Dmitry Maluka 965e43ebf1 Implement word wrapping
Fixes #264
Fixes #1644
2021-04-08 23:54:10 +02:00

327 lines
7 KiB

package display
import (
runewidth "github.com/mattn/go-runewidth"
// SLoc represents a vertical scrolling location, i.e. a location of a visual line
// in the buffer. When softwrap is enabled, a buffer line may be displayed as
// multiple visual lines (rows). So SLoc stores a number of a line in the buffer
// and a number of a row within this line.
type SLoc struct {
Line, Row int
// LessThan returns true if s is less b
func (s SLoc) LessThan(b SLoc) bool {
if s.Line < b.Line {
return true
return s.Line == b.Line && s.Row < b.Row
// GreaterThan returns true if s is bigger than b
func (s SLoc) GreaterThan(b SLoc) bool {
if s.Line > b.Line {
return true
return s.Line == b.Line && s.Row > b.Row
// VLoc represents a location in the buffer as a visual location in the
// linewrapped buffer.
type VLoc struct {
VisualX int
type SoftWrap interface {
Scroll(s SLoc, n int) SLoc
Diff(s1, s2 SLoc) int
SLocFromLoc(loc buffer.Loc) SLoc
VLocFromLoc(loc buffer.Loc) VLoc
LocFromVLoc(vloc VLoc) buffer.Loc
func (w *BufWindow) getVLocFromLoc(loc buffer.Loc) VLoc {
vloc := VLoc{SLoc: SLoc{loc.Y, 0}, VisualX: 0}
if loc.X <= 0 {
return vloc
if w.bufWidth <= 0 {
return vloc
wordwrap := w.Buf.Settings["wordwrap"].(bool)
tabsize := util.IntOpt(w.Buf.Settings["tabsize"])
line := w.Buf.LineBytes(loc.Y)
x := 0
totalwidth := 0
wordwidth := 0
wordoffset := 0
for len(line) > 0 {
r, _, size := util.DecodeCharacter(line)
line = line[size:]
width := 0
switch r {
case '\t':
ts := tabsize - (totalwidth % tabsize)
width = util.Min(ts, w.bufWidth-vloc.VisualX)
totalwidth += ts
width = runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
totalwidth += width
wordwidth += width
// Collect a complete word to know its width.
// If wordwrap is off, every single character is a complete "word".
if wordwrap {
if !util.IsWhitespace(r) && len(line) > 0 && wordwidth < w.bufWidth {
if x < loc.X {
wordoffset += width
// If a word (or just a wide rune) does not fit in the window
if vloc.VisualX+wordwidth > w.bufWidth && vloc.VisualX > 0 {
vloc.VisualX = 0
if x == loc.X {
vloc.VisualX += wordoffset
return vloc
vloc.VisualX += wordwidth
wordwidth = 0
wordoffset = 0
if vloc.VisualX >= w.bufWidth {
vloc.VisualX = 0
return vloc
func (w *BufWindow) getLocFromVLoc(svloc VLoc) buffer.Loc {
loc := buffer.Loc{X: 0, Y: svloc.Line}
if w.bufWidth <= 0 {
return loc
wordwrap := w.Buf.Settings["wordwrap"].(bool)
tabsize := util.IntOpt(w.Buf.Settings["tabsize"])
line := w.Buf.LineBytes(svloc.Line)
vloc := VLoc{SLoc: SLoc{svloc.Line, 0}, VisualX: 0}
totalwidth := 0
var widths []int
if wordwrap {
widths = make([]int, 0, w.bufWidth)
} else {
widths = make([]int, 0, 1)
wordwidth := 0
for len(line) > 0 {
r, _, size := util.DecodeCharacter(line)
line = line[size:]
width := 0
switch r {
case '\t':
ts := tabsize - (totalwidth % tabsize)
width = util.Min(ts, w.bufWidth-vloc.VisualX)
totalwidth += ts
width = runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
totalwidth += width
widths = append(widths, width)
wordwidth += width
// Collect a complete word to know its width.
// If wordwrap is off, every single character is a complete "word".
if wordwrap {
if !util.IsWhitespace(r) && len(line) > 0 && wordwidth < w.bufWidth {
// If a word (or just a wide rune) does not fit in the window
if vloc.VisualX+wordwidth > w.bufWidth && vloc.VisualX > 0 {
if vloc.Row == svloc.Row {
if wordwrap {
// it's a word, not a wide rune
return loc
vloc.VisualX = 0
for i := range widths {
vloc.VisualX += widths[i]
if vloc.Row == svloc.Row && vloc.VisualX > svloc.VisualX {
return loc
widths = widths[:0]
wordwidth = 0
if vloc.VisualX >= w.bufWidth {
vloc.VisualX = 0
return loc
func (w *BufWindow) getRowCount(line int) int {
eol := buffer.Loc{X: util.CharacterCount(w.Buf.LineBytes(line)), Y: line}
return w.getVLocFromLoc(eol).Row + 1
func (w *BufWindow) scrollUp(s SLoc, n int) SLoc {
for n > 0 {
if n <= s.Row {
s.Row -= n
n = 0
} else if s.Line > 0 {
n -= s.Row + 1
s.Row = w.getRowCount(s.Line) - 1
} else {
s.Row = 0
return s
func (w *BufWindow) scrollDown(s SLoc, n int) SLoc {
for n > 0 {
rc := w.getRowCount(s.Line)
if n < rc-s.Row {
s.Row += n
n = 0
} else if s.Line < w.Buf.LinesNum()-1 {
n -= rc - s.Row
s.Row = 0
} else {
s.Row = rc - 1
return s
func (w *BufWindow) scroll(s SLoc, n int) SLoc {
if n < 0 {
return w.scrollUp(s, -n)
return w.scrollDown(s, n)
func (w *BufWindow) diff(s1, s2 SLoc) int {
n := 0
for s1.LessThan(s2) {
if s1.Line < s2.Line {
n += w.getRowCount(s1.Line) - s1.Row
s1.Row = 0
} else {
n += s2.Row - s1.Row
s1.Row = s2.Row
return n
// Scroll returns the location which is n visual lines below the location s
// i.e. the result of scrolling n lines down. n can be negative,
// which means scrolling up. The returned location is guaranteed to be
// within the buffer boundaries.
func (w *BufWindow) Scroll(s SLoc, n int) SLoc {
if !w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) {
s.Line += n
if s.Line < 0 {
s.Line = 0
if s.Line > w.Buf.LinesNum()-1 {
s.Line = w.Buf.LinesNum() - 1
return s
return w.scroll(s, n)
// Diff returns the difference (the vertical distance) between two SLocs.
func (w *BufWindow) Diff(s1, s2 SLoc) int {
if !w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) {
return s2.Line - s1.Line
if s1.GreaterThan(s2) {
return -w.diff(s2, s1)
return w.diff(s1, s2)
// SLocFromLoc takes a position in the buffer and returns the location
// of the visual line containing this position.
func (w *BufWindow) SLocFromLoc(loc buffer.Loc) SLoc {
if !w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) {
return SLoc{loc.Y, 0}
return w.getVLocFromLoc(loc).SLoc
// VLocFromLoc takes a position in the buffer and returns the corresponding
// visual location in the linewrapped buffer.
func (w *BufWindow) VLocFromLoc(loc buffer.Loc) VLoc {
if !w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) {
tabsize := util.IntOpt(w.Buf.Settings["tabsize"])
visualx := util.StringWidth(w.Buf.LineBytes(loc.Y), loc.X, tabsize)
return VLoc{SLoc{loc.Y, 0}, visualx}
return w.getVLocFromLoc(loc)
// LocFromVLoc takes a visual location in the linewrapped buffer and returns
// the position in the buffer corresponding to this visual location.
func (w *BufWindow) LocFromVLoc(vloc VLoc) buffer.Loc {
if !w.Buf.Settings["softwrap"].(bool) {
tabsize := util.IntOpt(w.Buf.Settings["tabsize"])
x := util.GetCharPosInLine(w.Buf.LineBytes(vloc.Line), vloc.VisualX, tabsize)
return buffer.Loc{x, vloc.Line}
return w.getLocFromVLoc(vloc)