lvyaoting d1d38d1ed7
chore: fix some typos (#3239)
Signed-off-by: lvyaoting <lvyaoting@outlook.com>
2024-04-08 12:04:38 +02:00

178 lines
4.7 KiB

package info
import (
// The InfoBuf displays messages and other info at the bottom of the screen.
// It is represented as a buffer and a message with a style.
type InfoBuf struct {
HasPrompt bool
HasMessage bool
HasError bool
HasYN bool
PromptType string
Msg string
YNResp bool
// This map stores the history for all the different kinds of uses Prompt has
// It's a map of history type -> history array
History map[string][]string
HistoryNum int
// HistorySearch indicates whether we are searching for history items
// beginning with HistorySearchPrefix
HistorySearch bool
HistorySearchPrefix string
// Is the current message a message from the gutter
HasGutter bool
PromptCallback func(resp string, canceled bool)
EventCallback func(resp string)
YNCallback func(yes bool, canceled bool)
// NewBuffer returns a new infobuffer
func NewBuffer() *InfoBuf {
ib := new(InfoBuf)
ib.History = make(map[string][]string)
ib.Buffer = buffer.NewBufferFromString("", "", buffer.BTInfo)
return ib
// Close performs any cleanup necessary when shutting down the infobuffer
func (i *InfoBuf) Close() {
// Message sends a message to the user
func (i *InfoBuf) Message(msg ...interface{}) {
// only display a new message if there isn't an active prompt
// this is to prevent overwriting an existing prompt to the user
if !i.HasPrompt {
displayMessage := fmt.Sprint(msg...)
// if there is no active prompt then style and display the message as normal
i.Msg = displayMessage
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = true, false
// GutterMessage displays a message and marks it as a gutter message
func (i *InfoBuf) GutterMessage(msg ...interface{}) {
i.HasGutter = true
// ClearGutter clears the info bar and unmarks the message
func (i *InfoBuf) ClearGutter() {
i.HasGutter = false
// Error sends an error message to the user
func (i *InfoBuf) Error(msg ...interface{}) {
// only display a new message if there isn't an active prompt
// this is to prevent overwriting an existing prompt to the user
if !i.HasPrompt {
// if there is no active prompt then style and display the message as normal
i.Msg = fmt.Sprint(msg...)
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, true
// TODO: add to log?
// Prompt starts a prompt for the user, it takes a prompt, a possibly partially filled in msg
// and callbacks executed when the user executes an event and when the user finishes the prompt
// The eventcb passes the current user response as the argument and donecb passes the user's message
// and a boolean indicating if the prompt was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) Prompt(prompt string, msg string, ptype string, eventcb func(string), donecb func(string, bool)) {
// If we get another prompt mid-prompt we cancel the one getting overwritten
if i.HasPrompt {
if _, ok := i.History[ptype]; !ok {
i.History[ptype] = []string{""}
} else {
i.History[ptype] = append(i.History[ptype], "")
i.HistoryNum = len(i.History[ptype]) - 1
i.HistorySearch = false
i.PromptType = ptype
i.Msg = prompt
i.HasPrompt = true
i.HasMessage, i.HasError, i.HasYN = false, false, false
i.HasGutter = false
i.PromptCallback = donecb
i.EventCallback = eventcb
i.Buffer.Insert(i.Buffer.Start(), msg)
// YNPrompt creates a yes or no prompt, and the callback returns the yes/no result and whether
// the prompt was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) YNPrompt(prompt string, donecb func(bool, bool)) {
if i.HasPrompt {
i.Msg = prompt
i.HasPrompt = true
i.HasYN = true
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, false
i.HasGutter = false
i.YNCallback = donecb
// DonePrompt finishes the current prompt and indicates whether or not it was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) DonePrompt(canceled bool) {
hadYN := i.HasYN
i.HasPrompt = false
i.HasYN = false
i.HasGutter = false
if !hadYN {
if i.PromptCallback != nil {
if canceled {
i.Replace(i.Start(), i.End(), "")
i.PromptCallback("", true)
h := i.History[i.PromptType]
i.History[i.PromptType] = h[:len(h)-1]
} else {
resp := string(i.LineBytes(0))
i.Replace(i.Start(), i.End(), "")
i.PromptCallback(resp, false)
h := i.History[i.PromptType]
h[len(h)-1] = resp
// avoid duplicates
for j := len(h) - 2; j >= 0; j-- {
if h[j] == h[len(h)-1] {
i.History[i.PromptType] = append(h[:j], h[j+1:]...)
// i.PromptCallback = nil
if i.YNCallback != nil && hadYN {
i.YNCallback(i.YNResp, canceled)
// Reset resets the infobuffer's msg and info
func (i *InfoBuf) Reset() {
i.Msg = ""
i.HasPrompt, i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, false, false
i.HasGutter = false