package templater import ( "bytes" "fmt" "go/format" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "" "" "" ) const ( NONE = iota MOC MINIMAL RCC ) func CgoTemplate(module, path, target string, mode int, ipkg, tags string) (o string) { return cgoTemplate(module, path, target, mode, ipkg, tags, parser.LibDeps[module]) } func CgoTemplateSafe(module, path, target string, mode int, ipkg, tags string, libs []string) (o string) { return cgoTemplate(module, path, target, mode, ipkg, tags, libs) } func cgoTemplate(module, path, target string, mode int, ipkg, tags string, libs []string) (o string) { utils.Log.WithField("module", module).WithField("path", path).WithField("target", target).WithField("mode", mode).WithField("pkg", ipkg).Debug("running cgoTemplate") switch module { case "AndroidExtras": if !(target == "android" || target == "android-emulator") { return } case "Sailfish": if !strings.HasPrefix(target, "sailfish") { return } } if path == "" { path = utils.GoQtPkgPath(strings.ToLower(module)) } //TODO: differentiate between docker and virtual-box build for sailfish targets if !(target == "sailfish" || target == "sailfish-emulator" || target == "js" || target == "wasm") { if !(parser.ShouldBuildForTarget(module, target) || mode == MOC || mode == RCC) || isAlreadyCached(module, path, target, mode, libs) { utils.Log.Debugf("skipping cgo generation") return } } switch target { case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator": cgoSailfish(module, path, mode, ipkg, libs) //TODO: case "asteroid": cgoAsteroid(module, path, mode, ipkg) //TODO: default: createProject(module, path, target, mode, libs) createMakefile(module, path, target, mode) o = createCgo(module, path, target, mode, ipkg, tags) } utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, "Mfile")) utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, "Mfile.Release")) return } //TODO: use qmake props ? func isAlreadyCached(module, path, target string, mode int, libs []string) bool { if utils.QT_NOT_CACHED() { return false } for _, file := range cgoFileNames(module, path, target, mode) { file = filepath.Join(path, file) if utils.ExistsFile(file) { file = utils.Load(file) for _, dep := range libs { if !strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(file), "_"+strings.ToLower(dep)+"_") { utils.Log.Debugln("cgo does not contain:", strings.ToLower(dep)) return false } } allLibs := parser.GetLibs() parser.LibDepsMutex.Lock() for i := len(allLibs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { for _, dep := range append(libs, module) { var broke bool for _, lib := range append(parser.LibDeps[dep], dep) { if allLibs[i] == lib { allLibs = append(allLibs[:i], allLibs[i+1:]...) broke = true break } } if broke { break } } } parser.LibDepsMutex.Unlock() for _, dep := range allLibs { if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(file), "_"+strings.ToLower(dep)+"_") { utils.Log.Debugln("cgo does contain extra:", strings.ToLower(dep)) return false } } if utils.QT_DEBUG_QML() { if strings.Contains(file, "-DQT_NO_DEBUG") { utils.Log.Debugln("non debug cgo file, re-creating ...") return false } } else { if strings.Contains(file, "-DQT_QML_DEBUG") || strings.Contains(file, "-DQT_DECLARATIVE_DEBUG") { utils.Log.Debugln("non release cgo file, re-creating ...") return false } } if !strings.Contains(file, utils.QT_VERSION()) && strings.Contains(file, "5.") { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong cgo file qt version, re-creating ...") return false } switch target { case "windows": if utils.QT_DEBUG_CONSOLE() { if strings.Contains(file, "subsystem,windows") { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong subsystem: have windows and want console, re-creating ...") return false } } else { if strings.Contains(file, "subsystem,console") { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong subsystem: have console and want windows, re-creating ...") return false } } case "darwin": if !strings.Contains(file, utils.MACOS_SDK_DIR()) { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong MACOS_SDK_DIR, re-creating ...") return false } case "ios": if !strings.Contains(file, utils.IPHONEOS_SDK_DIR()) { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong IPHONEOS_SDK_DIR, re-creating ...") return false } case "ios-simulator": if !strings.Contains(file, utils.IPHONESIMULATOR_SDK_DIR()) { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong IPHONESIMULATOR_SDK_DIR, re-creating ...") return false } } containsPath := func(file, path string) bool { r := strings.Contains(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(file, "\\", "", -1), "/", "", -1), strings.Replace(strings.Replace(strings.TrimPrefix(path, filepath.VolumeName(path)), "\\", "", -1), "/", "", -1)) if !r { utils.Log.Debugln("wrong qt path, re-creating ...") } return r } switch target { case "darwin", "linux", "windows", "ubports": //TODO: msys pkg-config mxe brew switch { case utils.QT_HOMEBREW(), utils.QT_MACPORTS(), utils.QT_NIX(), utils.QT_FELGO(), utils.QT_MSYS2(): return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) default: return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) || strings.Contains(file, utils.QT_MXE_TRIPLET()) } case "android", "android-emulator": return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) && strings.Contains(file, utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR()) case "ios", "ios-simulator": return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator", "asteroid": case "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3": return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) case "js", "wasm": return containsPath(file, utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target)) } } } return false } func createProject(module, path, target string, mode int, libs []string) { var out []string switch { case mode == RCC: out = []string{"Core"} case mode == MOC, module == "build_static": out = libs case mode == MINIMAL, mode == NONE: out = append([]string{module}, libs...) } for i, v := range out { if v == "Speech" { out[i] = "TextToSpeech" } out[i] = strings.ToLower(out[i]) } proPath := filepath.Join(path, "..", fmt.Sprintf("", filepath.Base(path))) if module == "build_static" { proPath = filepath.Join(path, "..", "..", fmt.Sprintf("", filepath.Base(path))) } if utils.QT_UBPORTS() { proPath = strings.Replace(proPath, "/../", "/", -1) proPath = strings.Replace(proPath, "/", "_", -1) proPath = filepath.Join("/home", "user", proPath) } utils.Save(proPath, fmt.Sprintf("QT += %v", strings.Join(out, " "))) } func createMakefile(module, path, target string, mode int) { for _, suf := range []string{"_plugin_import", "_qml_plugin_import"} { pPath := filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.cpp", filepath.Base(path), suf)) if utils.ExistsFile(pPath) { utils.RemoveAll(pPath) } } proPath := filepath.Join(path, "..", fmt.Sprintf("", filepath.Base(path))) if module == "build_static" { proPath = filepath.Join(path, "..", "..", fmt.Sprintf("", filepath.Base(path))) } mPath := "Mfile" if utils.QT_UBPORTS() { proPath = strings.Replace(proPath, "/../", "/", -1) proPath = strings.Replace(proPath, "/", "_", -1) proPath = filepath.Join("/home", "user", proPath) mPath = proPath + mPath } relProPath, err := filepath.Rel(path, proPath) if err != nil || utils.QT_UBPORTS() { relProPath = proPath } env, _, _, _ := cmd.BuildEnv(target, "", "") cmd := exec.Command(utils.ToolPath("qmake", target), "-o", mPath, relProPath) cmd.Dir = path switch target { case "darwin": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "macx-clang", "CONFIG+=x86_64"}...) case "windows": subsystem := "windows" if utils.QT_DEBUG_CONSOLE() { subsystem = "console" } cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "win32-g++", "CONFIG+=" + subsystem}...) case "linux": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "linux-g++"}...) case "ios": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "macx-ios-clang", "CONFIG+=iphoneos", "CONFIG+=device"}...) case "ios-simulator": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "macx-ios-clang", "CONFIG+=iphonesimulator", "CONFIG+=simulator"}...) case "android", "android-emulator": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "android-clang"}...) cmd.Env = []string{fmt.Sprintf("ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=%v", utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR())} case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "linux-g++"}...) cmd.Env = []string{ "MER_SSH_PORT=2222", fmt.Sprintf("MER_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=%v", filepath.Join(utils.SAILFISH_DIR(), "vmshare", "ssh", "private_keys", "engine", "mersdk")), fmt.Sprintf("MER_SSH_PROJECT_PATH=%v", cmd.Dir), fmt.Sprintf("MER_SSH_SDK_TOOLS=%v/.config/SailfishOS-SDK/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-armv7hl", os.Getenv("HOME")), fmt.Sprintf("MER_SSH_SHARED_HOME=%v", os.Getenv("HOME")), fmt.Sprintf("MER_SSH_SHARED_SRC=%v", utils.MustGoPath()), "MER_SSH_SHARED_TARGET=/opt/SailfishOS/mersdk/targets", "MER_SSH_TARGET_NAME=SailfishOS-armv7hl", "MER_SSH_USERNAME=mersdk", } case "asteroid": case "rpi1": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "devices/linux-rasp-pi-g++"}...) case "rpi2": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "devices/linux-rasp-pi2-g++"}...) case "rpi3": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "devices/linux-rpi3-g++"}...) case "ubports": if utils.QT_UBPORTS_ARCH() == "arm" { if utils.QT_UBPORTS_VERSION() == "vivid" { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "ubuntu-arm-gnueabihf-g++"}...) } else { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "linux-g++"}...) } } else { if utils.QT_UBPORTS_VERSION() == "vivid" { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "linux-g++-64"}...) } else { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "linux-g++"}...) } } case "js", "wasm": cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"-spec", "wasm-emscripten"}...) for key, value := range env { cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%v=%v", key, value)) } } if utils.QT_DEBUG_QML() { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, []string{"CONFIG+=debug", "CONFIG+=declarative_debug", "CONFIG+=qml_debug"}...) } else { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, "CONFIG+=release") } if (target == "android" || target == "android-emulator") && runtime.GOOS == "windows" { //TODO: use os.Setenv instead? --> utils.SaveExec(filepath.Join(cmd.Dir, "qmake.bat"), fmt.Sprintf("set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=%v\r\nset ANDROID_NDK_HOST=windows-x86_64\r\n%v", utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "))) cmd = exec.Command(".\\qmake.bat") cmd.Dir = path utils.RunCmdOptional(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("run qmake for %v on %v", target, runtime.GOOS)) utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(cmd.Dir, "qmake.bat")) //<-- } else { utils.RunCmdOptional(cmd, fmt.Sprintf("run qmake for %v on %v", target, runtime.GOOS)) } if utils.QT_UBPORTS() { utils.Save(filepath.Join(path, "Mfile"), utils.Load(mPath)) utils.RemoveAll(mPath) } utils.RemoveAll(proPath) utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, ".qmake.stash")) switch target { case "darwin": case "windows": for _, suf := range []string{"_plugin_import", "_qml_plugin_import"} { pPath := filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.cpp", filepath.Base(path), suf)) if (utils.QT_MXE_STATIC() || utils.QT_MSYS2_STATIC()) && utils.ExistsFile(pPath) { if content := utils.Load(pPath); !strings.Contains(content, "+build windows") { utils.Save(pPath, "// +build windows\r\n"+content) } } if mode == MOC || mode == RCC || !(utils.QT_MXE_STATIC() || utils.QT_MSYS2_STATIC()) || (module != "Qml" && strings.Contains(pPath, "_qml_")) { utils.RemoveAll(pPath) } } for _, n := range []string{"Mfile", "Mfile.Debug", "release", "debug"} { utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, n)) } case "linux": for _, suf := range []string{"_plugin_import", "_qml_plugin_import"} { pPath := filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.cpp", filepath.Base(path), suf)) if (utils.QT_STATIC()) && utils.ExistsFile(pPath) { if content := utils.Load(pPath); !strings.Contains(content, "+build linux") { utils.Save(pPath, "// +build linux\r\n"+content) } } if mode == MOC || mode == RCC || !utils.QT_STATIC() || (module != "Qml" && strings.Contains(pPath, "_qml_")) { utils.RemoveAll(pPath) } } case "ios", "ios-simulator": for _, suf := range []string{"_plugin_import", "_qml_plugin_import"} { pPath := filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.cpp", filepath.Base(path), suf)) /* TODO when shared builds are available: if utils.QT_VERSION_MAJOR() == "5.9" && utils.ExistsFile(pPath) { if content := utils.Load(pPath); !strings.Contains(content, "+build ios,!darwin") { utils.Save(pPath, "// +build ios,!darwin\n"+utils.Load(pPath)) } } */ if module != "build_static" || mode == MOC || mode == RCC /*TODO when shared builds are available: utils.QT_VERSION_MAJOR() != "5.9"*/ { utils.RemoveAll(pPath) } } for _, n := range []string{"Info.plist", "qt.conf"} { utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, n)) } utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v.xcodeproj", filepath.Base(path)))) case "android", "android-emulator": utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("", filepath.Base(path)))) case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator": case "asteroid": case "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3": case "ubports": case "js", "wasm": for _, suf := range []string{".js_plugin_import", ".js_qml_plugin_import"} { pPath := filepath.Join(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v.cpp", filepath.Base(path), suf)) if module != "build_static" || mode == MOC || mode == RCC { utils.RemoveAll(pPath) } } } } func createCgo(module, path, target string, mode int, ipkg, tags string) string { bb := new(bytes.Buffer) defer bb.Reset() if mode == MOC && tags != "" { bb.WriteString("// +build " + tags + "\n") } guards := "// +build " switch target { case "darwin": guards += "!ios" case "android", "android-emulator": guards += strings.Replace(target, "-", "_", -1) case "ios", "ios-simulator": guards += "ios" case "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator": guards += strings.Replace(target, "-", "_", -1) case "asteroid": guards += target case "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3": guards += target case "js", "wasm": guards += "ignore" } //TODO: move "minimal" build tag in separate line --> switch mode { case NONE: if len(guards) > 10 { guards += "," } guards += "!minimal" case MINIMAL: if len(guards) > 10 { guards += "," } guards += "minimal" } if len(guards) > 10 { bb.WriteString(guards + "\n\n") } //<-- pkg := strings.ToLower(module) if mode == MOC || pkg == "build_static" { pkg = ipkg } fmt.Fprintf(bb, "package %v\n\n/*\n", pkg) // file := "Mfile" if target == "windows" { file += ".Release" } var content string if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(path, file)) { content = utils.Load(filepath.Join(path, file)) for _, l := range strings.Split(content, "\n") { switch { case strings.HasPrefix(l, "CFLAGS"): fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo CFLAGS: %v\n", strings.Split(l, " = ")[1]) case strings.HasPrefix(l, "CXXFLAGS"), strings.HasPrefix(l, "INCPATH"): fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo CXXFLAGS: %v\n", strings.Split(l, " = ")[1]) case strings.HasPrefix(l, "LFLAGS"), strings.HasPrefix(l, "LIBS"): if target == "windows" && !(utils.QT_MXE_STATIC() || utils.QT_MSYS2_STATIC()) { pFix := strings.Replace(filepath.Join(utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(target), "lib", "lib"), "\\", "/", -1) if strings.Contains(l, pFix) { var cleaned []string for _, s := range strings.Split(l, " ") { if strings.HasPrefix(s, pFix) && (strings.HasSuffix(s, ".a") || strings.HasSuffix(s, ".dll")) { s = strings.Replace(s, pFix, "-l", -1) s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".a") s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, ".dll") } cleaned = append(cleaned, s) } l = strings.Join(cleaned, " ") } } fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo LDFLAGS: %v\n", strings.Split(l, " = ")[1]) } } } switch target { case "android", "android-emulator": fmt.Fprint(bb, "#cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined\n") case "windows": fmt.Fprint(bb, "#cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition\n") case "ios": fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo CXXFLAGS: -isysroot %v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -miphoneos-version-min=11.0\n", utils.XCODE_DIR(), utils.IPHONEOS_SDK_DIR()) fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,-syslibroot,%v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -miphoneos-version-min=11.0\n", utils.XCODE_DIR(), utils.IPHONEOS_SDK_DIR()) case "ios-simulator": fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo CXXFLAGS: -isysroot %v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -mios-simulator-version-min=11.0\n", utils.XCODE_DIR(), utils.IPHONESIMULATOR_SDK_DIR()) fmt.Fprintf(bb, "#cgo LDFLAGS: -Wl,-syslibroot,%v/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/%v -mios-simulator-version-min=11.0\n", utils.XCODE_DIR(), utils.IPHONESIMULATOR_SDK_DIR()) case "js", "wasm": fmt.Fprint(bb, "#cgo CFLAGS: -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['getValue','setValue']\n") } fmt.Fprint(bb, "#cgo CFLAGS: -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-return-type\n") fmt.Fprint(bb, "#cgo CXXFLAGS: -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-return-type\n") fmt.Fprint(bb, "*/\nimport \"C\"\n") out, err := format.Source(bb.Bytes()) if err != nil { utils.Log.WithError(err).Panicln("failed to format:", module) } tmp := string(out) switch target { case "darwin": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS)", "-arch x86_64", -1) case "ios": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS)", "-arch arm64", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_CFLAGS)", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_LFLAGS)", "", -1) case "ios-simulator": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS)", "-arch x86_64", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_CFLAGS)", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "$(EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_LFLAGS)", "", -1) case "android", "android-emulator": //TODO: tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("-Wl,-soname,", filepath.Base(path)), "-Wl,-soname,", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-shared", "", -1) case "js", "wasm": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "\"", "", -1) if utils.QT_DEBUG() { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-s USE_FREETYPE=1", "-s USE_FREETYPE=1 -s ASSERTIONS=1", -1) } } for _, variable := range []string{"DEFINES", "SUBLIBS", "EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_CFLAGS", "EXPORT_QMAKE_XARCH_LFLAGS", "EXPORT_ARCH_ARGS", "-fvisibility=hidden", "-fembed-bitcode"} { for _, l := range strings.Split(content, "\n") { if strings.HasPrefix(l, variable+" ") { if strings.Contains(l, "-DQT_TESTCASE_BUILDDIR") { l = strings.Split(l, "-DQT_TESTCASE_BUILDDIR")[0] } tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("$(%v)", variable), strings.Split(l, " = ")[1], -1) } } tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, fmt.Sprintf("$(%v)", variable), "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, variable, "", -1) } tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "\\", "/", -1) if module == "build_static" { return tmp } for _, file := range cgoFileNames(module, path, target, mode) { switch target { case "android", "android-emulator": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "/opt/android/"+filepath.Base(utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR()), utils.ANDROID_NDK_DIR(), -1) case "darwin": for _, lib := range []string{"WebKitWidgets", "WebKit"} { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-lQt5"+lib, "-framework Qt"+lib, -1) } tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/Frameworks", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-Wl,-rpath,@executable_path/../Frameworks", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-weak_framework XCTest", "", -1) case "windows": if utils.QT_MSYS2() { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, ",--relax,--gc-sections", "", -1) if utils.QT_MSYS2_STATIC() { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-ffunction-sections", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-fdata-sections", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-Wl,--gc-sections", "", -1) } tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, " -lwinmm ", " ", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, " -lkernel32 ", " -lwinmm -lkernel32 ", -1) } if utils.QT_MSYS2() && utils.QT_MSYS2_ARCH() == "amd64" { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, " -Wa,-mbig-obj ", " ", -1) } if (utils.QT_MSYS2() && utils.QT_MSYS2_ARCH() == "amd64") || utils.QT_MXE_ARCH() == "amd64" || (!utils.QT_MXE() && !utils.QT_MSYS2() && utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() >= 5120) { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, " -Wl,-s ", " ", -1) } if utils.QT_DEBUG_CONSOLE() { //TODO: necessary at all? tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "subsystem,windows", "subsystem,console", -1) } else { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "subsystem,console", "subsystem,windows", -1) } case "ios": if strings.HasSuffix(file, "darwin_arm.go") { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "arm64", "armv7", -1) } case "ios-simulator": if strings.HasSuffix(file, "darwin_386.go") { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "x86_64", "i386", -1) } case "js", "wasm": if mode == RCC { utils.Save(filepath.Join(path, strings.Replace(file, "_cgo_", "_stub_", -1)), "package "+pkg+"\n") } case "linux": tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-Wl,-O1", "-O1", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-ffunction-sections", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-fdata-sections", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "-Wl,--gc-sections", "", -1) } utils.Save(filepath.Join(path, file), tmp) } return "" } func cgoFileNames(module, path, target string, mode int) []string { var pFix string switch mode { case RCC: pFix = "rcc_" case MOC: pFix = "moc_" case MINIMAL: pFix = "minimal_" } var sFixes []string switch target { case "darwin": sFixes = []string{"darwin_amd64"} case "linux": sFixes = []string{"linux_" + utils.GOARCH()} case "windows": if utils.QT_MXE_ARCH() == "amd64" || (utils.QT_MSYS2() && utils.QT_MSYS2_ARCH() == "amd64") || (!utils.QT_MXE() && !utils.QT_MSYS2() && utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() >= 5120) { if utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() >= 5122 { sFixes = []string{"windows_" + utils.GOARCH()} } else { sFixes = []string{"windows_amd64"} } } else { sFixes = []string{"windows_386"} } case "android": sFixes = []string{"linux_arm"} case "android-emulator": sFixes = []string{"linux_386"} case "ios": sFixes = []string{"darwin_arm64"} case "ios-simulator": sFixes = []string{"darwin_amd64"} case "sailfish": sFixes = []string{"linux_arm"} case "sailfish-emulator": sFixes = []string{"linux_386"} case "asteroid": sFixes = []string{"linux_arm"} case "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3": sFixes = []string{"linux_arm"} case "ubports": sFixes = []string{"linux_" + utils.QT_UBPORTS_ARCH()} case "js": sFixes = []string{"js"} case "wasm": sFixes = []string{"wasm"} } var o []string for _, sFix := range sFixes { o = append(o, fmt.Sprintf("%vcgo_%v_%v.go", pFix, strings.Replace(target, "-", "_", -1), sFix)) } return o } func ParseCgo(module, target string) (string, string) { utils.Log.WithField("module", module).WithField("target", target).Debug("parse cgo for shared lib") tmp := utils.LoadOptional(utils.GoQtPkgPath(module, cgoFileNames(module, "", target, NONE)[0])) if tmp != "" { tmp = strings.Split(tmp, "/*")[1] tmp = strings.Split(tmp, "*/")[0] tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "#cgo CFLAGS: ", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "#cgo CXXFLAGS: ", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "#cgo LDFLAGS: ", "", -1) tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, "\n", " ", -1) switch target { case "darwin": return "clang++", fmt.Sprintf("%v -Wl,-S -Wl,-x -install_name @rpath/%[2]v/lib%[2] -undefined dynamic_lookup -shared -o lib%[2] %[2]v.cpp", tmp, module) case "js", "wasm": env, _, _, _ := cmd.BuildEnv(target, "", "") return filepath.Join(env["EMSCRIPTEN"], "em++"), fmt.Sprintf("%v -o %[2]v.o %[2]v.js_plugin_import.cpp %[2]v.cpp", tmp, module) } } return "", tmp } func ReplaceCgo(module, target string) { utils.Log.WithField("module", module).WithField("target", target).Debug("replace cgo for shared lib") tmp := utils.LoadOptional(utils.GoQtPkgPath(module, cgoFileNames(module, "", target, NONE)[0])) if tmp != "" { pre := strings.Split(tmp, "/*")[0] past := strings.Split(tmp, "*/")[1] utils.Save(utils.GoQtPkgPath(module, cgoFileNames(module, "", target, NONE)[0]), fmt.Sprintf("%v/*\n#cgo CFLAGS: -I.\n#cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -l%v -Wl,-rpath,%v\n*/%v", pre, module, utils.GoQtPkgPath(), past)) } }