Zachary Yedidia 6514b77e0d Enable autosave option
The autosave option is now specified as an integer, which denotes
the number of seconds to wait between saving the file. If the option
is 0, then autosaving is disabled. If the option is given by the user
as a boolean, it will be converted to 8 if true, and 0 if false.

Fixes #1479
2020-02-08 16:53:08 -05:00

390 lines
10 KiB

package config
import (
type optionValidator func(string, interface{}) error
var (
ErrInvalidOption = errors.New("Invalid option")
ErrInvalidValue = errors.New("Invalid value")
// The options that the user can set
GlobalSettings map[string]interface{}
// This is the raw parsed json
parsedSettings map[string]interface{}
func init() {
parsedSettings = make(map[string]interface{})
// Options with validators
var optionValidators = map[string]optionValidator{
"autosave": validateNonNegativeValue,
"tabsize": validatePositiveValue,
"scrollmargin": validateNonNegativeValue,
"scrollspeed": validateNonNegativeValue,
"colorscheme": validateColorscheme,
"colorcolumn": validateNonNegativeValue,
"fileformat": validateLineEnding,
"encoding": validateEncoding,
func ReadSettings() error {
filename := filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "settings.json")
if _, e := os.Stat(filename); e == nil {
input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Error reading settings.json file: " + err.Error())
if !strings.HasPrefix(string(input), "null") {
// Unmarshal the input into the parsed map
err = json5.Unmarshal(input, &parsedSettings)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Error reading settings.json: " + err.Error())
// check if autosave is a boolean and convert it to float if so
if v, ok := parsedSettings["autosave"]; ok {
s, ok := v.(bool)
if ok {
if s {
parsedSettings["autosave"] = 8.0
} else {
parsedSettings["autosave"] = 0.0
return nil
// InitGlobalSettings initializes the options map and sets all options to their default values
// Must be called after ReadSettings
func InitGlobalSettings() {
GlobalSettings = DefaultGlobalSettings()
for k, v := range parsedSettings {
if !strings.HasPrefix(reflect.TypeOf(v).String(), "map") {
GlobalSettings[k] = v
// InitLocalSettings scans the json in settings.json and sets the options locally based
// on whether the filetype or path matches ft or glob local settings
// Must be called after ReadSettings
func InitLocalSettings(settings map[string]interface{}, path string) error {
var parseError error
for k, v := range parsedSettings {
if strings.HasPrefix(reflect.TypeOf(v).String(), "map") {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "ft:") {
if settings["filetype"].(string) == k[3:] {
for k1, v1 := range v.(map[string]interface{}) {
settings[k1] = v1
} else {
g, err := glob.Compile(k)
if err != nil {
parseError = errors.New("Error with glob setting " + k + ": " + err.Error())
if g.MatchString(path) {
for k1, v1 := range v.(map[string]interface{}) {
settings[k1] = v1
return parseError
// WriteSettings writes the settings to the specified filename as JSON
func WriteSettings(filename string) error {
var err error
if _, e := os.Stat(ConfigDir); e == nil {
for k, v := range GlobalSettings {
parsedSettings[k] = v
txt, _ := json.MarshalIndent(parsedSettings, "", " ")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, append(txt, '\n'), 0644)
return err
func OverwriteSettings(filename string) error {
var err error
if _, e := os.Stat(ConfigDir); e == nil {
txt, _ := json.MarshalIndent(GlobalSettings, "", " ")
err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, append(txt, '\n'), 0644)
return err
// RegisterCommonOptionPlug creates a new option (called pl.name). This is meant to be called by plugins to add options.
func RegisterCommonOptionPlug(pl string, name string, defaultvalue interface{}) error {
name = pl + "." + name
if v, ok := GlobalSettings[name]; !ok {
defaultCommonSettings[name] = defaultvalue
GlobalSettings[name] = defaultvalue
err := WriteSettings(filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "/settings.json"))
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Error writing settings.json file: " + err.Error())
} else {
defaultCommonSettings[name] = v
return nil
// RegisterGlobalOptionPlug creates a new global-only option (named pl.name)
func RegisterGlobalOptionPlug(pl string, name string, defaultvalue interface{}) error {
return RegisterGlobalOption(pl+"."+name, defaultvalue)
// RegisterGlobalOption creates a new global-only option
func RegisterGlobalOption(name string, defaultvalue interface{}) error {
if v, ok := GlobalSettings[name]; !ok {
defaultGlobalSettings[name] = defaultvalue
GlobalSettings[name] = defaultvalue
err := WriteSettings(filepath.Join(ConfigDir, "settings.json"))
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Error writing settings.json file: " + err.Error())
} else {
defaultGlobalSettings[name] = v
return nil
// GetGlobalOption returns the global value of the given option
func GetGlobalOption(name string) interface{} {
return GlobalSettings[name]
var defaultCommonSettings = map[string]interface{}{
"autoindent": true,
"backup": true,
"basename": false,
"colorcolumn": float64(0),
"cursorline": true,
"encoding": "utf-8",
"eofnewline": false,
"fastdirty": true,
"fileformat": "unix",
"filetype": "unknown",
"ignorecase": false,
"indentchar": " ",
"keepautoindent": false,
"matchbrace": true,
"mkparents": false,
"readonly": false,
"rmtrailingws": false,
"ruler": true,
"savecursor": false,
"saveundo": false,
"scrollbar": false,
"scrollmargin": float64(3),
"scrollspeed": float64(2),
"smartpaste": true,
"softwrap": false,
"splitbottom": true,
"splitright": true,
"statusformatl": "$(filename) $(modified)($(line),$(col)) $(status.paste)| ft:$(opt:filetype) | $(opt:fileformat) | $(opt:encoding)",
"statusformatr": "$(bind:ToggleKeyMenu): bindings, $(bind:ToggleHelp): help",
"statusline": true,
"syntax": true,
"tabmovement": false,
"tabsize": float64(4),
"tabstospaces": false,
"useprimary": true,
func GetInfoBarOffset() int {
offset := 0
if GetGlobalOption("infobar").(bool) {
if GetGlobalOption("keymenu").(bool) {
offset += 2
return offset
// DefaultCommonSettings returns the default global settings for micro
// Note that colorscheme is a global only option
func DefaultCommonSettings() map[string]interface{} {
commonsettings := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range defaultCommonSettings {
commonsettings[k] = v
return commonsettings
// a list of settings that should only be globally modified and their
// default values
var defaultGlobalSettings = map[string]interface{}{
"autosave": float64(0),
"colorscheme": "default",
"infobar": true,
"keymenu": false,
"mouse": true,
"paste": false,
"savehistory": true,
"sucmd": "sudo",
"pluginchannels": []string{"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/micro-editor/plugin-channel/master/channel.json"},
"pluginrepos": []string{},
// a list of settings that should never be globally modified
var LocalSettings = []string{
// DefaultGlobalSettings returns the default global settings for micro
// Note that colorscheme is a global only option
func DefaultGlobalSettings() map[string]interface{} {
globalsettings := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range defaultCommonSettings {
globalsettings[k] = v
for k, v := range defaultGlobalSettings {
globalsettings[k] = v
return globalsettings
// DefaultAllSettings returns a map of all settings and their
// default values (both common and global settings)
func DefaultAllSettings() map[string]interface{} {
allsettings := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range defaultCommonSettings {
allsettings[k] = v
for k, v := range defaultGlobalSettings {
allsettings[k] = v
return allsettings
// GetNativeValue parses and validates a value for a given option
func GetNativeValue(option string, realValue interface{}, value string) (interface{}, error) {
var native interface{}
kind := reflect.TypeOf(realValue).Kind()
if kind == reflect.Bool {
b, err := util.ParseBool(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidValue
native = b
} else if kind == reflect.String {
native = value
} else if kind == reflect.Float64 {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidValue
native = float64(i)
} else {
return nil, ErrInvalidValue
if err := OptionIsValid(option, native); err != nil {
return nil, err
return native, nil
// OptionIsValid checks if a value is valid for a certain option
func OptionIsValid(option string, value interface{}) error {
if validator, ok := optionValidators[option]; ok {
return validator(option, value)
return nil
// Option validators
func validatePositiveValue(option string, value interface{}) error {
tabsize, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Expected numeric type for " + option)
if tabsize < 1 {
return errors.New(option + " must be greater than 0")
return nil
func validateNonNegativeValue(option string, value interface{}) error {
nativeValue, ok := value.(float64)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Expected numeric type for " + option)
if nativeValue < 0 {
return errors.New(option + " must be non-negative")
return nil
func validateColorscheme(option string, value interface{}) error {
colorscheme, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Expected string type for colorscheme")
if !ColorschemeExists(colorscheme) {
return errors.New(colorscheme + " is not a valid colorscheme")
return nil
func validateLineEnding(option string, value interface{}) error {
endingType, ok := value.(string)
if !ok {
return errors.New("Expected string type for file format")
if endingType != "unix" && endingType != "dos" {
return errors.New("File format must be either 'unix' or 'dos'")
return nil
func validateEncoding(option string, value interface{}) error {
_, err := htmlindex.Get(value.(string))
return err