
459 lines
11 KiB
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package main
import (
goparser "go/parser"
var tmpFiles = make([]string, 0)
func init() { templater.Moc = true }
func main() {
var (
appPath string
cleanup bool
switch len(os.Args) {
case 1:
appPath, _ = os.Getwd()
case 2, 3:
appPath = os.Args[1]
cleanup = len(os.Args) == 3
if !filepath.IsAbs(appPath) {
appPath = utils.GetAbsPath(appPath)
if _, err := ioutil.ReadDir(appPath); err != nil {
utils.Log.Fatalln("usage:", "qtmoc", filepath.Join("path", "to", "project"), "[ cleanup ]")
filepath.Walk(appPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err == nil && info.IsDir() && !isBlacklisted(appPath, filepath.Join(path, info.Name())) {
return moc(path)
return nil
if cleanup {
var b, err = json.Marshal(tmpFiles)
if err == nil {
utils.SaveBytes(filepath.Join(appPath, "moc_cleanup.json"), b)
} else {
utils.Log.WithError(err).Error("failed to save moc_cleanup.json")
func moc(appPath string) error {
for _, n := range []string{"moc.h", "moc.go", "moc.cpp", "moc_moc.h",
"moc_cgo_desktop_darwin_amd64.go", "moc_cgo_desktop_windows_386.go", "moc_cgo_desktop_windows_amd64.go", "moc_cgo_desktop_linux_amd64.go",
"moc_cgo_ios_simulator_darwin_amd64.go", "moc_cgo_ios_simulator_darwin_386.go", "moc_cgo_ios_darwin_arm64.go", "moc_cgo_ios_darwin_arm.go",
"moc_cgo_sailfish_emulator_linux_386.go", "moc_cgo_sailfish_linux_arm.go",
"moc_cgo_rpi1_linux_arm.go", "moc_cgo_rpi2_linux_arm.go", "moc_cgo_rpi3_linux_arm.go"} {
if utils.Exists(filepath.Join(appPath, n)) {
utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(appPath, n))
tmpFiles = append(tmpFiles, filepath.Join(appPath, n))
utils.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(appPath, "moc_cleanup.json"))
var module = &parser.Module{Project: parser.MOC, Namespace: &parser.Namespace{Classes: make([]*parser.Class, 0)}}
filepath.Walk(appPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err == nil && !info.IsDir() && !strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), "moc") && strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".go") && filepath.Dir(path) == appPath {
var src, errRead = ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if errRead != nil {
utils.Log.WithError(errRead).Panicf("failed to read file %v", path)
var file, errParse = goparser.ParseFile(token.NewFileSet(), path, nil, 0)
if errParse != nil {
utils.Log.WithError(errParse).Panicf("failed to parse file %v", path)
templater.MocModule = file.Name.String()
for _, d := range file.Decls {
if typeDecl, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
for _, s := range typeDecl.Specs {
if typeSpec, ok := s.(*ast.TypeSpec); ok {
var class = &parser.Class{Access: "public", Module: parser.MOC, Name: typeSpec.Name.String(), Status: "public", Functions: make([]*parser.Function, 0)}
if structDecl, ok := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType); ok {
for _, field := range structDecl.Fields.List {
//collect possible base classes
var fieldValue = string(src[field.Pos()-1 : field.End()-1])
if fieldValue != "" && !strings.Contains(fieldValue, " ") && !strings.HasPrefix(fieldValue, "*") {
if strings.Contains(fieldValue, ".") {
fieldValue = strings.Split(fieldValue, ".")[1]
class.Bases += fmt.Sprintf("%v,", fieldValue)
for range field.Names {
if field.Tag != nil {
var (
tag = strings.Replace(strings.Replace(field.Tag.Value, "\"", "", -1), "`", "", -1)
meta string
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "signal:"):
meta = parser.SIGNAL
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "slot:"):
meta = parser.SLOT
if meta != "" {
var (
typ = string(src[field.Type.Pos()-1 : field.Type.End()-1])
f = &parser.Function{
Access: "public",
Fullname: fmt.Sprintf("%v::%v", class.Name, strings.Split(tag, ":")[1]),
Meta: meta,
Name: strings.Split(tag, ":")[1],
Status: "public",
Virtual: "non",
Signature: "()",
Parameters: getParameters(typ),
Output: func() string {
if meta == parser.SLOT {
var out = strings.TrimSpace(strings.Split(typ, ")")[1])
if strings.Contains(out, "(") {
return getParameters(out + ")")[0].Value
return out
return "void"
if f.Parameters[0].Value == "" {
f.Parameters = make([]*parser.Parameter, 0)
class.Functions = append(class.Functions, f)
module.Namespace.Classes = append(module.Namespace.Classes, class)
return nil
if len(module.Namespace.Classes) == 0 {
utils.Log.Fatal("failed to find moc structs")
//cache modules
if len(parser.ClassMap) == 0 {
for _, module := range templater.GetLibs() {
utils.Log.Debugf("loading qt/%v", strings.ToLower(module))
if _, err := parser.GetModule(strings.ToLower(module)); err != nil {
utils.Log.WithError(err).Errorf("failed to load qt/%v", strings.ToLower(module))
for _, c := range module.Namespace.Classes {
for _, bc := range c.GetBases() {
if isInClassArray(module.Namespace.Classes, bc) || isInClassMap(parser.ClassMap, bc) {
c.Bases = bc
var atLeastOneMocClass bool
for _, class := range module.Namespace.Classes {
if !class.IsQObjectSubClass() {
delete(parser.ClassMap, class.Name)
} else {
atLeastOneMocClass = true
if !atLeastOneMocClass {
utils.Log.Fatal("failed to find at least one valid moc struct")
for _, c := range module.Namespace.Classes {
for _, f := range c.Functions {
if !f.NoMocDeduce {
for _, p := range f.Parameters {
p.Value = getCppTypeFromGoType(p.Value)
f.Output = getCppTypeFromGoType(f.Output)
//copy constructor and destructor
for _ = range module.Namespace.Classes {
for _, c := range module.Namespace.Classes {
if bc, exists := parser.ClassMap[c.Bases]; exists {
for _, bcf := range bc.Functions {
if bcf.Meta == parser.CONSTRUCTOR || bcf.Meta == parser.DESTRUCTOR {
var f = *bcf
f.Name = strings.Replace(f.Name, bcf.Class(), c.Name, -1)
f.Fullname = strings.Replace(f.Fullname, bcf.Class(), c.Name, -1)
if !c.HasFunctionWithName(f.Name) {
c.Functions = append(c.Functions, &f)
utils.Log.Debugf("generating %v moc", parser.MOC)
utils.SaveBytes(filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.cpp"), templater.CppTemplate(parser.MOC))
tmpFiles = append(tmpFiles, filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.cpp"))
utils.SaveBytes(filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.h"), templater.HTemplate(parser.MOC))
tmpFiles = append(tmpFiles, filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.h"))
utils.SaveBytes(filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.go"), templater.GoTemplate(parser.MOC, false))
tmpFiles = append(tmpFiles, filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.go"))
templater.CopyCgoForMoc(parser.MOC, appPath)
for _, c := range parser.ClassMap {
if c.Module == parser.MOC {
delete(parser.ClassMap, c.Name)
var mocPath string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "darwin":
mocPath = filepath.Join(utils.QT_DARWIN_DIR(), "bin", "moc")
case "linux":
if utils.UsePkgConfig() {
mocPath = filepath.Join(strings.TrimSpace(utils.RunCmd(exec.Command("pkg-config", "--variable=host_bins", "Qt5Core"), "moc.LinuxPkgConfig_hostBins")), "moc")
} else {
mocPath = filepath.Join(utils.QT_DIR(), "5.7", "gcc_64", "bin", "moc")
case "windows":
if utils.UseMsys2() {
mocPath = filepath.Join(utils.QT_MSYS2_DIR(), "bin", "moc")
} else {
mocPath = filepath.Join(utils.QT_DIR(), "5.7", "mingw53_32", "bin", "moc")
utils.RunCmd(exec.Command(mocPath, filepath.Join(appPath, "moc.cpp"), "-o", filepath.Join(appPath, "moc_moc.h")), "execute moc")
tmpFiles = append(tmpFiles, filepath.Join(appPath, "moc_moc.h"))
return nil
func getParameters(tag string) []*parser.Parameter {
var out = make([]*parser.Parameter, 0)
if strings.Contains(tag, "(") {
var (
pairs = strings.Split(strings.Split(strings.Split(tag, "(")[1], ")")[0], ",")
lastValue string
for i := len(pairs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
var (
pairSplitted = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(pairs[i]), " ")
pOut *parser.Parameter
if len(pairSplitted) == 1 {
pOut = &parser.Parameter{Name: fmt.Sprintf("v%v", i), Value: pairSplitted[0]}
if lastValue != "" {
pOut.Name = pOut.Value
pOut.Value = lastValue
} else {
pOut = &parser.Parameter{Name: pairSplitted[0], Value: pairSplitted[1]}
lastValue = pOut.Value
out = append(out, pOut)
var rOut = make([]*parser.Parameter, 0)
for i := len(out) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
rOut = append(rOut, out[i])
return rOut
return out
func getCppTypeFromGoType(t string) string {
t = strings.TrimPrefix(t, "*")
switch t {
case "string":
return "QString"
case "[]string":
return "QStringList"
case "bool":
return "bool"
case "int8":
return "qint8"
case "uint8":
return "quint8"
case "int16":
return "qint16"
case "uint16":
return "quint16"
case "int", "int32":
return "qint32"
case "uint", "uint32":
return "quint32"
case "int64":
return "qint64"
case "uint64":
return "quint64"
case "float32":
return "float"
case "float64":
return "qreal"
case "uintptr":
return "quintptr"
case "unsafe.Pointer":
return "void*"
if strings.Contains(t, ".") {
t = strings.Split(t, ".")[1]
if strings.Contains(t, "__") {
return strings.Replace(t, "_", ":", -1)
if _, exists := parser.ClassMap[t]; exists {
if parser.ClassMap[t].IsQObjectSubClass() {
return t + "*"
return t
//TODO: *_ITF support
return "void"
func isBlacklisted(appPath, currentPath string) bool {
for _, n := range []string{"deploy", "qml", "android", "ios", "ios-simulator", "sailfish", "sailfish-emulator", "rpi1", "rpi2", "rpi3", "node_modules", ".git"} {
if strings.Contains(filepath.Join(currentPath), filepath.Join(appPath, n)) {
return true
return false
func isInClassArray(classes []*parser.Class, className string) bool {
for _, c := range classes {
if c.Name == className {
return true
return false
func isInClassMap(classes map[string]*parser.Class, className string) bool {
for _, c := range classes {
if c.Name == className {
return true
return false