Alexander Kiryukhin 9ce24ee41c
Keyboard builder
2019-03-30 22:12:37 +03:00

797 lines
23 KiB

* TamTam Bot API
package tamtam
import "encoding/json"
type ActionRequestBody struct {
Action SenderAction `json:"action"`
type AttachmentType string
const (
AttachmentImage AttachmentType = "image"
AttachmentVideo = "video"
AttachmentAudio = "audio"
AttachmentFile = "file"
AttachmentContact = "contact"
AttachmentSticker = "sticker"
AttachmentShare = "share"
AttachmentLocation = "location"
AttachmentKeyboard = "inline_keyboard"
// Generic schema representing message attachment
type Attachment struct {
Type AttachmentType `json:"type,omitempty"`
type AttachmentPayload struct {
// Media attachment URL
Url string `json:"url"`
// Request to attach some data to message
type AttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
type AudioAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload AttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach audio to message. MUST be the only attachment in message
type AudioAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload UploadedInfo `json:"payload"`
// You will receive this update when bot has been added to chat
type BotAddedToChatUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Chat id where bot was added
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User id who added bot to chat
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// You will receive this update when bot has been removed from chat
type BotRemovedFromChatUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Chat identifier bot removed from
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User id who removed bot from chat
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// Bot gets this type of update as soon as user pressed `Start` button
type BotStartedUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Dialog identifier where event has occurred
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User pressed the 'Start' button
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
type Button struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Visible text of button
Text string `json:"text"`
// Intent of button. Affects clients representation.
Intent Intent `json:"intent"`
// Object sent to bot when user presses button
type Callback struct {
// Unix-time when user pressed the button
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Current keyboard identifier
CallbackId string `json:"callback_id"`
// Button payload
Payload string `json:"payload"`
// User pressed the button
User User `json:"user"`
// Send this object when your bot wants to react to when a button is pressed
type CallbackAnswer struct {
UserId int64 `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
// Fill this if you want to modify current message
Message NewMessageBody `json:"message,omitempty"`
// Fill this if you just want to send one-time notification to user
Notification string `json:"notification,omitempty"`
// After pressing this type of button client sends to server payload it contains
type CallbackButton struct {
Type ButtonType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Visible text of button
Text string `json:"text"`
// Intent of button. Affects clients representation.
Intent Intent `json:"intent"`
// Button payload
Payload string `json:"payload"`
type Chat struct {
// Chats identifier
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// Type of chat. One of: dialog, chat, channel
Type ChatType `json:"type"`
// Chat status. One of: - active: bot is active member of chat - removed: bot was kicked - left: bot intentionally left chat - closed: chat was closed
Status ChatStatus `json:"status"`
// Visible title of chat
Title string `json:"title"`
// Icon of chat
Icon Image `json:"icon"`
// Time of last event occured in chat
LastEventTime int64 `json:"last_event_time"`
// Number of people in chat. Always 2 for `dialog` chat type
ParticipantsCount int32 `json:"participants_count"`
// Identifier of chat owner. Visible only for chat admins
OwnerId int64 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
// Participants in chat with time of last activity. Can be *null* when you request list of chats. Visible for chat admins only
Participants map[string]int64 `json:"participants,omitempty"`
// Is current chat publicly available. Always `false` for dialogs
IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"`
// Link on chat if it is public
Link string `json:"link,omitempty"`
// Chat description
Description map[string]interface{} `json:"description"`
// ChatAdminPermission : Chat admin permissions
type ChatAdminPermission string
// List of ChatAdminPermission
const (
READ_ALL_MESSAGES ChatAdminPermission = "read_all_messages"
ADD_REMOVE_MEMBERS ChatAdminPermission = "add_remove_members"
ADD_ADMINS ChatAdminPermission = "add_admins"
CHANGE_CHAT_INFO ChatAdminPermission = "change_chat_info"
PIN_MESSAGE ChatAdminPermission = "pin_message"
WRITE ChatAdminPermission = "write"
type ChatList struct {
// List of requested chats
Chats []Chat `json:"chats"`
// Reference to the next page of requested chats
Marker int64 `json:"marker"`
type ChatMember struct {
// Users identifier
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// Users visible name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Unique public user name. Can be `null` if user is not accessible or it is not set
Username string `json:"username"`
// URL of avatar
AvatarUrl string `json:"avatar_url"`
// URL of avatar of a bigger size
FullAvatarUrl string `json:"full_avatar_url"`
LastAccessTime int64 `json:"last_access_time"`
IsOwner bool `json:"is_owner"`
IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"`
JoinTime int64 `json:"join_time"`
// Permissions in chat if member is admin. `null` otherwise
Permissions []ChatAdminPermission `json:"permissions"`
type ChatMembersList struct {
// Participants in chat with time of last activity. Visible only for chat admins
Members []ChatMember `json:"members"`
// Pointer to the next data page
Marker int64 `json:"marker"`
type ChatPatch struct {
Icon PhotoAttachmentRequestPayload `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
// ChatStatus : Chat status for current bot
type ChatStatus string
// List of ChatStatus
const (
ACTIVE ChatStatus = "active"
REMOVED ChatStatus = "removed"
LEFT ChatStatus = "left"
CLOSED ChatStatus = "closed"
SUSPENDED ChatStatus = "suspended"
// Bot gets this type of update as soon as title has been changed in chat
type ChatTitleChangedUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Chat identifier where event has occurred
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User who changed title
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// New title
Title string `json:"title"`
// ChatType : Type of chat. Dialog (one-on-one), chat or channel
type ChatType string
// List of ChatType
const (
DIALOG ChatType = "dialog"
CHAT ChatType = "chat"
CHANNEL ChatType = "channel"
type ContactAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload ContactAttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
type ContactAttachmentPayload struct {
// User info in VCF format
VcfInfo string `json:"vcfInfo"`
// User info
TamInfo User `json:"tamInfo"`
// Request to attach contact card to message. MUST be the only attachment in message
type ContactAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload ContactAttachmentRequestPayload `json:"payload"`
type ContactAttachmentRequestPayload struct {
// Contact name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Contact identifier
ContactId int64 `json:"contactId"`
// Full information about contact in VCF format
VcfInfo string `json:"vcfInfo"`
// Contact phone in VCF format
VcfPhone string `json:"vcfPhone"`
// Server returns this if there was an exception to your request
type Error struct {
// Error
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
// Error code
Code string `json:"code"`
// Human-readable description
Message string `json:"message"`
type FileAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload AttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach file to message. MUST be the only attachment in message
type FileAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload UploadedFileInfo `json:"payload"`
// List of all WebHook subscriptions
type GetSubscriptionsResult struct {
// Current suscriptions
Subscriptions []Subscription `json:"subscriptions"`
// Generic schema describing image object
type Image struct {
// URL of image
Url string `json:"url"`
// Buttons in messages
type InlineKeyboardAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Unique identifier of keyboard
//CallbackId string `json:"callback_id"`
Payload Keyboard `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach keyboard to message
type InlineKeyboardAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload InlineKeyboardAttachmentRequestPayload `json:"payload"`
type InlineKeyboardAttachmentRequestPayload struct {
// Two-dimensional array of buttons
Buttons [][]Button `json:"buttons"`
type ButtonType string
const (
LINK ButtonType = "link"
CALLBACK ButtonType = "callback"
CONTACT ButtonType = "request_contact"
GEOLOCATION ButtonType = "request_geo_location"
// Intent : Intent of button
type Intent string
// List of Intent
const (
POSITIVE Intent = "positive"
NEGATIVE Intent = "negative"
DEFAULT Intent = "default"
// Keyboard is two-dimension array of buttons
type Keyboard struct {
Buttons interface{} `json:"buttons"`
// After pressing this type of button user follows the link it contains
type LinkButton struct {
Type ButtonType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Visible text of button
Text string `json:"text"`
// Intent of button. Affects clients representation.
Intent Intent `json:"intent"`
Url string `json:"url"`
type LinkedMessage struct {
// Type of linked message
Type MessageLinkType `json:"type"`
// User sent this message
Sender User `json:"sender"`
// Chat where message was originally posted
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
Message MessageBody `json:"message"`
type LocationAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"`
Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
// Request to attach keyboard to message
type LocationAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"`
Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"`
// Message in chat
type Message struct {
// User that sent this message
Sender User `json:"sender"`
// Message recipient. Could be user or chat
Recipient Recipient `json:"recipient"`
// Unix-time when message was created
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Forwarder or replied message
Link LinkedMessage `json:"link,omitempty"`
// Body of created message. Text + attachments. Could be null if message contains only forwarded message.
Body MessageBody `json:"body"`
// Schema representing body of message
type MessageBody struct {
// Unique identifier of message
Mid string `json:"mid"`
// Sequence identifier of message in chat
Seq int64 `json:"seq"`
// Message text
Text string `json:"text"`
// Message attachments. Could be one of `Attachment` type. See description of this schema
RawAttachments []json.RawMessage `json:"attachments"`
Attachments []interface{}
// In case this message is repled to, it is the unique identifier of the replied message
ReplyTo string `json:"reply_to,omitempty"`
// You will get this `update` as soon as user presses button
type MessageCallbackUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
Callback Callback `json:"callback"`
// Original message containing inline keyboard. Can be `null` in case it had been deleted by the moment a bot got this update.
Message Message `json:"message"`
// You will get this `update` as soon as message is created
type MessageCreatedUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Newly created message
Message Message `json:"message"`
// You will get this `update` as soon as message is edited
type MessageEditedUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Edited message
Message Message `json:"message"`
// MessageLinkType : Type of linked message
type MessageLinkType string
// List of MessageLinkType
const (
FORWARD MessageLinkType = "forward"
REPLY MessageLinkType = "reply"
// Paginated list of messages
type MessageList struct {
// List of messages
Messages []Message `json:"messages"`
// You will get this `update` as soon as message is removed
type MessageRemovedUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Identifier of removed message
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
// You will get this `update` as soon as message is restored
type MessageRestoredUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Restored message identifier
MessageId string `json:"message_id"`
type NewMessageBody struct {
// Message text
Text string `json:"text"`
// Single message attachment.
Attachment interface{} `json:"attachment,omitempty"`
// Message attachments. See `AttachmentRequest` and it's inheritors for full information.
Attachments []interface{} `json:"attachments,omitempty"`
// If false, chat participants wouldn't be notified
Notify bool `json:"notify,omitempty"`
// Image attachment
type PhotoAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload PhotoAttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
type PhotoAttachmentPayload struct {
// Unique identifier of this image
PhotoId int64 `json:"photo_id"`
Token string `json:"token"`
// Image URL
Url string `json:"url"`
type PhotoAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload PhotoAttachmentRequestPayload `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach image. All fields are mutually exclusive.
type PhotoAttachmentRequestPayload struct {
// If specified, given URL will be attached to message as image
Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`
// Token of any existing attachment
Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
// Tokens were obtained after uploading images
Photos map[string]PhotoToken `json:"photos,omitempty"`
type PhotoToken struct {
// Encoded information of uploaded image
Token string `json:"token"`
// This is information you will recieve as soon as an image uploaded
type PhotoTokens struct {
Photos map[string]PhotoToken `json:"photos"`
// New message recepient. Could be user or chat
type Recipient struct {
// Chat identifier
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// Chat type
ChatType ChatType `json:"chat_type"`
// User identifier, if message was sent to user
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// After pressing this type of button client sends new message with attachment of curent user contact
type RequestContactButton struct {
Type ButtonType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Visible text of button
Text string `json:"text"`
// Intent of button. Affects clients representation.
Intent Intent `json:"intent"`
// After pressing this type of button client sends new message with attachment of current user geo location
type RequestGeoLocationButton struct {
Type ButtonType `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Visible text of button
Text string `json:"text"`
// Intent of button. Affects clients representation.
Intent Intent `json:"intent"`
// If *true*, sends location without asking user's confirmation
Quick bool `json:"quick,omitempty"`
type SendMessageResult struct {
Message Message `json:"message"`
// SenderAction : Different actions to send to chat members
type SenderAction string
// List of SenderAction
const (
TYPING_ON SenderAction = "typing_on"
TYPING_OFF SenderAction = "typing_off"
SENDING_PHOTO SenderAction = "sending_photo"
SENDING_VIDEO SenderAction = "sending_video"
SENDING_AUDIO SenderAction = "sending_audio"
MARK_SEEN SenderAction = "mark_seen"
type ShareAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload AttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
// Simple response to request
type SimpleQueryResult struct {
// `true` if request was successful. `false` otherwise
Success bool `json:"success"`
type StickerAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload AttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach sticker. MUST be the only attachment request in message
type StickerAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload StickerAttachmentRequestPayload `json:"payload"`
type StickerAttachmentRequestPayload struct {
// Sticker code
Code string `json:"code"`
// Schema to describe WebHook subscription
type Subscription struct {
// WebHook URL
Url string `json:"url"`
// Unix-time when subscription was created
Time int64 `json:"time"`
// Update types bot subscribed for
UpdateTypes []string `json:"update_types"`
Version string `json:"version"`
// Request to set up WebHook subscription
type SubscriptionRequestBody struct {
// URL of HTTP(S)-endpoint of your bot
Url string `json:"url"`
// List of update types your bot want to receive. See `Update` object for a complete list of types
UpdateTypes []string `json:"update_types,omitempty"`
// Version of API. Affects model representation
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
type UpdateType string
const (
UpdateTypeMessageCallback UpdateType = "message_callback"
UpdateTypeMessageCreated = "message_created"
UpdateTypeMessageRemoved = "message_removed"
UpdateTypeMessageEdited = "message_edited"
UpdateTypeMessageRestored = "message_restored"
UpdateTypeBotAdded = "bot_added"
UpdateTypeBotRemoved = "bot_removed"
UpdateTypeUserAdded = "user_added"
UpdateTypeUserRemoved = "user_removed"
UpdateTypeBotStarted = "bot_started"
UpdateTypeChatTitleChanged = "chat_title_changed"
// `Update` object repsesents different types of events that happened in chat. See its inheritors
type Update struct {
UpdateType UpdateType `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
type UpdateMessageCallback struct {
Callback Callback `json:"callback"`
Message Message `json:"message"`
type UpdateMessageCreated struct {
Message Message `json:"message"`
type UpdateMessageEdited struct {
Message Message `json:"message"`
type UpdateMessageRestored struct {
MessageID string `json:"message_id"`
type UpdateMessageRemoved struct {
MessageID string `json:"message_id"`
type UpdateBotAdded struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
type UpdateBotRemoved struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
type UpdateBotStarted struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
type UpdateChatTitleChanged struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
Title string `json:"title"`
type UpdateUserAdded struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
InviterID int64 `json:"inviter_id"`
type UpdateUserRemoved struct {
ChatID int64 `json:"chat_id"`
UserID int64 `json:"user_id"`
AdminID int64 `json:"admin_id"`
// List of all updates in chats your bot participated in
type UpdateList struct {
// Page of updates
Updates []json.RawMessage `json:"updates"`
// Pointer to the next data page
Marker int64 `json:"marker"`
// Endpoint you should upload to your binaries
type UploadEndpoint struct {
// URL to upload
Url string `json:"url"`
// UploadType : Type of file uploading
type UploadType string
// List of UploadType
const (
PHOTO UploadType = "photo"
VIDEO UploadType = "video"
AUDIO UploadType = "audio"
FILE UploadType = "file"
// This is information you will recieve as soon as a file is uploaded
type UploadedFileInfo struct {
// Unique file identifier
FileId int64 `json:"fileId"`
// This is information you will recieve as soon as audio/video is uploaded
type UploadedInfo struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
type User struct {
// Users identifier
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// Users visible name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Unique public user name. Can be `null` if user is not accessible or it is not set
Username string `json:"username"`
// You will receive this update when user has been added to chat where bot is administrator
type UserAddedToChatUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Chat identifier where event has occured
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User added to chat
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// User who added user to chat
InviterId int64 `json:"inviter_id"`
type UserIdsList struct {
UserIds []int64 `json:"user_ids"`
// You will receive this update when user has been removed from chat where bot is administrator
type UserRemovedFromChatUpdate struct {
UpdateType string `json:"update_type,omitempty"`
// Unix-time when event has occured
Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
// Chat identifier where event has occured
ChatId int64 `json:"chat_id"`
// User removed from chat
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// Administrator who removed user from chat
AdminId int64 `json:"admin_id"`
type UserWithPhoto struct {
// Users identifier
UserId int64 `json:"user_id"`
// Users visible name
Name string `json:"name"`
// Unique public user name. Can be `null` if user is not accessible or it is not set
Username string `json:"username"`
// URL of avatar
AvatarUrl string `json:"avatar_url"`
// URL of avatar of a bigger size
FullAvatarUrl string `json:"full_avatar_url"`
type VideoAttachment struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload AttachmentPayload `json:"payload"`
// Request to attach video to message
type VideoAttachmentRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Payload UploadedInfo `json:"payload"`