## v0.4.0 (next) ### `ram` changes The `ram` segment was split up into `ram` and `swap`. The `POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_ELEMENTS` variable is void. ## v0.3.1 ### `dir` changes A new state `HOME_SUBFOLDER` was added. So if you want to overwrite colors for this segment, also set this variables: ```zsh POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HOME_SUBFOLDER_BACKGROUND='black' POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HOME_SUBFOLDER_FOREGROUND='white' ``` ### `background_jobs` changes Now displays the number of background jobs if there's more than 1. You can disable it by setting : ```zsh POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VERBOSE=false ``` ## v0.3.0 ### Introduced "visual identifiers" to the segments Now almost every segment can have a visual identifier, which is an icon whose color could be adjusted by users. ### Added ability for "joined" segments You can now merge segments together by suffixing the segment name with "_joined". For Developers: Be aware that the order of parameters in left/right_prompt_segment has changed. Now a boolean parameter must be set as second parameter (true if joined). ### `dir` changes This segment now has "state", which means you now can change the colors seperatly depending if you are in your homefolder or not. Your variables for that should now look like: ```zsh POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HOME_BACKGROUND='green' POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HOME_FOREGROUND='cyan' POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND='red' POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND='yellow' ``` ### `status` changes The `status` segment was split up into three segments. `background_jobs` prints an icon if there are background jobs. `root_indicator` prints an icon if the user is root. The `status` segment focuses now on the status only. The `status` segment also now has "state". If you want to overwrite the colors, you have to add the state to your variables: ```zsh POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_BACKGROUND='green' POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_FOREGROUND='cyan' POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_BACKGROUND='red' POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_FOREGROUND='yellow' ``` ### New segment `custom_command` added A new segment that allows users to define a custom command was added. ### `virtualenv` changes This segment now respects `VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT`. If this variable is set to `true`, the segments does not get rendered. ### `load` changes The `load` segement was split and a new segment `ram` was extracted. This new segment is able to show the free ram and used swap. ### `vcs` changes This prompt uses the `VCS_INFO` subsystem by ZSH. From now on this subsystem is only invoked if a `vcs` segment was configured. ### `rvm` changes This segment now does not invoke RVM directly anymore. Instead, is relys on the circumstance that RVM was invoked beforehand and just reads the environment variables '$GEM_HOME' and '$MY_RUBY_HOME'. It also now displays the used gemset. ### New segment `battery` added A new segment that shows the battery status of your laptop was added. ### New segment `go_version` added This segment shows the GO version. ### New segment `nvm` added This segment shows your NodeJS version by using NVM (and if it is not 'default'). ### New segment `todo` added This segment shows your ToDos from [todo.sh](http://todotxt.com/). ### New segment `rust_version` added This segment shows your local rust version. ## v0.2.0 ### `longstatus` is now `status` The segments got merged together. To show the segment only if an error occurred, set `POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE=false` (this is the same behavior as the old `status` segment. ### Icon overriding mechanism added All icons can now be overridden by setting a variable named by the internal icon name. You can get a full list of icon name by calling `get_icon_names`. ### Same color segements get visual separator This separator can be controlled by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR` or `POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR`. By default this separator is printed in the foreground color. ### `dir` segment has different strategies for truncation Now you can choose between `truncate_middle` or `truncate_from_right` by setting `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY`. Default behavior is unchanged (truncate whole directories). `POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH` can be used to influence how much will be truncated (either direcories or chars). ### New segment `ip` added This segment shows your internal IP address. You can define which interfaces IP will be shown by specifying it via `POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE`. ### New segment `load` added This segment shows your computers 5min load average. ### New segment `os_icon` added This segment shows a little indicator which OS you are running. ### New segment `php_version` added This segment shows your PHP version. ### New segment `vi_mode` added This segment gives you a hint in which VI-mode you currently are. This segment requires a proper configured VI-mode. ### Added the ability to have empty left or right prompts By setting the according variable to an empty array, the left or right prompt will be empty. ## v0.1.0 This is the first release