions") } let loadingStatesUndoQueue = [] function loadingStateContainer(target) { return htmx.closest(target, '[data-loading-states]') || document.body } function mayProcessUndoCallback(target, callback) { if (document.body.contains(target)) { callback() } } function mayProcessLoadingStateByPath(elt, requestPath) { const pathElt = htmx.closest(elt, '[data-loading-path]') if (!pathElt) { return true } return pathElt.getAttribute('data-loading-path') === requestPath } function queueLoadingState(sourceElt, targetElt, doCallback, undoCallback) { const delayElt = htmx.closest(sourceElt, '[data-loading-delay]') if (delayElt) { const delayInMilliseconds = delayElt.getAttribute('data-loading-delay') || 200 const timeout = setTimeout(function () { doCallback() loadingStatesUndoQueue.push(function () { mayProcessUndoCallback(targetElt, undoCallback) }) }, delayInMilliseconds) loadingStatesUndoQueue.push(function () { mayProcessUndoCallback(targetElt, function () { clearTimeout(timeout) }) }) } else { doCallback() loadingStatesUndoQueue.push(function () { mayProcessUndoCallback(targetElt, undoCallback) }) } } function getLoadingStateElts(loadingScope, type, path) { return Array.from(htmx.findAll(loadingScope, "[" + type + "]")).filter( function (elt) { return mayProcessLoadingStateByPath(elt, path) } ) } function getLoadingTarget(elt) { if (elt.getAttribute('data-loading-target')) { return Array.from( htmx.findAll(elt.getAttribute('data-loading-target')) ) } return [elt] } htmx.defineExtension('loading-states', { onEvent: function (name, evt) { if (name === 'htmx:beforeRequest') { const container = loadingStateContainer(evt.target) const loadingStateTypes = [ 'data-loading', 'data-loading-class', 'data-loading-class-remove', 'data-loading-disable', 'data-loading-aria-busy', ] let loadingStateEltsByType = {} loadingStateTypes.forEach(function (type) { loadingStateEltsByType[type] = getLoadingStateElts( container, type, evt.detail.pathInfo.requestPath ) }) loadingStateEltsByType['data-loading'].forEach(function (sourceElt) { getLoadingTarget(sourceElt).forEach(function (targetElt) { queueLoadingState( sourceElt, targetElt, function () { targetElt.style.display = sourceElt.getAttribute('data-loading') || 'inline-block' }, function () { targetElt.style.display = 'none' } ) }) }) loadingStateEltsByType['data-loading-class'].forEach( function (sourceElt) { const classNames = sourceElt .getAttribute('data-loading-class') .split(' ') getLoadingTarget(sourceElt).forEach(function (targetElt) { queueLoadingState( sourceElt, targetElt, function () { classNames.forEach(function (className) { targetElt.classList.add(className) }) }, function() { classNames.forEach(function (className) { targetElt.classList.remove(className) }) } ) }) } ) loadingStateEltsByType['data-loading-class-remove'].forEach( function (sourceElt) { const classNames = sourceElt .getAttribute('data-loading-class-remove') .split(' ') getLoadingTarget(sourceElt).forEach(function (targetElt) { queueLoadingState( sourceElt, targetElt, function () { classNames.forEach(function (className) { targetElt.classList.remove(className) }) }, function() { classNames.forEach(function (className) { targetElt.classList.add(className) }) } ) }) } ) loadingStateEltsByType['data-loading-disable'].forEach( function (sourceElt) { getLoadingTarget(sourceElt).forEach(function (targetElt) { queueLoadingState( sourceElt, targetElt, function() { targetElt.disabled = true }, function() { targetElt.disabled = false } ) }) } ) loadingStateEltsByType['data-loading-aria-busy'].forEach( function (sourceElt) { getLoadingTarget(sourceElt).forEach(function (targetElt) { queueLoadingState( sourceElt, targetElt, function () { targetElt.setAttribute("aria-busy", "true") }, function () { targetElt.removeAttribute("aria-busy") } ) }) } ) } if (name === 'htmx:beforeOnLoad') { while (loadingStatesUndoQueue.length > 0) { loadingStatesUndoQueue.shift()() } } }, }) })()