package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" ) func main() { var non_recursive bool if os.Args[len(os.Args)-1] == "non_recursive" { non_recursive = true os.Args = os.Args[:len(os.Args)-1] } flag.Usage = func() { println("Usage: qtdeploy [-docker] [mode] [target] [path/to/project]\n") println("Flags:\n") flag.PrintDefaults() println() println("Modes:\n") for _, m := range []struct{ name, desc string }{ {"build", "compile and bundle"}, {"run", "run the binary"}, {"test", "build and run"}, {"help", "print help"}, } { fmt.Printf(" %v%v%v\n",, strings.Repeat(" ", 12-len(, m.desc) } println() println("Targets:\n") //TODO: println() os.Exit(0) } var docker bool flag.BoolVar(&docker, "docker", false, "run command inside docker container") var vagrant bool flag.BoolVar(&vagrant, "vagrant", false, "run command inside vagrant vm") var ldFlags string flag.StringVar(&ldFlags, "ldflags", "", "arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation") var fast bool flag.BoolVar(&fast, "fast", false, "use cached moc, minimal and dependencies (works for: windows, darwin, linux)") var tags string flag.StringVar(&tags, "tags", "", "a list of build tags to consider satisfied during the build") var device string flag.StringVar(&device, "device", "", "a device UUID to be used by the iOS simulator") var comply bool flag.BoolVar(&comply, "comply", false, "dump object code to make it easier to comply with LGPL obligations for proprietary developments") var quickcompiler bool flag.BoolVar(&quickcompiler, "quickcompiler", false, "use the quickcompiler") var uic bool flag.BoolVar(&uic, "uic", true, "use the uic") if cmd.ParseFlags() { flag.Usage() } mode := "test" target := runtime.GOOS path, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { utils.Log.WithError(err).Debug("failed to get cwd") } switch flag.NArg() { case 0: case 1: mode = flag.Arg(0) case 2: mode = flag.Arg(0) target = flag.Arg(1) case 3: mode = flag.Arg(0) target = flag.Arg(1) path = flag.Arg(2) default: flag.Usage() } if mode == "help" { flag.Usage() } var vagrant_system string if target_splitted := strings.Split(target, "/"); vagrant && len(target_splitted) == 2 { vagrant_system = target_splitted[0] target = target_splitted[1] } if target == "desktop" { target = runtime.GOOS } utils.CheckBuildTarget(target, docker) cmd.InitEnv(target, docker) if !filepath.IsAbs(path) { oPath := path path, err = filepath.Abs(path) if err != nil || !utils.ExistsDir(path) { utils.Log.WithError(err).WithField("path", path).Debug("can't resolve absolute path") dirFunc := func() (string, error) { out, err := utils.RunCmdOptionalError(utils.GoList("{{.Dir}}", oPath, "-find"), "get pkg dir") return strings.TrimSpace(out), err } if dir, err := dirFunc(); err != nil || len(dir) == 0 { utils.RunCmd(exec.Command("go", "get", "-d", "-v", oPath), "go get pkg") path, _ = dirFunc() } else { path = dir } } } if utils.QT_DOCKER() && utils.UseGOMOD(path) && !non_recursive { cmd.RestartWithPinnedVersion(path) return } if !(target == runtime.GOOS || strings.HasPrefix(target, "js") || strings.HasPrefix(target, "wasm")) { fast = false } if (docker || vagrant) && !(strings.HasPrefix(target, "js") || strings.HasPrefix(target, "wasm")) { fast = false } deploy.Deploy(mode, target, path, docker, ldFlags, tags, fast, device, vagrant, vagrant_system, comply, uic, quickcompiler) }