Andrew E. Bruno 5ab97a29ee Fix errors with QT v5.2.0.
Sailfish still uses QT v5.2 and qtsetup/qtminimal were failing. This
commit fixes nil pointer errors by adding checks for unsupported
2017-01-25 20:20:35 -05:00

274 lines
8.1 KiB
Executable file

package parser
import (
type Function struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Fullname string `xml:"fullname,attr"`
Href string `xml:"href,attr"`
Status string `xml:"status,attr"`
Access string `xml:"access,attr"`
Filepath string `xml:"filepath,attr"`
Virtual string `xml:"virtual,attr"`
Meta string `xml:"meta,attr"`
Static bool `xml:"static,attr"`
Overload bool `xml:"overload,attr"`
OverloadNumber string `xml:"overload-number,attr"`
Output string `xml:"type,attr"`
Signature string `xml:"signature,attr"`
Parameters []*Parameter `xml:"parameter"`
Brief string `xml:"brief,attr"`
SignalMode string
TemplateModeJNI string
Default bool
TmpName string
Export bool
NeedsFinalizer bool
Container string
TemplateModeGo string
NonMember bool
NoMocDeduce bool
AsError bool
Synthetic bool
Checked bool
Exception bool
type Parameter struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Value string `xml:"left,attr"`
func (f *Function) Class() (*Class, bool) {
var class, exist = State.ClassMap[f.ClassName()]
return class, exist
func (f *Function) ClassName() string {
var s = strings.Split(f.Fullname, "::")
if len(s) == 3 {
return s[1]
return s[0]
//TODO: multipoly [][]string
//TODO: connect/disconnect slot functions + add necessary SIGNAL_* functions (check first if really needed)
//TODO: replace self poly deduction with overridden methods ?
func (f *Function) PossiblePolymorphic(self bool) ([]string, string) {
var out = make([]string, 0)
var params = func() []*Parameter {
if self {
return []*Parameter{{Name: "ptr", Value: f.ClassName()}}
return f.Parameters
var fc, _ = f.Class()
for _, p := range params {
var c, exist = State.ClassMap[CleanValue(p.Value)]
if !exist {
for _, class := range SortedClassesForModule(fc.Module, false) {
if class.IsPolymorphic() && class.IsSubClassOf(c.Name) {
out = append(out, class.Name)
//TODO: multipoly
if len(out) > 0 {
out = append(out, c.Name)
return out, CleanName(p.Name, p.Value)
return out, ""
func (f *Function) IsJNIGeneric() bool {
if f.ClassName() == "QAndroidJniObject" {
switch f.Name {
//"setField", -> uses interface{} if not generic
//"setStaticField", -> uses interface{} if not generic
return true
case "setStaticField":
if f.OverloadNumber == "2" || f.OverloadNumber == "4" {
return true
return false
func (f *Function) IsSupported() bool {
if utils.QT_VERSION() == "5.8.0" {
if f.Fullname == "QJSEngine::newQMetaObject" && f.OverloadNumber == "2" ||
f.Fullname == "QScxmlTableData::instructions" || f.Fullname == "QScxmlTableData::dataNames" ||
f.Fullname == "QScxmlTableData::stateMachineTable" ||
f.Fullname == "QTextToSpeech::voiceChanged" {
if !strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported") {
f.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedFunction"
return false
switch {
(f.ClassName() == "QAccessibleObject" || f.ClassName() == "QAccessibleInterface" || f.ClassName() == "QAccessibleWidget" || //QAccessible::State -> quint64
f.ClassName() == "QAccessibleStateChangeEvent") && (f.Name == "state" || f.Name == "changedStates" || f.Name == "m_changedStates" || f.Name == "setM_changedStates" || f.Meta == CONSTRUCTOR),
f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::find" && f.OverloadNumber == "4", //Qt::Key -> int
(f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::remove" || f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::insert") && f.OverloadNumber == "2",
f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::replace",
f.Fullname == "QNdefFilter::appendRecord" && !f.Overload, //QNdefRecord::TypeNameFormat -> uint
f.ClassName() == "QSimpleXmlNodeModel" && f.Meta == CONSTRUCTOR,
f.Fullname == "QSGMaterialShader::attributeNames",
f.ClassName() == "QVariant" && (f.Name == "value" || f.Name == "canConvert"), //needs template
f.Fullname == "QNdefRecord::isRecordType", f.Fullname == "QScriptEngine::scriptValueFromQMetaObject", //needs template
f.Fullname == "QScriptEngine::fromScriptValue", f.Fullname == "QJSEngine::fromScriptValue",
f.ClassName() == "QMetaType" && //needs template
(f.Name == "hasRegisteredComparators" || f.Name == "registerComparators" ||
f.Name == "hasRegisteredConverterFunction" || f.Name == "registerConverter" ||
f.Name == "registerEqualsComparator"),
State.ClassMap[f.ClassName()].Module == MOC && f.Name == "metaObject", //needed for qtmoc
f.Fullname == "QSignalBlocker::QSignalBlocker" && f.OverloadNumber == "3", //undefined symbol
(State.ClassMap[f.ClassName()].IsSubClassOf("QCoreApplication") ||
f.ClassName() == "QAudioInput" || f.ClassName() == "QAudioOutput") && f.Name == "notify", //redeclared (name collision with QObject)
f.Fullname == "QGraphicsItem::isBlockedByModalPanel", //** problem
f.Name == "surfaceHandle", //QQuickWindow && QQuickView //unsupported_cppType(QPlatformSurface)
f.Name == "QDesignerFormWindowInterface" || f.Name == "QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface" || f.Name == "QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface", //unimplemented virtual
f.Fullname == "QNdefNfcSmartPosterRecord::titleRecords", //T<T> output with unsupported output for *_atList
f.Fullname == "QHelpEngineCore::filterAttributeSets", f.Fullname == "QHelpSearchEngine::query", f.Fullname == "QHelpSearchQueryWidget::query",
f.Fullname == "QPluginLoader::staticPlugins", f.Fullname == "QSslConfiguration::ellipticCurves", f.Fullname == "QSslConfiguration::supportedEllipticCurves",
f.Fullname == "QTextFormat::lengthVectorProperty", f.Fullname == "QTextTableFormat::columnWidthConstraints", f.Fullname == "QHelpContentWidget::selectedIndexes",
f.Fullname == "QListView::indexesMoved", f.Fullname == "QAudioInputSelectorControl::availableInputs", f.Fullname == "QScxmlStateMachine::initialValuesChanged",
f.Fullname == "QAudioOutputSelectorControl::availableOutputs", f.Fullname == "QQuickWebEngineProfile::downloadFinished",
f.Fullname == "QQuickWindow::closing", f.Fullname == "QQuickWebEngineProfile::downloadRequested", f.Fullname == "QWebEnginePage::fullScreenRequested",
f.Fullname == "QApplication::autoMaximizeThreshold", f.Fullname == "QApplication::setAutoMaximizeThreshold",
strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported"):
if !strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported") {
f.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedFunction"
return false
if strings.ContainsAny(f.Signature, "<>") {
if IsPackedList(f.Output) {
for _, p := range f.Parameters {
if strings.ContainsAny(p.Value, "<>") {
if !strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported") {
f.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedFunction"
return false
} else {
if !strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported") {
f.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedFunction"
return false
if State.Minimal {
return f.Export || f.Meta == DESTRUCTOR || f.Fullname == "QObject::destroyed" || strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, TILDE)
return true
func (f *Function) IsDerivedFromVirtual() bool {
var class, ok = f.Class()
if !ok {
return false
if f.Virtual != "non" {
return true
for _, bc := range class.GetAllBases() {
if bclass, exists := State.ClassMap[bc]; exists {
for _, bcf := range bclass.Functions {
if f.Name == bcf.Name && bcf.Virtual != "non" {
return true
return false
func (f *Function) IsDerivedFromImpure() bool {
var class, _ = f.Class()
if f.Virtual != PURE {
return true
for _, bc := range class.GetAllBases() {
if bclass, exists := State.ClassMap[bc]; exists {
for _, bcf := range bclass.Functions {
if f.Name == bcf.Name {
return bcf.Virtual != PURE
return false