package templater import ( "runtime" "sort" "strings" "" ) func functionIsSupported(_ *parser.Class, f *parser.Function) bool { switch { case (f.Class() == "QAccessibleObject" || f.Class() == "QAccessibleInterface" || f.Class() == "QAccessibleWidget" || //QAccessible::State -> quint64 f.Class() == "QAccessibleStateChangeEvent") && (f.Name == "state" || f.Name == "changedStates" || f.Name == "m_changedStates" || f.Name == "setM_changedStates" || f.Meta == parser.CONSTRUCTOR), f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::find" && f.OverloadNumber == "4", //Qt::Key -> int (f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::remove" || f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::insert") && f.OverloadNumber == "2", f.Fullname == "QPixmapCache::replace", f.Fullname == "QNdefFilter::appendRecord" && !f.Overload, //QNdefRecord::TypeNameFormat -> uint f.Class() == "QSimpleXmlNodeModel" && f.Meta == parser.CONSTRUCTOR, f.Fullname == "QSGMaterialShader::attributeNames", f.Class() == "QVariant" && (f.Name == "value" || f.Name == "canConvert"), //needs template f.Fullname == "QNdefRecord::isRecordType", f.Fullname == "QScriptEngine::scriptValueFromQMetaObject", //needs template f.Fullname == "QScriptEngine::fromScriptValue", f.Fullname == "QJSEngine::fromScriptValue", f.Class() == "QMetaType" && //needs template (f.Name == "hasRegisteredComparators" || f.Name == "registerComparators" || f.Name == "hasRegisteredConverterFunction" || f.Name == "registerConverter" || f.Name == "registerEqualsComparator"), parser.ClassMap[f.Class()].Module == parser.MOC && f.Name == "metaObject", //needed for qtmoc f.Fullname == "QSignalBlocker::QSignalBlocker" && f.OverloadNumber == "3", //undefined symbol (f.Class() == "QCoreApplication" || f.Class() == "QGuiApplication" || f.Class() == "QApplication" || f.Class() == "QAudioInput" || f.Class() == "QAudioOutput") && f.Name == "notify", //redeclared (name collision with QObject) f.Fullname == "QGraphicsItem::isBlockedByModalPanel", //** problem f.Name == "surfaceHandle", //QQuickWindow && QQuickView //unsupported_cppType(QPlatformSurface) f.Name == "readData", f.Name == "QNetworkReply", //TODO: char* f.Name == "QDesignerFormWindowInterface" || f.Name == "QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface" || f.Name == "QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface", //unimplemented virtual strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported"), strings.ContainsAny(f.Signature, "<>"): { if !strings.Contains(f.Access, "unsupported") { f.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedFunction" } return false } } if f.Default { return functionIsSupportedDefault(f) } if Minimal { return f.Export || f.Meta == parser.DESTRUCTOR || f.Fullname == "QObject::destroyed" || strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, parser.TILDE) } return true } func functionIsSupportedDefault(f *parser.Function) bool { switch f.Fullname { case "QAnimationGroup::updateCurrentTime", "QAnimationGroup::duration", "QAbstractProxyModel::columnCount", "QAbstractTableModel::columnCount", "QAbstractListModel::data", "QAbstractTableModel::data", "QAbstractProxyModel::index", "QAbstractProxyModel::parent", "QAbstractListModel::rowCount", "QAbstractProxyModel::rowCount", "QAbstractTableModel::rowCount", "QPagedPaintDevice::paintEngine", "QAccessibleObject::childCount", "QAccessibleObject::indexOfChild", "QAccessibleObject::role", "QAccessibleObject::text", "QAccessibleObject::child", "QAccessibleObject::parent", "QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::paint", "QGraphicsObject::paint", "QLayout::sizeHint", "QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem::boundingRect", "QGraphicsObject::boundingRect", "QGraphicsLayout::sizeHint", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::typedValue", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::documentUri", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::compareOrder", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::nextFromSimpleAxis", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::kind", "QSimpleXmlNodeModel::root", "QAbstractPlanarVideoBuffer::unmap", "QAbstractPlanarVideoBuffer::mapMode", "QSGDynamicTexture::bind", "QSGDynamicTexture::hasMipmaps", "QSGDynamicTexture::textureSize", "QSGDynamicTexture::hasAlphaChannel", "QSGDynamicTexture::textureId", "QModbusClient::open", "QModbusClient::close", "QModbusServer::open", "QModbusServer::close": { return false } } if Minimal { return f.Export } return true } func classIsSupported(c *parser.Class) bool { switch c.Name { case "QString", "QStringList", "QByteArray", //mapped to primitive "QExplicitlySharedDataPointer", "QFuture", "QDBusPendingReply", "QDBusReply", "QFutureSynchronizer", //needs template "QGlobalStatic", "QMultiHash", "QQueue", "QMultiMap", "QScopedPointer", "QSharedDataPointer", "QScopedArrayPointer", "QSharedPointer", "QThreadStorage", "QScopedValueRollback", "QVarLengthArray", "QWeakPointer", "QWinEventNotifier", "QFlags", "QException", "QStandardItemEditorCreator", "QSGSimpleMaterialShader", "QGeoCodeReply", "QFutureWatcher", //other "QItemEditorCreator", "QGeoCodingManager", "QGeoCodingManagerEngine", "QQmlListProperty", "QPlatformGraphicsBuffer", "QPlatformSystemTrayIcon", "QRasterPaintEngine", "QSupportedWritingSystems", "QGeoLocation", //file not found or QPA API "QAbstractOpenGLFunctions", "QProcess", "QProcessEnvironment": //TODO: iOS { c.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedClass" return false } } switch { case strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "QOpenGL"), strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "QPlace"), //file not found or QPA API strings.HasPrefix(c.Name, "QAtomic"), //other strings.HasSuffix(c.Name, "terator"), strings.Contains(c.Brief, "emplate"): //needs template { c.Access = "unsupported_isBlockedClass" return false } } if Minimal { return c.Export } return true } func hasUnimplementedPureVirtualFunctions(className string) bool { for _, f := range parser.ClassMap[className].Functions { var f = *f cppFunction(&f) if f.Virtual == parser.PURE && !functionIsSupported(parser.ClassMap[className], &f) { return true } } return false } func ShouldBuild(module string) bool { return true //Build[module] } var Build = map[string]bool{ "Core": false, "AndroidExtras": false, "Gui": false, "Network": false, "Xml": false, "DBus": false, "Nfc": false, "Script": false, "Sensors": false, "Positioning": false, "Widgets": false, "Sql": false, "MacExtras": false, "Qml": false, "WebSockets": false, "XmlPatterns": false, "Bluetooth": false, "WebChannel": false, "Svg": false, "Multimedia": false, "Quick": false, "Help": false, "Location": false, "ScriptTools": false, "UiTools": false, "X11Extras": false, "WinExtras": false, "WebEngine": false, "TestLib": false, "SerialPort": false, "SerialBus": false, "PrintSupport": false, //"PlatformHeaders": false, "Designer": false, "Scxml": false, "Gamepad": false, "Purchasing": false, //"DataVisualization": false, //"Charts": false, //"Quick2DRenderer": false, "Sailfish": false, } var Libs = []string{ "Core", "AndroidExtras", "Gui", "Network", "Xml", "DBus", "Nfc", "Script", //depreached (planned) in 5.6 "Sensors", "Positioning", "Widgets", "Sql", "MacExtras", "Qml", "WebSockets", "XmlPatterns", "Bluetooth", "WebChannel", "Svg", "Multimedia", "Quick", "Help", "Location", "ScriptTools", //depreached (planned) in 5.6 "UiTools", "X11Extras", "WinExtras", "WebEngine", "TestLib", "SerialPort", "SerialBus", "PrintSupport", //"PlatformHeaders", //missing imports/guards "Designer", "Scxml", "Gamepad", "Purchasing", //GPLv3 & LGPLv3 //"DataVisualization", //GPLv3 //"Charts", //GPLv3 //"Quick2DRenderer", //GPLv3 "Sailfish", } func GetLibs() []string { for i := len(Libs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { switch { case !(runtime.GOOS == "darwin" || runtime.GOOS == "linux") && Libs[i] == "WebEngine", runtime.GOOS != "windows" && Libs[i] == "WinExtras", runtime.GOOS != "darwin" && Libs[i] == "MacExtras", runtime.GOOS != "linux" && Libs[i] == "X11Extras": { Libs = append(Libs[:i], Libs[i+1:]...) } } } return Libs } var LibDeps = map[string][]string{ "Core": {"Widgets", "Gui"}, //Widgets, Gui "AndroidExtras": {"Core"}, "Gui": {"Widgets", "Core"}, //Widgets "Network": {"Core"}, "Xml": {"XmlPatterns", "Core"}, //XmlPatterns "DBus": {"Core"}, "Nfc": {"Core"}, "Script": {"Core"}, "Sensors": {"Core"}, "Positioning": {"Core"}, "Widgets": {"Gui", "Core"}, "Sql": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Widgets, Gui "MacExtras": {"Gui", "Core"}, "Qml": {"Network", "Core"}, "WebSockets": {"Network", "Core"}, "XmlPatterns": {"Network", "Core"}, "Bluetooth": {"Core"}, "WebChannel": {"Network", "Qml", "Core"}, //Network (needed for static linking ios) "Svg": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, "Multimedia": {"MultimediaWidgets", "Widgets", "Network", "Gui", "Core"}, //MultimediaWidgets, Widgets "Quick": {"QuickWidgets", "Widgets", "Network", "Qml", "Gui", "Core"}, //QuickWidgets, Widgets, Network (needed for static linking ios) "Help": {"Sql", "CLucene", "Network", "Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Sql + CLucene + Network (needed for static linking ios) "Location": {"Positioning", "Quick", "Gui", "Core"}, "ScriptTools": {"Script", "Widgets", "Core"}, //Script, Widgets "UiTools": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, "X11Extras": {"Gui", "Core"}, "WinExtras": {"Gui", "Core"}, "WebEngine": {"Widgets", "WebEngineWidgets", "WebChannel", "Network", "WebEngineCore", "Quick", "Gui", "Qml", "Core"}, //Widgets, WebEngineWidgets, WebChannel, Network "TestLib": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //Widgets, Gui "SerialPort": {"Core"}, "SerialBus": {"Core"}, "PrintSupport": {"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //"PlatformHeaders": []string{}, //TODO: "Designer": {"UiPlugin", "Widgets", "Gui", "Xml", "Core"}, "Scxml": {"Network", "Qml", "Core"}, //Network (needed for static linking ios) "Gamepad": {"Gui", "Core"}, "Purchasing": {"Core"}, //"DataVisualization": []string{"Gui", "Core"}, //"Charts": []string{"Widgets", "Gui", "Core"}, //"Quick2DRenderer": []string{}, //TODO: "Sailfish": {"Core"}, parser.MOC: make([]string, 0), "build_ios": {"Core", "Gui", "Network", "Sql", "Xml", "DBus", "Nfc", "Script", "Sensors", "Positioning", "Widgets", "Qml", "WebSockets", "XmlPatterns", "Bluetooth", "WebChannel", "Svg", "Multimedia", "Quick", "Help", "Location", "ScriptTools", "MultimediaWidgets", "UiTools", "PrintSupport"}, } func isGeneric(f *parser.Function) bool { if f.Class() == "QAndroidJniObject" { switch f.Name { case "callMethod", "callStaticMethod", "getField", //"setField", -> uses interface{} if not generic "getStaticField", //"setStaticField", -> uses interface{} if not generic "getObjectField", "getStaticObjectField", "callObjectMethod", "callStaticObjectMethod": { return true } case "setStaticField": { if f.OverloadNumber == "2" || f.OverloadNumber == "4" { return true } } } } return false } func classNeedsCallbackFunctions(class *parser.Class) bool { for _, function := range class.Functions { if function.Virtual == parser.IMPURE || function.Virtual == parser.PURE || function.Meta == parser.SIGNAL || function.Meta == parser.SLOT { return true } } return false } func shortModule(module string) string { return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(module, "Qt")) } func getSortedClassNamesForModule(module string) []string { var output = make([]string, 0) for _, class := range parser.ClassMap { if class.Module == module { output = append(output, class.Name) } } sort.Stable(sort.StringSlice(output)) return output } func getSortedClassesForModule(module string) []*parser.Class { var ( classNames = getSortedClassNamesForModule(module) output = make([]*parser.Class, len(classNames)) ) for i, name := range classNames { output[i] = parser.ClassMap[name] } return output } func manualWeakLink(module string) { for _, class := range getSortedClassesForModule(module) { class.WeakLink = make(map[string]bool) switch class.Module { case "QtCore": { class.WeakLink["QtWidgets"] = true } case "QtGui": { class.WeakLink["QtWidgets"] = true class.WeakLink["QtMultimedia"] = true } } } } func classNeedsDestructor(c *parser.Class) bool { for _, f := range c.Functions { if f.Meta == parser.DESTRUCTOR { return false } } return true }