2020-08-09 16:42:03 -04:00

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package action
type KeyAction func(Pane) bool
type MouseAction func(Pane, *MouseEvent) bool
type KeyAnyAction func(Pane, []KeyEvent) bool
// A KeyTreeNode stores a single node in the KeyTree (trie). The
// children are stored as a map, and any node may store a list of
// actions (the list will be nil if no actions correspond to a certain
// node)
type KeyTreeNode struct {
children map[Event]*KeyTreeNode
// Only one of these actions may be active in the current
// mode, and only one will be returned. If multiple actions
// are active, it is undefined which one will be the one
// returned.
actions []TreeAction
func NewKeyTreeNode() *KeyTreeNode {
n := new(KeyTreeNode)
n.children = make(map[Event]*KeyTreeNode)
n.actions = []TreeAction{}
return n
// A TreeAction stores an action, and a set of mode constraints for
// the action to be active.
type TreeAction struct {
// only one of these can be non-nil
action KeyAction
any KeyAnyAction
mouse MouseAction
modes []ModeConstraint
// A KeyTree is a data structure for storing keybindings. It maps
// key events to actions, and maintains a set of currently enabled
// modes, which affects the action that is returned for a key event.
// The tree acts like a Trie for Events to handle sequence events.
type KeyTree struct {
root *KeyTreeNode
modes map[string]bool
cursor KeyTreeCursor
// A KeyTreeCursor keeps track of the current location within the
// tree, and stores any information from previous events that may
// be needed to execute the action (values of wildcard events or
// mouse events)
type KeyTreeCursor struct {
node *KeyTreeNode
wildcards []KeyEvent
mouseInfo *MouseEvent
// MakeClosure uses the information stored in a key tree cursor to construct
// a KeyAction from a TreeAction (which may have a KeyAction, MouseAction,
// or AnyAction)
func (k *KeyTreeCursor) MakeClosure(a TreeAction) KeyAction {
if a.action != nil {
return a.action
} else if a.any != nil {
return func(p Pane) bool {
return a.any(p, k.wildcards)
} else if a.mouse != nil {
return func(p Pane) bool {
return a.mouse(p, k.mouseInfo)
return nil
// NewKeyTree allocates and returns an empty key tree
func NewKeyTree() *KeyTree {
root := new(KeyTreeNode)
tree := new(KeyTree)
tree.root = root
tree.modes = make(map[string]bool)
tree.cursor = KeyTreeCursor{
node: root,
wildcards: []KeyEvent{},
mouseInfo: nil,
return tree
// A ModeConstraint specifies that an action can only be executed
// while a certain mode is enabled or disabled.
type ModeConstraint struct {
mode string
disabled bool
// RegisterKeyBinding registers a KeyAction with an Event.
func (k *KeyTree) RegisterKeyBinding(e Event, a KeyAction) {
k.registerBinding(e, TreeAction{
action: a,
any: nil,
mouse: nil,
modes: nil,
// RegisterKeyAnyBinding registers a KeyAnyAction with an Event.
// The event should contain an "any" event.
func (k *KeyTree) RegisterKeyAnyBinding(e Event, a KeyAnyAction) {
k.registerBinding(e, TreeAction{
action: nil,
any: a,
mouse: nil,
modes: nil,
// RegisterMouseBinding registers a MouseAction with an Event.
// The event should contain a mouse event.
func (k *KeyTree) RegisterMouseBinding(e Event, a MouseAction) {
k.registerBinding(e, TreeAction{
action: nil,
any: nil,
mouse: a,
modes: nil,
func (k *KeyTree) registerBinding(e Event, a TreeAction) {
switch ev := e.(type) {
case *KeyEvent, *MouseEvent:
n, ok := k.root.children[e]
if !ok {
newNode := NewKeyTreeNode()
k.root.children[e] = newNode
n.actions = append(n.actions, a)
case *KeySequenceEvent:
n := k.root
for _, key := range ev.keys {
newNode, ok := n.children[key]
if !ok {
newNode := NewKeyTreeNode()
n.children[key] = newNode
n = newNode
n.actions = append(n.actions, a)
// NextEvent returns the action for the current sequence where e is the next
// event. Even if the action was registered as a KeyAnyAction or MouseAction,
// it will be returned as a KeyAction closure where the appropriate arguments
// have been provided.
// If no action is associated with the given Event, or mode constraints are not
// met for that action, nil is returned.
// A boolean is returned to indicate if there is a conflict with this action. A
// conflict occurs when there is an active action for this event but there are
// bindings associated with further sequences starting with this event. The
// calling function can decide what to do about the conflict (e.g. use a
// timeout).
func (k *KeyTree) NextEvent(e Event) (KeyAction, bool) {
n := k.cursor.node
c, ok := n.children[e]
if !ok {
return nil, false
more := len(c.children) > 0
if len(c.actions) > 0 {
// check if actions are active
for _, a := range c.actions {
active := true
for _, mc := range a.modes {
// if any mode constraint is not met, the action is not active
hasMode := k.modes[mc.mode]
if hasMode != mc.disabled {
active = false
if active {
// the first active action to be found is returned
return k.cursor.MakeClosure(a), more
return nil, more
// Reset sets the current sequence back to the initial value.
func (k *KeyTree) Reset() {
k.cursor.node = k.root
k.cursor.wildcards = []KeyEvent{}
k.cursor.mouseInfo = nil
// DeleteBinding removes any currently active actions associated with the
// given event.
func (k *KeyTree) DeleteBinding(e Event) {
// DeleteAllBindings removes all actions associated with the given event,
// regardless of whether they are active or not.
func (k *KeyTree) DeleteAllBindings(e Event) {
// SetMode enables or disabled a given mode
func (k *KeyTree) SetMode(mode string, en bool) {
k.modes[mode] = en
// HasMode returns if the given mode is currently active
func (k *KeyTree) HasMode(mode string) bool {
return k.modes[mode]