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2020-01-19 22:14:35 +03:00
- battery: when state or icon change, update with _p9k_set_prompt. make sure icons can be sent with
`typset -p` in zsh 5.1.
- ram: reduce precision to 2 digits. check if it makes sense for all segments that use the same
- to avoid resetting prompt too often (e.g., when battery remaining time changes by 1 minute), can
do the following: send the current state from master to worker; worker sends new state if it's
different but it only triggers prompt reset if it's sufficiently different. this requires
disabling implicit reset on every eval in _p9k_worker_receive.
2020-01-21 14:35:24 +03:00
- implement fake gitstatus api on top of vcs_info (or plain git?) + worker and use it if there is no
2020-02-03 19:42:04 +03:00
## asdf
- https://asdf-vm.com/#/core-configuration?id=environment-variables
- https://asdf-vm.com/#/core-configuration?id=tool-versions
- https://asdf-vm.com/#/core-configuration?id=homeasdfrc
- https://asdf-vm.com/#/plugins-create?id=binlist-legacy-filenames
- https://asdf-vm.com/#/plugins-create?id=binparse-legacy-file
- `print -lr -- ${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins/*(/N:t)`
- `print -lr -- $(${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins/ruby/bin/list-legacy-filenames)`
- `${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins/ruby/bin/parse-legacy-file ~/powerlevel10k/test/foo/.ruby-version`
- if empty, keep looking
2020-02-04 17:43:25 +03:00
- ASDF_${upcase_name}_VERSION wins over everything
2020-02-03 19:42:04 +03:00
- deeper version overrides win
- .tool-versions wins over .ruby-version when in the same directory
- versions for different tools are looked up independently: if /foo/bar/.tool-versions doesn't
override "ruby" it's as if it doesn't exist as far as ruby version is concerned.
2020-02-04 17:43:25 +03:00
- after upglob look $HOME (same file patterns)
- finally look at $ASDF_DEFAULT_TOOL_VERSIONS_FILENAME (single file; parse it like .tool-versions)
2020-02-03 19:42:04 +03:00
- ${ASDF_CONFIG_FILE:-~/.asdfrc} parsing:
grep -E "^\\s*legacy_version_file\\s*=\\s*" "$config_path" |
head |
awk -F '=' '{print $2}' |
sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')"
[[ $opt == yes ]]
Stat caches:
- ${ASDF_CONFIG_FILE:-~/.asdfrc} => legacy_version_file (yes or no)
- ${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins => list of plugins
- ${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins/ruby/bin => list of relevant scripts
(list-legacy-filenames and parse-legacy-file)
- ${ASDF_DATA_DIR:-~/.asdf}/plugins/ruby/bin/list-legacy-filenames => list (or pattern made from it?)
2020-02-04 17:43:25 +03:00
- /foo/bar => { tool => version } (permanent cache via stat cache)
typeset -ga _p9k_asdf_meta_files=(
typeset -g _p9k_asdf_file_pat # example: '(.tool-versions|.ruby-version)'
typeset -gA _p9k_asdf_file_info # .ruby-version => ruby1 ('1' means parse-legacy-file is present)