# Copyright 2019 Roman Perepelitsa. # # This file is part of GitStatus. It provides ZSH bindings. # # GitStatus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GitStatus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with GitStatus. If not, see . # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Example: Start gitstatusd, send it a request, wait for response and print it. # # source gitstatus.plugin.zsh # gitstatus_start MY # gitstatus_query -d $PWD MY # set | egrep '^VCS_STATUS' # # Output: # # VCS_STATUS_ACTION='' # VCS_STATUS_COMMIT=6e86ec135bf77875e222463cbac8ef72a7e8d823 # VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD=0 # VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND=0 # VCS_STATUS_HAS_STAGED=0 # VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED=1 # VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNTRACKED=1 # VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH=master # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH=master # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_NAME=origin # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_URL=git@github.com:romkatv/powerlevel10k.git # VCS_STATUS_RESULT=ok-sync # VCS_STATUS_STASHES=0 # VCS_STATUS_TAG='' # VCS_STATUS_WORKDIR=/home/romka/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes/powerlevel10k [[ -o interactive ]] || return autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook && zmodload zsh/datetime && zmodload zsh/system || return # Retrives status of a git repo from a directory under its working tree. # ## Usage: gitstatus_query [OPTION]... NAME # # -d STR Directory to query. Defaults to ${${GIT_DIR:-$PWD}:a}. Must be absolute. # -c STR Callback function to call once the results are available. Called only after # gitstatus_query returns 0 with VCS_STATUS_RESULT=tout. # -t FLOAT Timeout in seconds. Will block for at most this long. If no results are # available by then: if -c isn't specified, will return 1; otherwise will set # VCS_STATUS_RESULT=tout and return 0. # # On success sets VCS_STATUS_RESULT to one of the following values: # # tout Timed out waiting for data; will call the user-specified callback later. # norepo-sync The directory isn't a git repo. # ok-sync The directory is a git repo. # # When the callback is called VCS_STATUS_RESULT is set to one of the following values: # # norepo-async The directory isn't a git repo. # ok-async The directory is a git repo. # # If VCS_STATUS_RESULT is ok-sync or ok-async, additional variables are set: # # VCS_STATUS_WORKDIR Git repo working directory. Not empty. # VCS_STATUS_COMMIT Commit hash that HEAD is pointing to. Either 40 hex digits or empty # if there is no HEAD (empty repo). # VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH Local branch name or empty if not on a branch. # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_NAME The remote name, e.g. "upstream" or "origin". # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH Upstream branch name. Can be empty. # VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_URL Remote URL. Can be empty. # VCS_STATUS_ACTION Repository state, A.K.A. action. Can be empty. # VCS_STATUS_HAS_STAGED 1 if there are staged changes, 0 otherwise. # VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED 1 if there are unstaged changes, 0 if there aren't, -1 if unknown. # VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNTRACKED 1 if there are untracked files, 0 if there aren't, -1 if unknown. # VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD Number of commits the current branch is ahead of upstream. # Non-negative integer. # VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND Number of commits the current branch is behind upstream. Non-negative # integer. # VCS_STATUS_STASHES Number of stashes. Non-negative integer. # VCS_STATUS_TAG The last tag (in lexicographical order) that points to the same # commit as HEAD. # # The point of reporting -1 as unstaged and untracked is to allow the command to skip scanning # files in large repos. See -m flag of gitstatus_start. # # gitstatus_query returns an error if gitstatus_start hasn't been called in the same shell or # the call had failed. # # !!!!! WARNING: CONCURRENT CALLS WITH THE SAME NAME ARE NOT ALLOWED !!!!! # # It's illegal to call gitstatus_query if the last asynchronous call with the same NAME hasn't # completed yet. If you need to issue concurrent requests, use different NAME arguments. function gitstatus_query() { emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local opt local dir=${${GIT_DIR:-$PWD}:a} local callback='' local -F timeout=-1 while true; do getopts "d:c:t:" opt || break case $opt in d) dir=$OPTARG;; c) callback=$OPTARG;; t) timeout=$OPTARG;; ?) return 1;; done) break;; esac done (( OPTIND == ARGC )) || { echo "usage: gitstatus_query [OPTION]... NAME" >&2; return 1 } local name=${*[$OPTIND]} [[ -n ${(P)${:-GITSTATUS_DAEMON_PID_${name}}:-} ]] # Verify that gitstatus_query is running in the same process that ran gitstatus_start. local client_pid_var=_GITSTATUS_CLIENT_PID_${name} [[ ${(P)client_pid_var} == $$ ]] local req_fd_var=_GITSTATUS_REQ_FD_${name} local -i req_fd=${(P)req_fd_var} local -r req_id="$EPOCHREALTIME" echo -nE "${req_id} ${callback}"$'\x1f'"${dir}"$'\x1e' >&$req_fd while true; do _gitstatus_process_response $name $timeout $req_id [[ $VCS_STATUS_RESULT == *-async ]] || break done [[ $VCS_STATUS_RESULT != tout || -n $callback ]] } function _gitstatus_process_response() { emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local name=$1 local -F timeout=$2 local req_id=$3 local resp_fd_var=_GITSTATUS_RESP_FD_${name} typeset -g VCS_STATUS_RESULT (( timeout >= 0 )) && local -a t=(-t $timeout) || local -a t=() local -a resp IFS=$'\x1f' read -rd $'\x1e' -u ${(P)resp_fd_var} $t -A resp || { VCS_STATUS_RESULT=tout return } local -a header=("${(@Q)${(z)resp[1]}}") [[ ${header[1]} == $req_id ]] && local -i ours=1 || local -i ours=0 shift header [[ ${resp[2]} == 1 ]] && { (( ours )) && VCS_STATUS_RESULT=ok-sync || VCS_STATUS_RESULT=ok-async typeset -g VCS_STATUS_WORKDIR="${resp[3]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_COMMIT="${resp[4]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH="${resp[5]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH="${resp[6]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_NAME="${resp[7]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_URL="${resp[8]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_ACTION="${resp[9]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_HAS_STAGED="${resp[10]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED="${resp[11]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNTRACKED="${resp[12]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD="${resp[13]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND="${resp[14]}" typeset -gi VCS_STATUS_STASHES="${resp[15]}" typeset -g VCS_STATUS_TAG="${resp[16]}" } || { (( ours )) && VCS_STATUS_RESULT=norepo-sync || VCS_STATUS_RESULT=norepo-async unset VCS_STATUS_WORKDIR unset VCS_STATUS_COMMIT unset VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH unset VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH unset VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_NAME unset VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_URL unset VCS_STATUS_ACTION unset VCS_STATUS_HAS_STAGED unset VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED unset VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNTRACKED unset VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD unset VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND unset VCS_STATUS_STASHES unset VCS_STATUS_TAG } (( ! ours )) && (( #header )) && emulate -L zsh && "${header[@]}" || true } # Starts gitstatusd in the background. Does nothing and succeeds if gitstatusd is already running. # # Usage: gitstatus_start [OPTION]... NAME # # -t FLOAT Fail the self-check on initialization if not getting a response from gitstatusd for # this this many seconds. Defaults to 5. # -m INT Report -1 unstaged and untracked if there are more than this many files in the index. # Negative value means infinity. Defaults to -1. function gitstatus_start() { emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset no_bg_nice local opt local -F timeout=5 local -i max_dirty=-1 while true; do getopts "t:m:" opt || break case $opt in t) timeout=$OPTARG;; m) max_dirty=$OPTARG;; ?) return 1;; esac done (( timeout > 0 )) || { echo "invalid -t: $timeout" >&2; return 1 } (( OPTIND == ARGC )) || { echo "usage: gitstatus_start [OPTION]... NAME" >&2; return 1 } local name=${*[$OPTIND]} [[ -z ${(P)${:-GITSTATUS_DAEMON_PID_${name}}:-} ]] || return 0 local dir && dir=${${(%):-%x}:A:h} local xtrace_file lock_file req_fifo resp_fifo log_file local -i stderr_fd=-1 lock_fd=-1 req_fd=-1 resp_fd=-1 daemon_pid=-1 function gitstatus_start_impl() { [[ ${GITSTATUS_ENABLE_LOGGING:-0} != 1 ]] || { xtrace_file=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gitstatus.$$.xtrace.XXXXXXXXXX) typeset -g GITSTATUS_XTRACE_${name}=$xtrace_file exec {stderr_fd}>&2 2>$xtrace_file setopt xtrace } local os && os=$(uname -s) && [[ -n $os ]] local arch && arch=$(uname -m) && [[ -n $arch ]] local daemon=${GITSTATUS_DAEMON:-$dir/bin/gitstatusd-${os:l}-${arch:l}} [[ -f $daemon ]] lock_file=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gitstatus.$$.lock.XXXXXXXXXX) zsystem flock -f lock_fd $lock_file req_fifo=$(mktemp -u "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gitstatus.$$.pipe.req.XXXXXXXXXX) mkfifo $req_fifo sysopen -rw -o cloexec,sync -u req_fd $req_fifo command rm -f $req_fifo resp_fifo=$(mktemp -u "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gitstatus.$$.pipe.resp.XXXXXXXXXX) mkfifo $resp_fifo sysopen -rw -o cloexec -u resp_fd $resp_fifo command rm -f $resp_fifo function _gitstatus_process_response_${name}() { _gitstatus_process_response ${${(%)${:-%N}}#_gitstatus_process_response_} 0 '' } zle -F $resp_fd _gitstatus_process_response_${name} [[ ${GITSTATUS_ENABLE_LOGGING:-0} == 1 ]] && log_file=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/gitstatus.$$.daemon-log.XXXXXXXXXX) || log_file=/dev/null typeset -g GITSTATUS_DAEMON_LOG_${name}=$log_file local -i threads=${GITSTATUS_NUM_THREADS:-0} (( threads > 0)) || { case $os in FreeBSD) threads=$(( 2 * $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) ));; *) threads=$(( 2 * $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) ));; esac (( threads <= 32 )) || threads=32 } # We use `zsh -c` instead of plain {} or () to work around bugs in zplug. It hangs on startup. zsh -xc " ${(q)daemon} \ --lock-fd=3 \ --parent-pid=$$ \ --num-threads=$threads \ --dirty-max-index-size=$max_dirty echo -nE $'bye\x1f0\x1e' " <&$req_fd >&$resp_fd 2>$log_file 3<$lock_file &! daemon_pid=$! command rm -f $lock_file local reply echo -nE $'hello\x1f\x1e' >&$req_fd IFS='' read -r -d $'\x1e' -u $resp_fd -t $timeout reply [[ $reply == $'hello\x1f0' ]] function _gitstatus_cleanup_${ZSH_SUBSHELL}_${daemon_pid}() { emulate -L zsh setopt err_return no_unset local -i daemon_pid=${${(%)${:-%N}}#_gitstatus_cleanup_${ZSH_SUBSHELL}_} [[ $daemon_pid -gt 0 ]] && kill -- -$daemon_pid &>/dev/null } add-zsh-hook zshexit _gitstatus_cleanup_${ZSH_SUBSHELL}_${daemon_pid} [[ $stderr_fd == -1 ]] || { unsetopt xtrace exec 2>&$stderr_fd {stderr_fd}>&- stderr_fd=-1 } } gitstatus_start_impl && { typeset -gi GITSTATUS_DAEMON_PID_${name}=$daemon_pid typeset -giH _GITSTATUS_REQ_FD_${name}=$req_fd typeset -giH _GITSTATUS_RESP_FD_${name}=$resp_fd typeset -giH _GITSTATUS_CLIENT_PID_${name}=$$ unset -f gitstatus_start_impl } || { unsetopt err_return [[ $daemon_pid -gt 0 ]] && kill -- -$daemon_pid &>/dev/null [[ $stderr_fd -ge 0 ]] && { exec 2>&$stderr_fd {stderr_fd}>&- } [[ $lock_fd -ge 0 ]] && zsystem flock -u $lock_fd [[ $req_fd -ge 0 ]] && exec {req_fd}>&- [[ $resp_fd -ge 0 ]] && { zle -F $resp_fd; exec {resp_fd}>&- } command rm -f $lock_file $req_fifo $resp_fifo unset -f gitstatus_start_impl >&2 print -P '[%F{red}ERROR%f]: gitstatus failed to initialize.' >&2 echo -E '' >&2 echo -E ' Your git prompt may disappear or become slow.' if [[ -s $xtrace_file ]]; then >&2 echo -E '' >&2 echo -E " The content of ${(q-)xtrace_file} (gitstatus_start_impl xtrace):" >&2 print -P '%F{yellow}' >&2 awk '{print " " $0}' <$xtrace_file >&2 print -P '%F{red} ^ this command failed%f' fi if [[ -s $log_file ]]; then >&2 echo -E '' >&2 echo -E " The content of ${(q-)log_file} (gitstatus daemon log):" >&2 print -P '%F{yellow}' >&2 awk '{print " " $0}' <$log_file >&2 print -nP '%f' fi if [[ ${GITSTATUS_ENABLE_LOGGING:-0} == 1 ]]; then >&2 echo -E '' >&2 echo -E ' Your system information:' >&2 print -P '%F{yellow}' >&2 echo -E " zsh: $ZSH_VERSION" >&2 echo -E " uname -a: $(uname -a)" >&2 print -P '%f' >&2 echo -E ' If you need help, open an issue and attach this whole error message to it:' >&2 echo -E '' >&2 print -P ' %F{green}https://github.com/romkatv/gitstatus/issues/new%f' else >&2 echo -E '' >&2 echo -E ' Run the following command to retry with extra diagnostics:' >&2 print -P '%F{green}' >&2 echo -E " GITSTATUS_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 gitstatus_start ${(@q-)*}" >&2 print -nP '%f' fi return 1 } } # Usage: gitstatus_check NAME. # # Returns 0 if and only if `gitstatus_start NAME` has succeeded previously. # If it returns non-zero, gitstatus_query NAME is guaranteed to return non-zero. function gitstatus_check() { local name=$1 [[ -n ${(P)${:-GITSTATUS_DAEMON_PID_${name}}:-} ]] }