package parser import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strings" "sync" "" ) func (c *Class) fix() { c.fixFunctions((*Function).fix) c.fixEnums() //c.fixGeneral() c.fixGeneral_Version() c.fixLinkage() c.fixBases() c.FixGenericHelper() c.fixFunctions((*Function).fixGeneral_AfterClasses) } func (c *Class) fixFunctions(fix func(*Function)) { for _, f := range c.Functions { fix(f) } } //TODO: (*Enum) IsSupported //TODO: merge into (*Class).removeEnums_Version func (c *Class) fixEnums() { for _, e := range c.Enums { if e.Fullname == "QVariant::Type" { e.Status = "active" for i := len(e.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if v := e.Values[i]; v.Name == "LastCoreType" || v.Name == "LastGuiType" { e.Values = append(e.Values[:i], e.Values[i+1:]...) } } } if e.Fullname == "QFileSystemModel::Roles" && utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() <= 5042 { for i := len(e.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if v := e.Values[i]; v.Name == "FileIconRole" { e.Values = append(e.Values[:i], e.Values[i+1:]...) } } } if utils.QT_MACPORTS() { if e.Fullname == "QWebSettings::WebAttribute" { for i := len(e.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if v := e.Values[i]; v.Name == "MediaSourceEnabled" || v.Name == "MediaEnabled" || v.Name == "WebSecurityEnabled" || v.Name == "FullScreenSupportEnabled" { e.Values = append(e.Values[:i], e.Values[i+1:]...) } } } if e.Fullname == "QWebPage::MessageSource" { for i := len(e.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if v := e.Values[i]; v.Name == "MessageSource" || v.Name == "MessageLevel" { e.Values = append(e.Values[:i], e.Values[i+1:]...) } } } } } } func (c *Class) fixGeneral_Version() { switch c.Name { case "QStyle": { for _, f := range c.Functions { if f.Name != "standardIcon" { continue } var tmpF = *f tmpF.Name = "standardPixmap" tmpF.Output = "QPixmap" tmpF.Fullname = fmt.Sprintf("%v::%v", c.Name, tmpF.Name) c.Functions = append(c.Functions, &tmpF) } } case "QScxmlCppDataModel": { for _, s := range []struct{ Name, Output string }{ {"evaluateToString", "QString"}, {"evaluateToBool", "bool"}, {"evaluateToVariant", "QVariant"}, {"evaluateToVoid", "void"}, {"evaluateAssignment", "void"}, {"evaluateInitialization", "void"}, } { c.Functions = append(c.Functions, &Function{ Name: s.Name, Fullname: fmt.Sprintf("%v::%v", c.Name, s.Name), Access: "public", Virtual: PURE, Meta: PLAIN, Output: s.Output, Parameters: []*Parameter{ { Name: "id", Value: "QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId", }, { Name: "ok", Value: "bool*", }, }, Signature: "()", }) } c.Functions = append(c.Functions, &Function{ Name: "evaluateForeach", Fullname: fmt.Sprintf("%v::evaluateForeach", c.Name), Access: "public", Virtual: PURE, Meta: PLAIN, Output: "void", Parameters: []*Parameter{ { Name: "id", Value: "QScxmlExecutableContent::EvaluatorId", }, { Name: "ok", Value: "bool*", }, { Name: "body", Value: "ForeachLoopBody*", }, }, Signature: "()", }) } case "QOperatingSystemVersion": { if utils.QT_VERSION_NUM() >= 5093 { c.Functions = append(c.Functions, &Function{ Name: "QOperatingSystemVersion", Fullname: fmt.Sprintf("%v::QOperatingSystemVersion", c.Name), Access: "public", Virtual: "non", Meta: CONSTRUCTOR, Status: "active", Parameters: []*Parameter{ { Name: "other", Value: "const QOperatingSystemVersion &", }, }, Signature: "QOperatingSystemVersion(const QOperatingSystemVersion &other) = default", }) } } case "QDesktopWidget": { for _, f := range c.Functions { f.Status = "active" } } } } func (c *Class) fixLinkage() { switch c.Module { case "QtCore": { c.WeakLink = map[string]struct{}{ "QtGui": struct{}{}, "QtWidgets": struct{}{}, } } case "QtGui": { c.WeakLink = map[string]struct{}{ "QtWidgets": struct{}{}, "QtMultimedia": struct{}{}, } } } } var ( pkgConfigIncludeDir string pkgConfigIncludeDirMutex = new(sync.Mutex) ) func (c *Class) fixBases() { if c.Module == MOC || c.Pkg != "" { return } if c.Bases == "QList" { c.Bases = "" return } switch c.Name { case "QChart", "QLegend": c.Bases = "QGraphicsWidget" case "QChartView": c.Bases = "QGraphicsView" case "QCandlestickModelMapper", "QHBarModelMapper", "QHBoxPlotModelMapper", "QVBarModelMapper", "QVBoxPlotModelMapper", "QTextToSpeech": c.Bases = "QObject" } if c.Module == "QtCharts" { return } //if utils.QT_VERSION() == "5.8.0" { if c.Name == "QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface" || c.Name == "QDesignerCustomWidgetCollectionInterface" { return } //} var ( prefixPath = utils.QT_INSTALL_PREFIX(State.Target) infixPath = "include" suffixPath = string(filepath.Separator) ) switch State.Target { case "darwin": { if utils.QT_NIX() { for _, qmakepath := range strings.Split(os.Getenv("QMAKEPATH"), string(filepath.ListSeparator)) { if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(qmakepath, infixPath, c.DocModule+suffixPath+c.Name)) { prefixPath = qmakepath break } } } else { infixPath = "lib" suffixPath = ".framework/Headers/" } } default: { if utils.QT_SAILFISH() { prefixPath = "/srv/mer/targets/SailfishOS-" + utils.QT_SAILFISH_VERSION() + "-i486/usr/include/qt5" infixPath = "" } else if utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG() { pkgConfigIncludeDirMutex.Lock() if pkgConfigIncludeDir == "" { pkgConfigIncludeDir = strings.TrimSpace(utils.RunCmd(exec.Command("pkg-config", "--variable=includedir", "Qt5Core"), "parser.class_includedir")) } prefixPath = pkgConfigIncludeDir pkgConfigIncludeDirMutex.Unlock() } } } //TODO: remove switch c.Name { case "Qt", "QtGlobalStatic", "QUnicodeTools", "QHooks", "QModulesPrivate", "QtMetaTypePrivate", "QUnicodeTables", "QAndroidJniEnvironment", "QAndroidJniObject", "QAndroidActivityResultReceiver", "QSupportedWritingSystems", "QAbstractOpenGLFunctions": { c.Bases = "" return } case "QFutureWatcher", "QDBusAbstractInterface": { c.Bases = "QObject" return } case "QDBusPendingReply": { c.Bases = "QDBusPendingCall" return } case "QRasterPaintEngine": { c.Bases = "QPaintEngine" return } case "QUiLoader", "QEGLNativeContext", "QWGLNativeContext", "QGLXNativeContext", "QEglFSFunctions", "QWindowsWindowFunctions", "QCocoaNativeContext", "QXcbWindowFunctions", "QCocoaWindowFunctions": { if utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG() && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.LoadOptional(filepath.Join(prefixPath, c.Module, strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) } else { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.Load(filepath.Join(prefixPath, "include", c.Module, strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) } return } case "QPlatformSystemTrayIcon", "QPlatformGraphicsBuffer": { if utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG() && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.LoadOptional(filepath.Join(prefixPath, c.Module, utils.QT_VERSION(), c.Module, "qpa", strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) } else { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.Load(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, c.Module+suffixPath+utils.QT_VERSION(), "QtGui", "qpa", strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) } return } case "QColumnView", "QLCDNumber", "QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler", "QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor", "QWebEngineCookieStore", "QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo", "QWebEngineUrlRequestJob": { for _, m := range append(LibDeps[strings.TrimPrefix(c.Module, "Qt")], strings.TrimPrefix(c.Module, "Qt")) { m = fmt.Sprintf("Qt%v", m) if utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG() && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" { if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(prefixPath, m, strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")) { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.LoadOptional(filepath.Join(prefixPath, m, strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) return } } else { if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, m+suffixPath+c.Name)) { c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.Load(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, m+suffixPath+strings.ToLower(c.Name)+".h")), c.Name, c.Module) return } } } } } //TODO: var libs = append(LibDeps[strings.TrimPrefix(c.Module, "Qt")], strings.TrimPrefix(c.Module, "Qt")) for i, v := range libs { if v == "TestLib" { libs[i] = "Test" } } var found bool for _, m := range libs { m = fmt.Sprintf("Qt%v", m) if utils.QT_PKG_CONFIG() && runtime.GOOS != "darwin" { if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(prefixPath, m, c.Name)) { var f = utils.LoadOptional(filepath.Join(prefixPath, m, c.Name)) if f != "" { found = true c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.LoadOptional(filepath.Join(prefixPath, m, strings.Split(f, "\"")[1])), c.Name, m) } break } } else { if utils.ExistsFile(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, m+suffixPath+c.Name)) { var f = utils.Load(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, m+suffixPath+c.Name)) if f != "" { found = true c.Bases = getBasesFromHeader(utils.Load(filepath.Join(filepath.Join(prefixPath, infixPath, m+suffixPath), strings.Split(f, "\"")[1])), c.Name, m) } break } } } if !found && c.Name != "SailfishApp" && c.Fullname == "" { utils.Log.WithField("module", strings.TrimPrefix(c.Module, "Qt")).WithField("class", c.Name).Debugln("failed to find header file") } } func getBasesFromHeader(f string, n string, m string) string { f = strings.Replace(f, "\r", "", -1) if strings.HasSuffix(n, "Iterator") { return "" } for i, l := range strings.Split(f, "\n") { //TODO: reduce if strings.Contains(l, "class "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q_"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q_"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"CORE_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"CORE_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_SDK_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_EXTENSION_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_UILIB_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q_"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class Q"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_SDK_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_EXTENSION_EXPORT "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "class QDESIGNER_UILIB_EXPORT "+n) { if strings.Contains(l, n+" ") || strings.Contains(l, n+":") || strings.HasSuffix(l, n) { l = normalizedClassDeclaration(f, i) if !strings.Contains(l, ":") { return "" } if strings.Contains(l, "<") { l = strings.Split(l, "<")[0] } if strings.Contains(l, "/") { l = strings.Split(l, "/")[0] } var tmp = strings.Split(l, ":")[1] for _, s := range []string{"{", "}", "#ifndef", "QT_NO_QOBJECT", "#else", "#endif", "class", "Q_" + strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt")) + "_EXPORT " + n, "public", "protected", "private", " ", " "} { tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, s, "", -1) } return strings.TrimSpace(tmp) } } } for _, l := range strings.Split(f, "\n") { if strings.Contains(l, "struct "+n) || strings.Contains(l, "struct Q_"+strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt"))+"_EXPORT "+n) { return "" } } for _, l := range strings.Split(f, "\n") { if strings.Contains(l, "namespace "+n) { return "" } } utils.Log.WithField("module", strings.TrimPrefix(m, "Qt")).WithField("class", n).Debugln("failed to parse header") return "" } func normalizedClassDeclaration(f string, is int) string { var bb = new(bytes.Buffer) defer bb.Reset() for i, l := range strings.Split(f, "\n") { if i >= is { fmt.Fprint(bb, l) if strings.Contains(l, "{") { break } } } return bb.String() }