Zachary Yedidia 37c754c7c7 Treat CRLF as LF when inserting text
In effect, pasting text with \r\n will remove the \r character and
delegate whether or not the file will be saved with CRLF or LF line
endings to the `fileformat` option.

Ref #1742
2020-06-23 17:17:22 -04:00

359 lines
9 KiB

package buffer
import (
// Finds the byte index of the nth rune in a byte slice
func runeToByteIndex(n int, txt []byte) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
count := 0
i := 0
for len(txt) > 0 {
_, _, size := util.DecodeCharacter(txt)
txt = txt[size:]
count += size
if i == n {
return count
// A Line contains the data in bytes as well as a highlight state, match
// and a flag for whether the highlighting needs to be updated
type Line struct {
data []byte
state highlight.State
match highlight.LineMatch
rehighlight bool
lock sync.Mutex
const (
// Line ending file formats
FFAuto = 0 // Autodetect format
FFUnix = 1 // LF line endings (unix style '\n')
FFDos = 2 // CRLF line endings (dos style '\r\n')
type FileFormat byte
// A LineArray simply stores and array of lines and makes it easy to insert
// and delete in it
type LineArray struct {
lines []Line
Endings FileFormat
initsize uint64
// Append efficiently appends lines together
// It allocates an additional 10000 lines if the original estimate
// is incorrect
func Append(slice []Line, data ...Line) []Line {
l := len(slice)
if l+len(data) > cap(slice) { // reallocate
newSlice := make([]Line, (l+len(data))+10000)
copy(newSlice, slice)
slice = newSlice
slice = slice[0 : l+len(data)]
for i, c := range data {
slice[l+i] = c
return slice
// NewLineArray returns a new line array from an array of bytes
func NewLineArray(size uint64, endings FileFormat, reader io.Reader) *LineArray {
la := new(LineArray)
la.lines = make([]Line, 0, 1000)
la.initsize = size
br := bufio.NewReader(reader)
var loaded int
la.Endings = endings
n := 0
for {
data, err := br.ReadBytes('\n')
// Detect the line ending by checking to see if there is a '\r' char
// before the '\n'
// Even if the file format is set to DOS, the '\r' is removed so
// that all lines end with '\n'
dlen := len(data)
if dlen > 1 && data[dlen-2] == '\r' {
data = append(data[:dlen-2], '\n')
if endings == FFAuto {
la.Endings = FFDos
dlen = len(data)
} else if dlen > 0 {
if endings == FFAuto {
la.Endings = FFUnix
// If we are loading a large file (greater than 1000) we use the file
// size and the length of the first 1000 lines to try to estimate
// how many lines will need to be allocated for the rest of the file
// We add an extra 10000 to the original estimate to be safe and give
// plenty of room for expansion
if n >= 1000 && loaded >= 0 {
totalLinesNum := int(float64(size) * (float64(n) / float64(loaded)))
newSlice := make([]Line, len(la.lines), totalLinesNum+10000)
copy(newSlice, la.lines)
la.lines = newSlice
loaded = -1
// Counter for the number of bytes in the first 1000 lines
if loaded >= 0 {
loaded += dlen
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
la.lines = Append(la.lines, Line{
data: data[:],
state: nil,
match: nil,
rehighlight: false,
// Last line was read
} else {
la.lines = Append(la.lines, Line{
data: data[:dlen-1],
state: nil,
match: nil,
rehighlight: false,
return la
// Bytes returns the string that should be written to disk when
// the line array is saved
func (la *LineArray) Bytes() []byte {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
// initsize should provide a good estimate
b.Grow(int(la.initsize + 4096))
for i, l := range la.lines {
if i != len(la.lines)-1 {
if la.Endings == FFDos {
return b.Bytes()
// newlineBelow adds a newline below the given line number
func (la *LineArray) newlineBelow(y int) {
la.lines = append(la.lines, Line{
data: []byte{' '},
state: nil,
match: nil,
rehighlight: false,
copy(la.lines[y+2:], la.lines[y+1:])
la.lines[y+1] = Line{
data: []byte{},
state: la.lines[y].state,
match: nil,
rehighlight: false,
// Inserts a byte array at a given location
func (la *LineArray) insert(pos Loc, value []byte) {
x, y := runeToByteIndex(pos.X, la.lines[pos.Y].data), pos.Y
for i := 0; i < len(value); i++ {
if value[i] == '\n' || (value[i] == '\r' && i < len(value)-1 && value[i+1] == '\n') {
la.split(Loc{x, y})
x = 0
if value[i] == '\r' {
la.insertByte(Loc{x, y}, value[i])
// InsertByte inserts a byte at a given location
func (la *LineArray) insertByte(pos Loc, value byte) {
la.lines[pos.Y].data = append(la.lines[pos.Y].data, 0)
copy(la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X+1:], la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X:])
la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X] = value
// joinLines joins the two lines a and b
func (la *LineArray) joinLines(a, b int) {
la.insert(Loc{len(la.lines[a].data), a}, la.lines[b].data)
// split splits a line at a given position
func (la *LineArray) split(pos Loc) {
la.insert(Loc{0, pos.Y + 1}, la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X:])
la.lines[pos.Y+1].state = la.lines[pos.Y].state
la.lines[pos.Y].state = nil
la.lines[pos.Y].match = nil
la.lines[pos.Y+1].match = nil
la.lines[pos.Y].rehighlight = true
la.deleteToEnd(Loc{pos.X, pos.Y})
// removes from start to end
func (la *LineArray) remove(start, end Loc) []byte {
sub := la.Substr(start, end)
startX := runeToByteIndex(start.X, la.lines[start.Y].data)
endX := runeToByteIndex(end.X, la.lines[end.Y].data)
if start.Y == end.Y {
la.lines[start.Y].data = append(la.lines[start.Y].data[:startX], la.lines[start.Y].data[endX:]...)
} else {
la.deleteLines(start.Y+1, end.Y-1)
la.deleteToEnd(Loc{startX, start.Y})
la.deleteFromStart(Loc{endX - 1, start.Y + 1})
la.joinLines(start.Y, start.Y+1)
return sub
// deleteToEnd deletes from the end of a line to the position
func (la *LineArray) deleteToEnd(pos Loc) {
la.lines[pos.Y].data = la.lines[pos.Y].data[:pos.X]
// deleteFromStart deletes from the start of a line to the position
func (la *LineArray) deleteFromStart(pos Loc) {
la.lines[pos.Y].data = la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X+1:]
// deleteLine deletes the line number
func (la *LineArray) deleteLine(y int) {
la.lines = la.lines[:y+copy(la.lines[y:], la.lines[y+1:])]
func (la *LineArray) deleteLines(y1, y2 int) {
la.lines = la.lines[:y1+copy(la.lines[y1:], la.lines[y2+1:])]
// DeleteByte deletes the byte at a position
func (la *LineArray) deleteByte(pos Loc) {
la.lines[pos.Y].data = la.lines[pos.Y].data[:pos.X+copy(la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X:], la.lines[pos.Y].data[pos.X+1:])]
// Substr returns the string representation between two locations
func (la *LineArray) Substr(start, end Loc) []byte {
startX := runeToByteIndex(start.X, la.lines[start.Y].data)
endX := runeToByteIndex(end.X, la.lines[end.Y].data)
if start.Y == end.Y {
src := la.lines[start.Y].data[startX:endX]
dest := make([]byte, len(src))
copy(dest, src)
return dest
str := make([]byte, 0, len(la.lines[start.Y+1].data)*(end.Y-start.Y))
str = append(str, la.lines[start.Y].data[startX:]...)
str = append(str, '\n')
for i := start.Y + 1; i <= end.Y-1; i++ {
str = append(str, la.lines[i].data...)
str = append(str, '\n')
str = append(str, la.lines[end.Y].data[:endX]...)
return str
// LinesNum returns the number of lines in the buffer
func (la *LineArray) LinesNum() int {
return len(la.lines)
// Start returns the start of the buffer
func (la *LineArray) Start() Loc {
return Loc{0, 0}
// End returns the location of the last character in the buffer
func (la *LineArray) End() Loc {
numlines := len(la.lines)
return Loc{util.CharacterCount(la.lines[numlines-1].data), numlines - 1}
// LineBytes returns line n as an array of bytes
func (la *LineArray) LineBytes(n int) []byte {
if n >= len(la.lines) || n < 0 {
return []byte{}
return la.lines[n].data
// State gets the highlight state for the given line number
func (la *LineArray) State(lineN int) highlight.State {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
return la.lines[lineN].state
// SetState sets the highlight state at the given line number
func (la *LineArray) SetState(lineN int, s highlight.State) {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
la.lines[lineN].state = s
// SetMatch sets the match at the given line number
func (la *LineArray) SetMatch(lineN int, m highlight.LineMatch) {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
la.lines[lineN].match = m
// Match retrieves the match for the given line number
func (la *LineArray) Match(lineN int) highlight.LineMatch {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
return la.lines[lineN].match
func (la *LineArray) Rehighlight(lineN int) bool {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
return la.lines[lineN].rehighlight
func (la *LineArray) SetRehighlight(lineN int, on bool) {
defer la.lines[lineN].lock.Unlock()
la.lines[lineN].rehighlight = on