Zachary Yedidia a61616d79e More efficient loading for default syntax files
This change introduces header files for syntax files. The header
files only contain the filetype and detection info and can be
parsed much faster than parsing a full yaml file. To determine
which filetype a file is, only scanning the headers is necessary
and afterwards only one yaml file needs to be parsed. Use the
make_headers.go file to generate the header files. Micro expects
that all default syntax files will have header files and that
custom user syntax files may or may not have them. Resolving
includes within syntax has not yet been implemented. This
optimization improves startup time.

Ref #1427
2019-12-28 21:26:22 -05:00

287 lines
7.9 KiB

package config
import (
const (
RTColorscheme = 0
RTSyntax = 1
RTHelp = 2
RTPlugin = 3
RTSyntaxHeader = 4
NumTypes = 5 // How many filetypes are there
type RTFiletype byte
// RuntimeFile allows the program to read runtime data like colorschemes or syntax files
type RuntimeFile interface {
// Name returns a name of the file without paths or extensions
Name() string
// Data returns the content of the file.
Data() ([]byte, error)
// allFiles contains all available files, mapped by filetype
var allFiles [NumTypes][]RuntimeFile
var realFiles [NumTypes][]RuntimeFile
// some file on filesystem
type realFile string
// some asset file
type assetFile string
// some file on filesystem but with a different name
type namedFile struct {
name string
// a file with the data stored in memory
type memoryFile struct {
name string
data []byte
func (mf memoryFile) Name() string {
return mf.name
func (mf memoryFile) Data() ([]byte, error) {
return mf.data, nil
func (rf realFile) Name() string {
fn := filepath.Base(string(rf))
return fn[:len(fn)-len(filepath.Ext(fn))]
func (rf realFile) Data() ([]byte, error) {
return ioutil.ReadFile(string(rf))
func (af assetFile) Name() string {
fn := path.Base(string(af))
return fn[:len(fn)-len(path.Ext(fn))]
func (af assetFile) Data() ([]byte, error) {
return Asset(string(af))
func (nf namedFile) Name() string {
return nf.name
// AddRuntimeFile registers a file for the given filetype
func AddRuntimeFile(fileType RTFiletype, file RuntimeFile) {
allFiles[fileType] = append(allFiles[fileType], file)
// AddRealRuntimeFile registers a file for the given filetype
func AddRealRuntimeFile(fileType RTFiletype, file RuntimeFile) {
allFiles[fileType] = append(allFiles[fileType], file)
realFiles[fileType] = append(realFiles[fileType], file)
// AddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory registers each file from the given directory for
// the filetype which matches the file-pattern
func AddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory(fileType RTFiletype, directory, pattern string) {
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(directory)
for _, f := range files {
if ok, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, f.Name()); !f.IsDir() && ok {
fullPath := filepath.Join(directory, f.Name())
AddRealRuntimeFile(fileType, realFile(fullPath))
// AddRuntimeFilesFromAssets registers each file from the given asset-directory for
// the filetype which matches the file-pattern
func AddRuntimeFilesFromAssets(fileType RTFiletype, directory, pattern string) {
files, err := AssetDir(directory)
if err != nil {
for _, f := range files {
if ok, _ := path.Match(pattern, f); ok {
AddRuntimeFile(fileType, assetFile(path.Join(directory, f)))
// FindRuntimeFile finds a runtime file of the given filetype and name
// will return nil if no file was found
func FindRuntimeFile(fileType RTFiletype, name string) RuntimeFile {
for _, f := range ListRuntimeFiles(fileType) {
if f.Name() == name {
return f
return nil
// ListRuntimeFiles lists all known runtime files for the given filetype
func ListRuntimeFiles(fileType RTFiletype) []RuntimeFile {
return allFiles[fileType]
// ListRealRuntimeFiles lists all real runtime files (on disk) for a filetype
// these runtime files will be ones defined by the user and loaded from the config directory
func ListRealRuntimeFiles(fileType RTFiletype) []RuntimeFile {
return realFiles[fileType]
// InitRuntimeFiles initializes all assets file and the config directory
func InitRuntimeFiles() {
add := func(fileType RTFiletype, dir, pattern string) {
AddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory(fileType, filepath.Join(ConfigDir, dir), pattern)
AddRuntimeFilesFromAssets(fileType, path.Join("runtime", dir), pattern)
add(RTColorscheme, "colorschemes", "*.micro")
add(RTSyntax, "syntax", "*.yaml")
add(RTSyntaxHeader, "syntax", "*.hdr")
add(RTHelp, "help", "*.md")
initlua := filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "init.lua")
if _, err := os.Stat(initlua); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
p := new(Plugin)
p.Name = "initlua"
p.DirName = "initlua"
p.Srcs = append(p.Srcs, realFile(initlua))
Plugins = append(Plugins, p)
// Search ConfigDir for plugin-scripts
plugdir := filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "plug")
files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(plugdir)
isID := regexp.MustCompile(`^[_A-Za-z0-9]+$`).MatchString
for _, d := range files {
if d.IsDir() {
srcs, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(plugdir, d.Name()))
p := new(Plugin)
p.Name = d.Name()
p.DirName = d.Name()
for _, f := range srcs {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".lua") {
p.Srcs = append(p.Srcs, realFile(filepath.Join(plugdir, d.Name(), f.Name())))
} else if f.Name() == "info.json" {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(plugdir, d.Name(), "info.json"))
if err != nil {
p.Info, _ = NewPluginInfo(data)
p.Name = p.Info.Name
if !isID(p.Name) {
log.Println("Invalid plugin name", p.Name)
Plugins = append(Plugins, p)
plugdir = filepath.Join("runtime", "plugins")
if files, err := AssetDir(plugdir); err == nil {
for _, d := range files {
if srcs, err := AssetDir(filepath.Join(plugdir, d)); err == nil {
p := new(Plugin)
p.Name = d
p.DirName = d
p.Default = true
for _, f := range srcs {
if strings.HasSuffix(f, ".lua") {
p.Srcs = append(p.Srcs, assetFile(filepath.Join(plugdir, d, f)))
} else if f == "info.json" {
data, err := Asset(filepath.Join(plugdir, d, "info.json"))
if err != nil {
p.Info, _ = NewPluginInfo(data)
p.Name = p.Info.Name
if !isID(p.Name) {
log.Println("Invalid plugin name", p.Name)
Plugins = append(Plugins, p)
// PluginReadRuntimeFile allows plugin scripts to read the content of a runtime file
func PluginReadRuntimeFile(fileType RTFiletype, name string) string {
if file := FindRuntimeFile(fileType, name); file != nil {
if data, err := file.Data(); err == nil {
return string(data)
return ""
// PluginListRuntimeFiles allows plugins to lists all runtime files of the given type
func PluginListRuntimeFiles(fileType RTFiletype) []string {
files := ListRuntimeFiles(fileType)
result := make([]string, len(files))
for i, f := range files {
result[i] = f.Name()
return result
// PluginAddRuntimeFile adds a file to the runtime files for a plugin
func PluginAddRuntimeFile(plugin string, filetype RTFiletype, filePath string) error {
log.Println("PLUGIN ADD:", plugin)
pl := FindPlugin(plugin)
if pl == nil {
return errors.New("Plugin " + plugin + " does not exist")
pldir := pl.DirName
log.Println("DIRNAME:", pldir)
fullpath := filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "plug", pldir, filePath)
if _, err := os.Stat(fullpath); err == nil {
AddRuntimeFile(filetype, realFile(fullpath))
} else {
fullpath = path.Join("runtime", "plugins", pldir, filePath)
AddRuntimeFile(filetype, assetFile(fullpath))
return nil
// PluginAddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory adds files from a directory to the runtime files for a plugin
func PluginAddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory(plugin string, filetype RTFiletype, directory, pattern string) error {
pl := FindPlugin(plugin)
if pl == nil {
return errors.New("Plugin " + plugin + " does not exist")
pldir := pl.DirName
fullpath := filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "plug", pldir, directory)
if _, err := os.Stat(fullpath); err == nil {
AddRuntimeFilesFromDirectory(filetype, fullpath, pattern)
} else {
fullpath = path.Join("runtime", "plugins", pldir, directory)
AddRuntimeFilesFromAssets(filetype, fullpath, pattern)
return nil
// PluginAddRuntimeFileFromMemory adds a file to the runtime files for a plugin from a given string
func PluginAddRuntimeFileFromMemory(filetype RTFiletype, filename, data string) {
AddRuntimeFile(filetype, memoryFile{filename, []byte(data)})