(function(){ if (htmx.version && !htmx.version.startsWith("1.")) { console.warn("WARNING: You are using an htmx 1 extension with htmx " + htmx.version + ". It is recommended that you move to the version of this extension found on https://htmx.org/extensions") } function mergeObjects(obj1, obj2) { for (var key in obj2) { if (obj2.hasOwnProperty(key)) { obj1[key] = obj2[key]; } } return obj1; } htmx.defineExtension('include-vals', { onEvent: function (name, evt) { if (name === "htmx:configRequest") { var includeValsElt = htmx.closest(evt.detail.elt, "[include-vals],[data-include-vals]"); if (includeValsElt) { var includeVals = includeValsElt.getAttribute("include-vals") || includeValsElt.getAttribute("data-include-vals"); var valuesToInclude = eval("({" + includeVals + "})"); mergeObjects(evt.detail.parameters, valuesToInclude); } } } }); })();