2020-05-20 16:47:08 -04:00

293 lines
6.2 KiB

package display
import (
runewidth "github.com/mattn/go-runewidth"
type InfoWindow struct {
hscroll int
func (i *InfoWindow) errStyle() tcell.Style {
errStyle := config.DefStyle.
if _, ok := config.Colorscheme["error-message"]; ok {
errStyle = config.Colorscheme["error-message"]
return errStyle
func (i *InfoWindow) defStyle() tcell.Style {
defStyle := config.DefStyle
if _, ok := config.Colorscheme["message"]; ok {
defStyle = config.Colorscheme["message"]
return defStyle
func NewInfoWindow(b *info.InfoBuf) *InfoWindow {
iw := new(InfoWindow)
iw.InfoBuf = b
iw.View = new(View)
iw.Width, iw.Y = screen.Screen.Size()
return iw
func (i *InfoWindow) Resize(w, h int) {
i.Width = w
i.Y = h
func (i *InfoWindow) SetBuffer(b *buffer.Buffer) {
i.InfoBuf.Buffer = b
func (i *InfoWindow) Relocate() bool { return false }
func (i *InfoWindow) GetView() *View { return i.View }
func (i *InfoWindow) SetView(v *View) {}
func (i *InfoWindow) SetActive(b bool) {}
func (i *InfoWindow) IsActive() bool { return true }
func (i *InfoWindow) LocFromVisual(vloc buffer.Loc) buffer.Loc {
c := i.Buffer.GetActiveCursor()
l := i.Buffer.LineBytes(0)
n := util.CharacterCountInString(i.Msg)
return buffer.Loc{c.GetCharPosInLine(l, vloc.X-n), 0}
func (i *InfoWindow) Clear() {
for x := 0; x < i.Width; x++ {
screen.SetContent(x, i.Y, ' ', nil, i.defStyle())
func (i *InfoWindow) displayBuffer() {
b := i.Buffer
line := b.LineBytes(0)
activeC := b.GetActiveCursor()
blocX := 0
vlocX := util.CharacterCountInString(i.Msg)
tabsize := 4
line, nColsBeforeStart, bslice := util.SliceVisualEnd(line, blocX, tabsize)
blocX = bslice
draw := func(r rune, combc []rune, style tcell.Style) {
if nColsBeforeStart <= 0 {
bloc := buffer.Loc{X: blocX, Y: 0}
if activeC.HasSelection() &&
(bloc.GreaterEqual(activeC.CurSelection[0]) && bloc.LessThan(activeC.CurSelection[1]) ||
bloc.LessThan(activeC.CurSelection[0]) && bloc.GreaterEqual(activeC.CurSelection[1])) {
// The current character is selected
style = i.defStyle().Reverse(true)
if s, ok := config.Colorscheme["selection"]; ok {
style = s
rw := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
for j := 0; j < rw; j++ {
c := r
if j > 0 {
c = ' '
combc = nil
screen.SetContent(vlocX, i.Y, c, combc, style)
totalwidth := blocX - nColsBeforeStart
for len(line) > 0 {
curVX := vlocX
curBX := blocX
r, combc, size := util.DecodeCharacter(line)
draw(r, combc, i.defStyle())
width := 0
char := ' '
switch r {
case '\t':
ts := tabsize - (totalwidth % tabsize)
width = ts
width = runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
char = '@'
line = line[size:]
// Draw any extra characters either spaces for tabs or @ for incomplete wide runes
if width > 1 {
for j := 1; j < width; j++ {
draw(char, nil, i.defStyle())
if activeC.X == curBX {
screen.ShowCursor(curVX, i.Y)
totalwidth += width
if vlocX >= i.Width {
if activeC.X == blocX {
screen.ShowCursor(vlocX, i.Y)
var keydisplay = []string{"^Q Quit, ^S Save, ^O Open, ^G Help, ^E Command Bar, ^K Cut Line", "^F Find, ^Z Undo, ^Y Redo, ^A Select All, ^D Duplicate Line, ^T New Tab"}
func (i *InfoWindow) displayKeyMenu() {
// TODO: maybe make this based on the actual keybindings
for y := 0; y < len(keydisplay); y++ {
for x := 0; x < i.Width; x++ {
if x < len(keydisplay[y]) {
screen.SetContent(x, i.Y-len(keydisplay)+y, rune(keydisplay[y][x]), nil, i.defStyle())
} else {
screen.SetContent(x, i.Y-len(keydisplay)+y, ' ', nil, i.defStyle())
func (i *InfoWindow) totalSize() int {
sum := 0
for _, n := range i.Suggestions {
sum += runewidth.StringWidth(n) + 1
return sum
func (i *InfoWindow) scrollToSuggestion() {
x := 0
s := i.totalSize()
for j, n := range i.Suggestions {
c := util.CharacterCountInString(n)
if j == i.CurSuggestion {
if x+c >= i.hscroll+i.Width {
i.hscroll = util.Clamp(x+c+1-i.Width, 0, s-i.Width)
} else if x < i.hscroll {
i.hscroll = util.Clamp(x-1, 0, s-i.Width)
x += c + 1
if s-i.Width <= 0 {
i.hscroll = 0
func (i *InfoWindow) Display() {
if i.HasPrompt || config.GlobalSettings["infobar"].(bool) {
x := 0
if config.GetGlobalOption("keymenu").(bool) {
if !i.HasPrompt && !i.HasMessage && !i.HasError {
style := i.defStyle()
if i.HasError {
style = i.errStyle()
display := i.Msg
for _, c := range display {
screen.SetContent(x, i.Y, c, nil, style)
x += runewidth.RuneWidth(c)
if i.HasPrompt {
if i.HasSuggestions && len(i.Suggestions) > 1 {
x := -i.hscroll
done := false
statusLineStyle := config.DefStyle.Reverse(true)
if style, ok := config.Colorscheme["statusline"]; ok {
statusLineStyle = style
keymenuOffset := 0
if config.GetGlobalOption("keymenu").(bool) {
keymenuOffset = len(keydisplay)
draw := func(r rune, s tcell.Style) {
y := i.Y - keymenuOffset - 1
rw := runewidth.RuneWidth(r)
for j := 0; j < rw; j++ {
c := r
if j > 0 {
c = ' '
if x == i.Width-1 && !done {
screen.SetContent(i.Width-1, y, '>', nil, s)
} else if x == 0 && i.hscroll > 0 {
screen.SetContent(0, y, '<', nil, s)
} else if x >= 0 && x < i.Width {
screen.SetContent(x, y, c, nil, s)
for j, s := range i.Suggestions {
style := statusLineStyle
if i.CurSuggestion == j {
style = style.Reverse(true)
for _, r := range s {
draw(r, style)
// screen.SetContent(x, i.Y-keymenuOffset-1, r, nil, style)
draw(' ', statusLineStyle)
for x < i.Width {
draw(' ', statusLineStyle)