Dmitry Maluka ffbb257434
Support for highlighting all search matches (hlsearch) (#1762)
* Support for highlighting all search matches (hlsearch)

hlsearch is implemented efficiently using the buffer's line array,
somewhat similarly to the syntax highlighting.
Unlike the syntax highlighter which highlights the entire file,
hlsearch searches for matches for the displayed lines only.
Matches are searched when the given line is displayed first time
or after it was modified. Otherwise the previously found matches
are used.

* Add UnhighlightSearch action

and add it to the list of actions triggered by Esc key by default.

* Add comment explaining the purpose of search map

* Add hlsearch colors to colorschemes

Mostly just copied from the corresponding original (mostly vim) colorschemes.

* Highlight matches during/after replace as well

As a side effect it also changes the last search value, i.e. affects FindNext
and FindPrevious, but it's probably fine. In vim it works the same way.

* Improve hlsearch option description
2021-09-28 13:39:03 -07:00

1226 lines
30 KiB

package buffer
import (
luar "layeh.com/gopher-luar"
dmp "github.com/sergi/go-diff/diffmatchpatch"
ulua "github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/lua"
const backupTime = 8000
var (
// OpenBuffers is a list of the currently open buffers
OpenBuffers []*Buffer
// LogBuf is a reference to the log buffer which can be opened with the
// `> log` command
LogBuf *Buffer
// The BufType defines what kind of buffer this is
type BufType struct {
Kind int
Readonly bool // The buffer cannot be edited
Scratch bool // The buffer cannot be saved
Syntax bool // Syntax highlighting is enabled
var (
// BTDefault is a default buffer
BTDefault = BufType{0, false, false, true}
// BTHelp is a help buffer
BTHelp = BufType{1, true, true, true}
// BTLog is a log buffer
BTLog = BufType{2, true, true, false}
// BTScratch is a buffer that cannot be saved (for scratch work)
BTScratch = BufType{3, false, true, false}
// BTRaw is is a buffer that shows raw terminal events
BTRaw = BufType{4, false, true, false}
// BTInfo is a buffer for inputting information
BTInfo = BufType{5, false, true, false}
// BTStdout is a buffer that only writes to stdout
// when closed
BTStdout = BufType{6, false, true, true}
// ErrFileTooLarge is returned when the file is too large to hash
// (fastdirty is automatically enabled)
ErrFileTooLarge = errors.New("File is too large to hash")
// SharedBuffer is a struct containing info that is shared among buffers
// that have the same file open
type SharedBuffer struct {
// Stores the last modification time of the file the buffer is pointing to
ModTime time.Time
// Type of the buffer (e.g. help, raw, scratch etc..)
Type BufType
// Path to the file on disk
Path string
// Absolute path to the file on disk
AbsPath string
// Name of the buffer on the status line
name string
toStdout bool
// Settings customized by the user
Settings map[string]interface{}
Suggestions []string
Completions []string
CurSuggestion int
Messages []*Message
updateDiffTimer *time.Timer
diffBase []byte
diffBaseLineCount int
diffLock sync.RWMutex
diff map[int]DiffStatus
requestedBackup bool
// ReloadDisabled allows the user to disable reloads if they
// are viewing a file that is constantly changing
ReloadDisabled bool
isModified bool
// Whether or not suggestions can be autocompleted must be shared because
// it changes based on how the buffer has changed
HasSuggestions bool
// The Highlighter struct actually performs the highlighting
Highlighter *highlight.Highlighter
// SyntaxDef represents the syntax highlighting definition being used
// This stores the highlighting rules and filetype detection info
SyntaxDef *highlight.Def
ModifiedThisFrame bool
// Hash of the original buffer -- empty if fastdirty is on
origHash [md5.Size]byte
func (b *SharedBuffer) insert(pos Loc, value []byte) {
b.isModified = true
b.HasSuggestions = false
b.LineArray.insert(pos, value)
inslines := bytes.Count(value, []byte{'\n'})
b.MarkModified(pos.Y, pos.Y+inslines)
func (b *SharedBuffer) remove(start, end Loc) []byte {
b.isModified = true
b.HasSuggestions = false
defer b.MarkModified(start.Y, end.Y)
return b.LineArray.remove(start, end)
// MarkModified marks the buffer as modified for this frame
// and performs rehighlighting if syntax highlighting is enabled
func (b *SharedBuffer) MarkModified(start, end int) {
b.ModifiedThisFrame = true
start = util.Clamp(start, 0, len(b.lines)-1)
end = util.Clamp(end, 0, len(b.lines)-1)
if b.Settings["syntax"].(bool) && b.SyntaxDef != nil {
l := -1
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
l = util.Max(b.Highlighter.ReHighlightStates(b, i), l)
b.Highlighter.HighlightMatches(b, start, l)
for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
// DisableReload disables future reloads of this sharedbuffer
func (b *SharedBuffer) DisableReload() {
b.ReloadDisabled = true
const (
DSUnchanged = 0
DSAdded = 1
DSModified = 2
DSDeletedAbove = 3
type DiffStatus byte
// Buffer stores the main information about a currently open file including
// the actual text (in a LineArray), the undo/redo stack (in an EventHandler)
// all the cursors, the syntax highlighting info, the settings for the buffer
// and some misc info about modification time and path location.
// The syntax highlighting info must be stored with the buffer because the syntax
// highlighter attaches information to each line of the buffer for optimization
// purposes so it doesn't have to rehighlight everything on every update.
// Likewise for the search highlighting.
type Buffer struct {
fini int32
cursors []*Cursor
curCursor int
StartCursor Loc
// OptionCallback is called after a buffer option value is changed.
// The display module registers its OptionCallback to ensure the buffer window
// is properly updated when needed. This is a workaround for the fact that
// the buffer module cannot directly call the display's API (it would mean
// a circular dependency between packages).
OptionCallback func(option string, nativeValue interface{})
// The display module registers its own GetVisualX function for getting
// the correct visual x location of a cursor when softwrap is used.
// This is hacky. Maybe it would be better to move all the visual x logic
// from buffer to display, but it would require rewriting a lot of code.
GetVisualX func(loc Loc) int
// Last search stores the last successful search
LastSearch string
LastSearchRegex bool
// HighlightSearch enables highlighting all instances of the last successful search
HighlightSearch bool
// NewBufferFromFileAtLoc opens a new buffer with a given cursor location
// If cursorLoc is {-1, -1} the location does not overwrite what the cursor location
// would otherwise be (start of file, or saved cursor position if `savecursor` is
// enabled)
func NewBufferFromFileAtLoc(path string, btype BufType, cursorLoc Loc) (*Buffer, error) {
var err error
filename := path
if config.GetGlobalOption("parsecursor").(bool) && cursorLoc.X == -1 && cursorLoc.Y == -1 {
var cursorPos []string
filename, cursorPos = util.GetPathAndCursorPosition(filename)
cursorLoc, err = ParseCursorLocation(cursorPos)
if err != nil {
cursorLoc = Loc{-1, -1}
filename, err = util.ReplaceHome(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY, 0)
readonly := os.IsPermission(err)
fileInfo, serr := os.Stat(filename)
if serr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(serr) {
return nil, serr
if serr == nil && fileInfo.IsDir() {
return nil, errors.New("Error: " + filename + " is a directory and cannot be opened")
file, err := os.Open(filename)
if err == nil {
defer file.Close()
var buf *Buffer
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// File does not exist -- create an empty buffer with that name
buf = NewBufferFromString("", filename, btype)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
buf = NewBuffer(file, util.FSize(file), filename, cursorLoc, btype)
if buf == nil {
return nil, errors.New("could not open file")
if readonly && prompt != nil {
prompt.Message(fmt.Sprintf("Warning: file is readonly - %s will be attempted when saving", config.GlobalSettings["sucmd"].(string)))
// buf.SetOptionNative("readonly", true)
return buf, nil
// NewBufferFromFile opens a new buffer using the given path
// It will also automatically handle `~`, and line/column with filename:l:c
// It will return an empty buffer if the path does not exist
// and an error if the file is a directory
func NewBufferFromFile(path string, btype BufType) (*Buffer, error) {
return NewBufferFromFileAtLoc(path, btype, Loc{-1, -1})
// NewBufferFromStringAtLoc creates a new buffer containing the given string with a cursor loc
func NewBufferFromStringAtLoc(text, path string, btype BufType, cursorLoc Loc) *Buffer {
return NewBuffer(strings.NewReader(text), int64(len(text)), path, cursorLoc, btype)
// NewBufferFromString creates a new buffer containing the given string
func NewBufferFromString(text, path string, btype BufType) *Buffer {
return NewBuffer(strings.NewReader(text), int64(len(text)), path, Loc{-1, -1}, btype)
// NewBuffer creates a new buffer from a given reader with a given path
// Ensure that ReadSettings and InitGlobalSettings have been called before creating
// a new buffer
// Places the cursor at startcursor. If startcursor is -1, -1 places the
// cursor at an autodetected location (based on savecursor or :LINE:COL)
func NewBuffer(r io.Reader, size int64, path string, startcursor Loc, btype BufType) *Buffer {
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(path)
b := new(Buffer)
found := false
if len(path) > 0 {
for _, buf := range OpenBuffers {
if buf.AbsPath == absPath && buf.Type != BTInfo {
found = true
b.SharedBuffer = buf.SharedBuffer
b.EventHandler = buf.EventHandler
hasBackup := false
if !found {
b.SharedBuffer = new(SharedBuffer)
b.Type = btype
b.AbsPath = absPath
b.Path = path
// this is a little messy since we need to know some settings to read
// the file properly, but some settings depend on the filetype, which
// we don't know until reading the file. We first read the settings
// into a local variable and then use that to determine the encoding,
// readonly, and fileformat necessary for reading the file and
// assigning the filetype.
settings := config.DefaultCommonSettings()
b.Settings = config.DefaultCommonSettings()
for k, v := range config.GlobalSettings {
if _, ok := config.DefaultGlobalOnlySettings[k]; !ok {
// make sure setting is not global-only
settings[k] = v
b.Settings[k] = v
config.InitLocalSettings(settings, path)
b.Settings["readonly"] = settings["readonly"]
b.Settings["filetype"] = settings["filetype"]
b.Settings["syntax"] = settings["syntax"]
enc, err := htmlindex.Get(settings["encoding"].(string))
if err != nil {
enc = unicode.UTF8
b.Settings["encoding"] = "utf-8"
var ok bool
hasBackup, ok = b.ApplyBackup(size)
if !ok {
return NewBufferFromString("", "", btype)
if !hasBackup {
reader := bufio.NewReader(transform.NewReader(r, enc.NewDecoder()))
var ff FileFormat = FFAuto
if size == 0 {
// for empty files, use the fileformat setting instead of
// autodetection
switch settings["fileformat"] {
case "unix":
ff = FFUnix
case "dos":
ff = FFDos
b.LineArray = NewLineArray(uint64(size), ff, reader)
b.EventHandler = NewEventHandler(b.SharedBuffer, b.cursors)
// The last time this file was modified
if b.Settings["readonly"].(bool) && b.Type == BTDefault {
b.Type.Readonly = true
switch b.Endings {
case FFUnix:
b.Settings["fileformat"] = "unix"
case FFDos:
b.Settings["fileformat"] = "dos"
// init local settings again now that we know the filetype
config.InitLocalSettings(b.Settings, b.Path)
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(config.ConfigDir, "buffers")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(config.ConfigDir, "buffers"), os.ModePerm)
if startcursor.X != -1 && startcursor.Y != -1 {
b.StartCursor = startcursor
} else if b.Settings["savecursor"].(bool) || b.Settings["saveundo"].(bool) {
err := b.Unserialize()
if err != nil {
b.AddCursor(NewCursor(b, b.StartCursor))
if !b.Settings["fastdirty"].(bool) && !found {
if size > LargeFileThreshold {
// If the file is larger than LargeFileThreshold fastdirty needs to be on
b.Settings["fastdirty"] = true
} else if !hasBackup {
// since applying a backup does not save the applied backup to disk, we should
// not calculate the original hash based on the backup data
calcHash(b, &b.origHash)
err := config.RunPluginFn("onBufferOpen", luar.New(ulua.L, b))
if err != nil {
OpenBuffers = append(OpenBuffers, b)
return b
// Close removes this buffer from the list of open buffers
func (b *Buffer) Close() {
for i, buf := range OpenBuffers {
if b == buf {
copy(OpenBuffers[i:], OpenBuffers[i+1:])
OpenBuffers[len(OpenBuffers)-1] = nil
OpenBuffers = OpenBuffers[:len(OpenBuffers)-1]
// Fini should be called when a buffer is closed and performs
// some cleanup
func (b *Buffer) Fini() {
if !b.Modified() {
if b.Type == BTStdout {
fmt.Fprint(util.Stdout, string(b.Bytes()))
atomic.StoreInt32(&(b.fini), int32(1))
// GetName returns the name that should be displayed in the statusline
// for this buffer
func (b *Buffer) GetName() string {
name := b.name
if name == "" {
if b.Path == "" {
return "No name"
name = b.Path
if b.Settings["basename"].(bool) {
return path.Base(name)
return name
//SetName changes the name for this buffer
func (b *Buffer) SetName(s string) {
b.name = s
// Insert inserts the given string of text at the start location
func (b *Buffer) Insert(start Loc, text string) {
if !b.Type.Readonly {
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
b.EventHandler.Insert(start, text)
// Remove removes the characters between the start and end locations
func (b *Buffer) Remove(start, end Loc) {
if !b.Type.Readonly {
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
b.EventHandler.Remove(start, end)
// FileType returns the buffer's filetype
func (b *Buffer) FileType() string {
return b.Settings["filetype"].(string)
// ExternallyModified returns whether the file being edited has
// been modified by some external process
func (b *Buffer) ExternallyModified() bool {
modTime, err := util.GetModTime(b.Path)
if err == nil {
return modTime != b.ModTime
return false
// UpdateModTime updates the modtime of this file
func (b *Buffer) UpdateModTime() (err error) {
b.ModTime, err = util.GetModTime(b.Path)
// ReOpen reloads the current buffer from disk
func (b *Buffer) ReOpen() error {
file, err := os.Open(b.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
enc, err := htmlindex.Get(b.Settings["encoding"].(string))
if err != nil {
return err
reader := bufio.NewReader(transform.NewReader(file, enc.NewDecoder()))
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
txt := string(data)
if err != nil {
return err
err = b.UpdateModTime()
if !b.Settings["fastdirty"].(bool) {
calcHash(b, &b.origHash)
b.isModified = false
return err
// RelocateCursors relocates all cursors (makes sure they are in the buffer)
func (b *Buffer) RelocateCursors() {
for _, c := range b.cursors {
// RuneAt returns the rune at a given location in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) RuneAt(loc Loc) rune {
line := b.LineBytes(loc.Y)
if len(line) > 0 {
i := 0
for len(line) > 0 {
r, _, size := util.DecodeCharacter(line)
line = line[size:]
if i == loc.X {
return r
return '\n'
// WordAt returns the word around a given location in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) WordAt(loc Loc) []byte {
if len(b.LineBytes(loc.Y)) == 0 || !util.IsWordChar(b.RuneAt(loc)) {
return []byte{}
start := loc
end := loc.Move(1, b)
for start.X > 0 && util.IsWordChar(b.RuneAt(start.Move(-1, b))) {
lineLen := util.CharacterCount(b.LineBytes(loc.Y))
for end.X < lineLen && util.IsWordChar(b.RuneAt(end)) {
return b.Substr(start, end)
// Modified returns if this buffer has been modified since
// being opened
func (b *Buffer) Modified() bool {
if b.Type.Scratch {
return false
if b.Settings["fastdirty"].(bool) {
return b.isModified
var buff [md5.Size]byte
calcHash(b, &buff)
return buff != b.origHash
// Size returns the number of bytes in the current buffer
func (b *Buffer) Size() int {
nb := 0
for i := 0; i < b.LinesNum(); i++ {
nb += len(b.LineBytes(i))
if i != b.LinesNum()-1 {
if b.Endings == FFDos {
nb++ // carriage return
nb++ // newline
return nb
// calcHash calculates md5 hash of all lines in the buffer
func calcHash(b *Buffer, out *[md5.Size]byte) error {
h := md5.New()
size := 0
if len(b.lines) > 0 {
n, e := h.Write(b.lines[0].data)
if e != nil {
return e
size += n
for _, l := range b.lines[1:] {
n, e = h.Write([]byte{'\n'})
if e != nil {
return e
size += n
n, e = h.Write(l.data)
if e != nil {
return e
size += n
if size > LargeFileThreshold {
return ErrFileTooLarge
return nil
// UpdateRules updates the syntax rules and filetype for this buffer
// This is called when the colorscheme changes
func (b *Buffer) UpdateRules() {
if !b.Type.Syntax {
ft := b.Settings["filetype"].(string)
if ft == "off" {
syntaxFile := ""
foundDef := false
var header *highlight.Header
// search for the syntax file in the user's custom syntax files
for _, f := range config.ListRealRuntimeFiles(config.RTSyntax) {
data, err := f.Data()
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error loading syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
header, err = highlight.MakeHeaderYaml(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing header for syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
file, err := highlight.ParseFile(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
if ((ft == "unknown" || ft == "") && highlight.MatchFiletype(header.FtDetect, b.Path, b.lines[0].data)) || header.FileType == ft {
syndef, err := highlight.ParseDef(file, header)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
b.SyntaxDef = syndef
syntaxFile = f.Name()
foundDef = true
// search in the default syntax files
for _, f := range config.ListRuntimeFiles(config.RTSyntaxHeader) {
data, err := f.Data()
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error loading syntax header file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
header, err = highlight.MakeHeader(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error reading syntax header file", f.Name(), err)
if ft == "unknown" || ft == "" {
if highlight.MatchFiletype(header.FtDetect, b.Path, b.lines[0].data) {
syntaxFile = f.Name()
} else if header.FileType == ft {
syntaxFile = f.Name()
if syntaxFile != "" && !foundDef {
// we found a syntax file using a syntax header file
for _, f := range config.ListRuntimeFiles(config.RTSyntax) {
if f.Name() == syntaxFile {
data, err := f.Data()
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error loading syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
file, err := highlight.ParseFile(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
syndef, err := highlight.ParseDef(file, header)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
b.SyntaxDef = syndef
if b.SyntaxDef != nil && highlight.HasIncludes(b.SyntaxDef) {
includes := highlight.GetIncludes(b.SyntaxDef)
var files []*highlight.File
for _, f := range config.ListRuntimeFiles(config.RTSyntax) {
data, err := f.Data()
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
header, err := highlight.MakeHeaderYaml(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
for _, i := range includes {
if header.FileType == i {
file, err := highlight.ParseFile(data)
if err != nil {
screen.TermMessage("Error parsing syntax file " + f.Name() + ": " + err.Error())
files = append(files, file)
if len(files) >= len(includes) {
highlight.ResolveIncludes(b.SyntaxDef, files)
if b.Highlighter == nil || syntaxFile != "" {
if b.SyntaxDef != nil {
b.Settings["filetype"] = b.SyntaxDef.FileType
} else {
b.SyntaxDef = &highlight.EmptyDef
if b.SyntaxDef != nil {
b.Highlighter = highlight.NewHighlighter(b.SyntaxDef)
if b.Settings["syntax"].(bool) {
go func() {
b.Highlighter.HighlightMatches(b, 0, b.End().Y)
// ClearMatches clears all of the syntax highlighting for the buffer
func (b *Buffer) ClearMatches() {
for i := range b.lines {
b.SetMatch(i, nil)
b.SetState(i, nil)
// IndentString returns this buffer's indent method (a tabstop or n spaces
// depending on the settings)
func (b *Buffer) IndentString(tabsize int) string {
if b.Settings["tabstospaces"].(bool) {
return util.Spaces(tabsize)
return "\t"
// SetCursors resets this buffer's cursors to a new list
func (b *Buffer) SetCursors(c []*Cursor) {
b.cursors = c
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
// AddCursor adds a new cursor to the list
func (b *Buffer) AddCursor(c *Cursor) {
b.cursors = append(b.cursors, c)
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
// SetCurCursor sets the current cursor
func (b *Buffer) SetCurCursor(n int) {
b.curCursor = n
// GetActiveCursor returns the main cursor in this buffer
func (b *Buffer) GetActiveCursor() *Cursor {
return b.cursors[b.curCursor]
// GetCursor returns the nth cursor
func (b *Buffer) GetCursor(n int) *Cursor {
return b.cursors[n]
// GetCursors returns the list of cursors in this buffer
func (b *Buffer) GetCursors() []*Cursor {
return b.cursors
// NumCursors returns the number of cursors
func (b *Buffer) NumCursors() int {
return len(b.cursors)
// MergeCursors merges any cursors that are at the same position
// into one cursor
func (b *Buffer) MergeCursors() {
var cursors []*Cursor
for i := 0; i < len(b.cursors); i++ {
c1 := b.cursors[i]
if c1 != nil {
for j := 0; j < len(b.cursors); j++ {
c2 := b.cursors[j]
if c2 != nil && i != j && c1.Loc == c2.Loc {
b.cursors[j] = nil
cursors = append(cursors, c1)
b.cursors = cursors
for i := range b.cursors {
b.cursors[i].Num = i
if b.curCursor >= len(b.cursors) {
b.curCursor = len(b.cursors) - 1
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
// UpdateCursors updates all the cursors indicies
func (b *Buffer) UpdateCursors() {
b.EventHandler.cursors = b.cursors
b.EventHandler.active = b.curCursor
for i, c := range b.cursors {
c.Num = i
func (b *Buffer) RemoveCursor(i int) {
copy(b.cursors[i:], b.cursors[i+1:])
b.cursors[len(b.cursors)-1] = nil
b.cursors = b.cursors[:len(b.cursors)-1]
b.curCursor = util.Clamp(b.curCursor, 0, len(b.cursors)-1)
// ClearCursors removes all extra cursors
func (b *Buffer) ClearCursors() {
for i := 1; i < len(b.cursors); i++ {
b.cursors[i] = nil
b.cursors = b.cursors[:1]
b.curCursor = 0
// MoveLinesUp moves the range of lines up one row
func (b *Buffer) MoveLinesUp(start int, end int) {
if start < 1 || start >= end || end > len(b.lines) {
l := string(b.LineBytes(start - 1))
if end == len(b.lines) {
end - 1,
Loc{0, end},
Loc{0, start - 1},
Loc{0, start},
// MoveLinesDown moves the range of lines down one row
func (b *Buffer) MoveLinesDown(start int, end int) {
if start < 0 || start >= end || end >= len(b.lines) {
l := string(b.LineBytes(end))
Loc{0, start},
Loc{0, end},
Loc{0, end + 1},
var BracePairs = [][2]rune{
{'(', ')'},
{'{', '}'},
{'[', ']'},
// FindMatchingBrace returns the location in the buffer of the matching bracket
// It is given a brace type containing the open and closing character, (for example
// '{' and '}') as well as the location to match from
// TODO: maybe can be more efficient with utf8 package
// returns the location of the matching brace
// if the boolean returned is true then the original matching brace is one character left
// of the starting location
func (b *Buffer) FindMatchingBrace(braceType [2]rune, start Loc) (Loc, bool, bool) {
curLine := []rune(string(b.LineBytes(start.Y)))
startChar := ' '
if start.X >= 0 && start.X < len(curLine) {
startChar = curLine[start.X]
leftChar := ' '
if start.X-1 >= 0 && start.X-1 < len(curLine) {
leftChar = curLine[start.X-1]
var i int
if startChar == braceType[0] || leftChar == braceType[0] {
for y := start.Y; y < b.LinesNum(); y++ {
l := []rune(string(b.LineBytes(y)))
xInit := 0
if y == start.Y {
if startChar == braceType[0] {
xInit = start.X
} else {
xInit = start.X - 1
for x := xInit; x < len(l); x++ {
r := l[x]
if r == braceType[0] {
} else if r == braceType[1] {
if i == 0 {
if startChar == braceType[0] {
return Loc{x, y}, false, true
return Loc{x, y}, true, true
} else if startChar == braceType[1] || leftChar == braceType[1] {
for y := start.Y; y >= 0; y-- {
l := []rune(string(b.lines[y].data))
xInit := len(l) - 1
if y == start.Y {
if leftChar == braceType[1] {
xInit = start.X - 1
} else {
xInit = start.X
for x := xInit; x >= 0; x-- {
r := l[x]
if r == braceType[0] {
if i == 0 {
if leftChar == braceType[1] {
return Loc{x, y}, true, true
return Loc{x, y}, false, true
} else if r == braceType[1] {
return start, true, false
// Retab changes all tabs to spaces or vice versa
func (b *Buffer) Retab() {
toSpaces := b.Settings["tabstospaces"].(bool)
tabsize := util.IntOpt(b.Settings["tabsize"])
dirty := false
for i := 0; i < b.LinesNum(); i++ {
l := b.LineBytes(i)
ws := util.GetLeadingWhitespace(l)
if len(ws) != 0 {
if toSpaces {
ws = bytes.ReplaceAll(ws, []byte{'\t'}, bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, tabsize))
} else {
ws = bytes.ReplaceAll(ws, bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, tabsize), []byte{'\t'})
l = bytes.TrimLeft(l, " \t")
b.lines[i].data = append(ws, l...)
b.MarkModified(i, i)
dirty = true
b.isModified = dirty
// ParseCursorLocation turns a cursor location like 10:5 (LINE:COL)
// into a loc
func ParseCursorLocation(cursorPositions []string) (Loc, error) {
startpos := Loc{0, 0}
var err error
// if no positions are available exit early
if cursorPositions == nil {
return startpos, errors.New("No cursor positions were provided.")
startpos.Y, err = strconv.Atoi(cursorPositions[0])
if err == nil {
if len(cursorPositions) > 1 {
startpos.X, err = strconv.Atoi(cursorPositions[1])
if startpos.X > 0 {
return startpos, err
// Line returns the string representation of the given line number
func (b *Buffer) Line(i int) string {
return string(b.LineBytes(i))
func (b *Buffer) Write(bytes []byte) (n int, err error) {
b.EventHandler.InsertBytes(b.End(), bytes)
return len(bytes), nil
func (b *Buffer) updateDiffSync() {
defer b.diffLock.Unlock()
b.diff = make(map[int]DiffStatus)
if b.diffBase == nil {
differ := dmp.New()
baseRunes, bufferRunes, _ := differ.DiffLinesToRunes(string(b.diffBase), string(b.Bytes()))
diffs := differ.DiffMainRunes(baseRunes, bufferRunes, false)
lineN := 0
for _, diff := range diffs {
lineCount := len([]rune(diff.Text))
switch diff.Type {
case dmp.DiffEqual:
lineN += lineCount
case dmp.DiffInsert:
var status DiffStatus
if b.diff[lineN] == DSDeletedAbove {
status = DSModified
} else {
status = DSAdded
for i := 0; i < lineCount; i++ {
b.diff[lineN] = status
case dmp.DiffDelete:
b.diff[lineN] = DSDeletedAbove
// UpdateDiff computes the diff between the diff base and the buffer content.
// The update may be performed synchronously or asynchronously.
// UpdateDiff calls the supplied callback when the update is complete.
// The argument passed to the callback is set to true if and only if
// the update was performed synchronously.
// If an asynchronous update is already pending when UpdateDiff is called,
// UpdateDiff does not schedule another update, in which case the callback
// is not called.
func (b *Buffer) UpdateDiff(callback func(bool)) {
if b.updateDiffTimer != nil {
lineCount := b.LinesNum()
if b.diffBaseLineCount > lineCount {
lineCount = b.diffBaseLineCount
if lineCount < 1000 {
} else if lineCount < 30000 {
b.updateDiffTimer = time.AfterFunc(500*time.Millisecond, func() {
b.updateDiffTimer = nil
} else {
// Don't compute diffs for very large files
b.diff = make(map[int]DiffStatus)
// SetDiffBase sets the text that is used as the base for diffing the buffer content
func (b *Buffer) SetDiffBase(diffBase []byte) {
b.diffBase = diffBase
if diffBase == nil {
b.diffBaseLineCount = 0
} else {
b.diffBaseLineCount = strings.Count(string(diffBase), "\n")
b.UpdateDiff(func(synchronous bool) {
// DiffStatus returns the diff status for a line in the buffer
func (b *Buffer) DiffStatus(lineN int) DiffStatus {
defer b.diffLock.RUnlock()
// Note that the zero value for DiffStatus is equal to DSUnchanged
return b.diff[lineN]
// SearchMatch returns true if the given location is within a match of the last search.
// It is used for search highlighting
func (b *Buffer) SearchMatch(pos Loc) bool {
return b.LineArray.SearchMatch(b, pos)
// WriteLog writes a string to the log buffer
func WriteLog(s string) {
LogBuf.EventHandler.Insert(LogBuf.End(), s)
// GetLogBuf returns the log buffer
func GetLogBuf() *Buffer {
return LogBuf