Zachary Yedidia 2de42bcf99 Make zenburn the default colorscheme
This commit also adds better support for constant.number in the
syntax files.
2016-08-27 17:10:26 -04:00

35 lines
1 KiB

# Swift syntax highlighting for Nano.
syntax "swift" "\.swift$"
# Operators
color statement "[.:;,+*|=!?\%]" "<" ">" "/" "-" "&"
# Statements
color statement "(class|import|let|var|struct|enum|func|if|else|switch|case|default|for|in|internal|external|unowned|private|public|throws)\ "
color statement "(prefix|postfix|operator|extension|lazy|get|set|self|willSet|didSet|override|super|convenience|weak|strong|mutating|return|guard)\ "
# Keywords
color statement "(print)"
color statement "(init)"
# Numbers
color constant.number "([0-9]+)"
# Standard Types
color type "\ ((U)?Int(8|16|32|64))"
color constant "(true|false|nil)"
color type "\ (Double|String|Float|Boolean|Dictionary|Array|Int)"
color type "\ (AnyObject)"
# Text
color constant.string ""[^"]*""
# Comments
color comment "//.*"
color comment "///.*"
color comment start="/\*\*" end="\*/"
color comment "[/**]"