Introduction ------------ [Qt]( is a cross-platform application framework that is used for developing application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase. [Go]( (often referred to as golang) is a programming language created at Google. This package allows you to write Qt applications entirely in Go and makes deploying them later very easy. [Gallery]( of example applications making use of this package. [WebAssembly Live Demo]( | *[repo](* Status ------ Almost all Qt functions and classes are accessible from Go and you should be able to find everything you need to build fully featured applications. Installation ------------ ##### Windows [(more info)]( ```powershell set GO111MODULE=off go get -v && for /f %v in ('go env GOPATH') do %v\bin\qtsetup test && %v\bin\qtsetup -test=false ``` ##### macOS [(more info)]( ```bash export GO111MODULE=off; xcode-select --install; go get -v && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=false ``` ##### Linux [(more info)]( ```bash export GO111MODULE=off; go get -v && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup test && $(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtsetup -test=false ``` Resources --------- - [General Installation]( - [Getting Started]( - [Wiki]( - [Qt Documentation]( - [FAQ]( - [#qt-binding]( Slack channel ([invite](\) Deployment Targets ------------------ | Target | Arch | Linkage | Docker Deployment | Host OS | |:------------------------:|:----------------:|:-------------------------:|:-----------------:|:-------:| | Windows | 32 / 64 | dynamic / static | Yes | Any | | macOS | 64 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | Linux | arm / arm64 / 64 | dynamic / static / system | Yes | Any | | Android (+Wear) | arm / arm64 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | Android-Emulator (+Wear) | 32 | dynamic | Yes | Any | | SailfishOS | arm | system | Yes | Any | | SailfishOS-Emulator | 32 | system | Yes | Any | | Raspberry Pi (1/2/3) | arm | dynamic / system | Yes | Any | | Ubuntu Touch | arm / 64 | system | Yes | Any | | JavaScript | 32 | static | Yes | Any | | WebAssembly | 32 | static | Yes | Any | | iOS | arm64 | static | No | macOS | | iOS-Simulator | 64 | static | No | macOS | | AsteroidOS | arm | system | No | Linux | | FreeBSD | 32 / 64 | system | No | FreeBSD | License ------- This package is released under [LGPLv3]( Qt is available under multiple [licenses](