2019-06-26 02:38:45 +02:00

617 lines
15 KiB

package parser
import (
const (
SIGNAL = "signal"
SLOT = "slot"
PROP = "prop"
IMPURE = "impure"
PURE = "pure"
PLAIN = "plain"
CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor"
COPY_CONSTRUCTOR = "copy-constructor"
MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR = "move-constructor"
DESTRUCTOR = "destructor"
CONNECT = "Connect"
DISCONNECT = "Disconnect"
CALLBACK = "callback"
GETTER = "getter"
SETTER = "setter"
VOID = "void"
TILDE = "~"
MOC = "moc"
func UseJs() bool { return State.Target == "js" || State.Target == "wasm" }
func UseWasm() bool { return State.Target == "wasm" }
func IsPackedList(v string) bool {
return (strings.HasPrefix(v, "QList<") ||
//TODO: QLinkedList
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QVector<") ||
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QStack<") ||
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QQueue<")) &&
//TODO: QSet
strings.Count(v, "<") == 1 //TODO:
func UnpackedList(v string) string {
return CleanValue(UnpackedListDirty(v))
func UnpackedListDirty(v string) string {
return strings.Split(strings.Split(v, "<")[1], ">")[0]
func IsPackedMap(v string) bool {
return (strings.HasPrefix(v, "QMap<") ||
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QMultiMap<") ||
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QHash<") ||
strings.HasPrefix(v, "QMultiHash<")) &&
strings.Count(v, "<") == 1 //TODO:
func UnpackedMap(v string) (string, string) {
var splitted = strings.Split(UnpackedList(v), ",")
return splitted[0], splitted[1]
func UnpackedMapDirty(v string) (string, string) {
var splitted = strings.Split(UnpackedListDirty(v), ",")
return splitted[0], splitted[1]
func UnpackedGoMapDirty(v string) []string {
if !strings.Contains(v, "]") { //TODO: multidimensional array and nested maps
return make([]string, 2)
var ms []string
if strings.Contains(v, "][") {
ms = strings.Split(v, "][")
ms[1] = "[" + ms[1]
} else if strings.Contains(v, "]map[") {
ms = strings.Split(v, "]map[")
ms[1] = "map[" + ms[1]
} else {
ms = strings.Split(v, "]")
return ms
func CleanValue(v string) string {
if IsPackedList(cleanValueUnsafe(v)) || IsPackedMap(cleanValueUnsafe(v)) {
var inside = strings.Split(strings.Split(v, "<")[1], ">")[0]
return strings.Replace(cleanValueUnsafe(v), strings.Split(strings.Split(cleanValueUnsafe(v), "<")[1], ">")[0], inside, -1)
v = cleanValueUnsafe(v)
if vC, ok := IsClass(v); ok {
v = vC
return v
func IsClass(value string) (string, bool) {
if strings.Contains(value, ".") {
return IsClass(strings.Split(value, ".")[1])
if strings.Contains(value, "::") {
return IsClass(strings.Split(value, "::")[1])
var _, ok = State.ClassMap[value]
return value, ok
func cleanValueUnsafe(v string) string {
for _, b := range []string{"*", "const", "&amp", "&", ";"} {
v = strings.Replace(v, b, "", -1)
return strings.TrimSpace(v)
func CleanName(name, value string) string {
switch name {
return name[:len(name)-2]
case "":
var v = strings.Replace(CleanValue(value), ".", "", -1)
if len(v) >= 3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("v%v", strings.ToLower(v[:2]))
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("v%v", strings.ToLower(v))
case "f", "fmt", "qt", "js":
return name + name
return name
//TODO: remove global
var LibDepsMutex = new(sync.Mutex)
var LibDeps = map[string][]string{
"Core": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Svg"}, //Widgets, Gui //Svg
"AndroidExtras": {"Core"},
"Gui": {"Widgets", "Core"}, //Widgets
"Network": {"Core"},
"Xml": {"XmlPatterns", "Core"}, //XmlPatterns
"DBus": {"Core"},
"Nfc": {"Core"},
"Script": {"Core"},
"Sensors": {"Core"},
"Positioning": {"Core"},
"Widgets": {"Gui", "Core"},
"Sql": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Widgets, Gui
"MacExtras": {"Gui", "Core"},
"Qml": {"Network", "Core"},
"WebSockets": {"Network", "Core"},
"XmlPatterns": {"Network", "Core"},
"Bluetooth": {"Core"},
"WebChannel": {"Network", "Qml", "Core"}, //Network (needed for static linking ios)
"Svg": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"},
"Multimedia": {"MultimediaWidgets", "Widgets", "Network", "Gui", "Core"}, //MultimediaWidgets, Widgets
"Quick": {"QuickWidgets", "Widgets", "Network", "Qml", "Gui", "Core"}, //QuickWidgets, Widgets, Network (needed for static linking ios)
"Help": {"Sql", "Network", "Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Sql + CLucene + Network (needed for static linking ios)
"Location": {"Positioning", "Quick", "Gui", "Core"},
"ScriptTools": {"Script", "Widgets", "Core"}, //Script, Widgets
"UiTools": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"},
"X11Extras": {"Gui", "Core"},
"WinExtras": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"},
"WebEngine": {"Widgets", "WebEngineWidgets", "WebChannel", "Network", "WebEngineCore", "Quick", "PrintSupport", "Gui", "Qml", "Positioning", "Core"}, //Widgets, WebEngineWidgets, WebChannel, Network
"TestLib": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Widgets, Gui
"SerialPort": {"Core"},
"SerialBus": {"Core"},
"PrintSupport": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"},
//"PlatformHeaders": []string{}, //TODO: uncomment
"Designer": {"UiPlugin", "Widgets", "Gui", "Xml", "Core"},
"Scxml": {"Network", "Qml", "Core"}, //Network (needed for static linking ios)
"Gamepad": {"Gui", "Core"},
"Purchasing": {"Core"},
"DataVisualization": {"Gui", "Core"},
"Charts": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"},
//"Quick2DRenderer": {}, //TODO: uncomment
"VirtualKeyboard": {"Quick", "Gui", "Qml", "Network", "Core"},
"Speech": {"Core"},
"QuickControls2": {"Quick", "QuickWidgets", "Widgets", "Network", "Qml", "Gui", "Core"}, //Quick, QuickWidgets, Widgets, Network, Qml, Gui (needed for static linking ios)
"Sailfish": {"Core"},
"WebView": {"Core"},
"NetworkAuth": {"Network", "Gui", "Core"},
"RemoteObjects": {"Network", "Core"},
"WebKit": {"WebKitWidgets", "Multimedia", "Positioning", "Widgets", "Sql", "Network", "Gui", "Sensors", "Core"},
MOC: make([]string, 0),
"build_static": {"Qml"}, //TODO: REVIEW "Core", "Gui"},
func ShouldBuildForTarget(module, target string) bool {
return shouldBuildForTarget(module, target, false)
func ShouldBuildForTargetM(module, target string) bool {
return shouldBuildForTarget(module, target, true)
func shouldBuildForTarget(module, target string, min bool) bool {
if State.Minimal == true || min {
for _, m := range cmd.GetQtStdImports() {
if strings.ToLower(module) == strings.ToLower(m) ||
(strings.ToLower(module) == "svg" && (target == "js" || target == "wasm" || strings.HasPrefix(target, "ios") || utils.QT_STATIC())) {
if State.Minimal {
return true
} else {
return shouldBuildForTarget(module, target, false)
return false
switch target {
case "windows":
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return true
switch module {
case "WebEngine", "Designer", "Speech", "WebView":
return false
if strings.HasSuffix(module, "Extras") && module != "WinExtras" {
return false
case "android", "android-emulator":
switch module {
case "DBus", "WebEngine", "Designer", "SerialPort", "SerialBus", "PrintSupport", "VirtualKeyboard": //TODO: PrintSupport
return false
if strings.HasSuffix(module, "Extras") && module != "AndroidExtras" {
return false
case "ios", "ios-simulator":
switch module {
case "DBus", "WebEngine", "SerialPort", "SerialBus", "Designer", "PrintSupport", "VirtualKeyboard": //TODO: PrintSupport
return false
if strings.HasSuffix(module, "Extras") {
return false
case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator", "asteroid":
if !IsWhiteListedSailfishLib(module) {
return false
case "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3":
switch module {
case "WebEngine", "Designer":
return false
if strings.HasSuffix(module, "Extras") {
return false
if utils.QT_RPI() && !IsWhiteListedRaspberryLib(module) {
return false
case "js", "wasm":
switch module {
case "DBus", "Designer", "Positioning", "Help", "Location", "UiTools", "WebEngine", "SerialPort", "SerialBus", "Sql":
return false
if strings.HasSuffix(module, "Extras") {
return false
if !IsWhiteListedJsLib(module) && module != "build_static" {
return false
case "linux", "freebsd", "darwin":
if utils.QT_STATIC() && module == "WebEngine" {
return false
return true
func IsWhiteListedSailfishLib(name string) bool {
switch name {
case "Sailfish", "Core", "Quick", "Qml", "Network", "Gui", "Concurrent", "Multimedia", "Sql", "Svg", "XmlPatterns", "Xml", "DBus", "WebKit", "Sensors", "Positioning":
return true
return false
//TODO: whitelist everything once dependency issue is resolved
func IsWhiteListedJsLib(name string) bool {
switch name {
case "Core", "Gui", "Widgets", "PrintSupport", "Qml", "Quick", "QuickControls2", "Xml", "XmlPatterns", "WebSockets", "Svg", "Charts", "Multimedia", "VirtualKeyboard":
return true
return false
func IsWhiteListedRaspberryLib(name string) bool {
switch name {
case "Core", "Gui", "Widgets", "PrintSupport", "Sql", "Qml", "Quick", "QuickControls2", "Svg", "SerialPort", "Multimedia", "VirtualKeyboard":
return true
return false
func GetLibs() []string {
libs := []string{
"Script", //depreached (planned) in 5.6
"ScriptTools", //depreached (planned) in 5.6
//"X11Extras", //TODO:
//"PlatformHeaders", //missing imports/guards
"DataVisualization", //GPLv3
"Charts", //GPLv3
//"Quick2DRenderer", //GPLv3
"VirtualKeyboard", //GPLv3
//"NetworkAuth", //TODO:
for i := len(libs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
switch {
case !(runtime.GOOS == "darwin" || runtime.GOOS == "linux" || runtime.GOOS == "freebsd") && (libs[i] == "WebEngine" || libs[i] == "WebView"),
runtime.GOOS != "windows" && libs[i] == "WinExtras",
runtime.GOOS != "darwin" && libs[i] == "MacExtras",
!(runtime.GOOS == "linux" || runtime.GOOS == "freebsd") && libs[i] == "X11Extras":
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
case utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() < 5080 && libs[i] == "Speech":
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
case (utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() < 5090 || utils.QT_MXE()) && (libs[i] == "NetworkAuth" || libs[i] == "RemoteObjects"):
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
case !utils.QT_WEBKIT() && libs[i] == "WebKit":
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
case (utils.QT_MSYS2() || utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG()) && libs[i] == "Purchasing":
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
case utils.QT_FELGO() && strings.HasPrefix(libs[i], "Script"):
libs = append(libs[:i], libs[i+1:]...)
return libs
var (
getCustomLibsCache = make(map[string]string)
getCustomLibsCacheMutex = new(sync.Mutex)
func GetCustomLibs(target string, env map[string]string, tags []string) map[string]string {
defer getCustomLibsCacheMutex.Unlock()
out := make(map[string]string)
var modules []string
var pkgs []string
for _, lm := range []map[string]*Class{State.ClassMap, State.GoClassMap} {
for _, c := range lm {
if c.Pkg == "" {
if path, ok := getCustomLibsCache[c.Pkg]; !ok {
if _, ok = out[c.Module]; !ok {
out[c.Module] = c.Pkg
modules = append(modules, c.Module)
pkgs = append(pkgs, c.Pkg)
} else {
out[c.Module] = path
if len(modules) > 0 {
cmd := utils.GoList(append([]string{"{{.ImportPath}}", "-find", fmt.Sprintf("-tags=\"%v\"", strings.Join(tags, "\" \""))}, pkgs...)...)
for k, v := range env {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", k, v))
for i, path := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(utils.RunCmd(cmd, "get import path")), "\n") {
path = strings.TrimSpace(path)
getCustomLibsCache[pkgs[i]] = path
out[modules[i]] = path
return out
func Dump() {
for _, c := range State.ClassMap {
var bb = new(bytes.Buffer)
defer bb.Reset()
fmt.Fprint(bb, "funcs\n\n")
for _, f := range c.Functions {
fmt.Fprintln(bb, f)
fmt.Fprint(bb, "\n\nenums\n\n")
for _, e := range c.Enums {
fmt.Fprintln(bb, e)
utils.MkdirAll(utils.GoQtPkgPath("internal", "binding", "dump", c.Module))
utils.SaveBytes(utils.GoQtPkgPath("internal", "binding", "dump", c.Module, fmt.Sprintf("%v.txt", c.Name)), bb.Bytes())
func SortedClassNamesForModule(module string, template bool) []string {
var output = make([]string, 0)
for _, class := range State.ClassMap {
for _, pm := range strings.Split(module, ",") {
if class.Module == pm {
output = append(output, class.Name)
if (module == MOC || strings.HasPrefix(module, "custom_")) && template {
items := make(map[string]string)
for _, cn := range output {
if class, ok := State.ClassMap[cn]; ok {
items[cn] = class.Bases
tmpOutput := make([]string, 0)
for item, dep := range items {
depClass, ok := State.ClassMap[dep]
if !ok {
delete(items, item)
//filter out everything that has no moc dep
if !(depClass.Module == MOC || strings.HasPrefix(depClass.Module, "custom_")) {
tmpOutput = append(tmpOutput, item)
delete(items, item)
for len(items) > 0 {
for item, dep := range items {
depClass, ok := State.ClassMap[dep]
if !ok {
delete(items, item)
//filter out everything that has the fewest dependencies
if hasFewestDeps(items, depClass.Name) {
tmpOutput = append(tmpOutput, item)
delete(items, item)
//filter out everything that has resolved dep
for _, key := range tmpOutput {
if key == dep {
tmpOutput = append(tmpOutput, item)
delete(items, item)
output = tmpOutput //TODO: make order deterministic
return output
func hasFewestDeps(i map[string]string, check string) bool {
dif := 100
var base string
for _, v := range i {
c, ok := State.ClassMap[v]
if !ok {
if ndif := len(c.GetAllBases()); ndif < dif {
dif = ndif
base = v
return base == check
func SortedClassesForModule(module string, template bool) []*Class {
var (
classNames = SortedClassNamesForModule(module, template)
output = make([]*Class, len(classNames))
for i, name := range classNames {
output[i] = State.ClassMap[name]
return output
func IsBlackListedPureGoType(s string) bool {
return strings.Contains(s, "error") && !strings.HasSuffix(s, "][]error")