Dmitry Maluka 53efce72fa hltrailingws: improve behavior with selection
Improve user experience: if we are at a line with a new (i.e.
not highlighted yet) trailingws and we begin selecting text,
don't highlight the trailingws until we are done with selection,
even if we moved the cursor to another line while selecting.
2024-03-14 03:18:11 +01:00

878 lines
26 KiB

package action
import (
luar "layeh.com/gopher-luar"
lua "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua"
ulua "github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/lua"
// BufKeyAction represents an action bound to a key.
type BufKeyAction func(*BufPane) bool
// BufMouseAction is an action that must be bound to a mouse event.
type BufMouseAction func(*BufPane, *tcell.EventMouse) bool
// BufBindings stores the bindings for the buffer pane type.
var BufBindings *KeyTree
// BufKeyActionGeneral makes a general pane action from a BufKeyAction.
func BufKeyActionGeneral(a BufKeyAction) PaneKeyAction {
return func(p Pane) bool {
return a(p.(*BufPane))
// BufMouseActionGeneral makes a general pane mouse action from a BufKeyAction.
func BufMouseActionGeneral(a BufMouseAction) PaneMouseAction {
return func(p Pane, me *tcell.EventMouse) bool {
return a(p.(*BufPane), me)
func init() {
BufBindings = NewKeyTree()
// LuaAction makes a BufKeyAction from a lua function.
func LuaAction(fn string) func(*BufPane) bool {
luaFn := strings.Split(fn, ".")
if len(luaFn) <= 1 {
return nil
plName, plFn := luaFn[0], luaFn[1]
pl := config.FindPlugin(plName)
if pl == nil {
return nil
return func(h *BufPane) bool {
val, err := pl.Call(plFn, luar.New(ulua.L, h))
if err != nil {
if v, ok := val.(lua.LBool); !ok {
return false
} else {
return bool(v)
// BufMapKey maps an event to an action
func BufMapEvent(k Event, action string) {
config.Bindings["buffer"][k.Name()] = action
switch e := k.(type) {
case KeyEvent, KeySequenceEvent, RawEvent:
bufMapKey(e, action)
case MouseEvent:
bufMapMouse(e, action)
func bufMapKey(k Event, action string) {
var actionfns []func(*BufPane) bool
var names []string
var types []byte
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if action == "" {
// TODO: fix problem when complex bindings have these
// characters (escape them?)
idx := strings.IndexAny(action, "&|,")
a := action
if idx >= 0 {
a = action[:idx]
types = append(types, action[idx])
action = action[idx+1:]
} else {
types = append(types, ' ')
action = ""
var afn func(*BufPane) bool
if strings.HasPrefix(a, "command:") {
a = strings.SplitN(a, ":", 2)[1]
afn = CommandAction(a)
names = append(names, "")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(a, "command-edit:") {
a = strings.SplitN(a, ":", 2)[1]
afn = CommandEditAction(a)
names = append(names, "")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(a, "lua:") {
a = strings.SplitN(a, ":", 2)[1]
afn = LuaAction(a)
if afn == nil {
screen.TermMessage("Lua Error:", a, "does not exist")
split := strings.SplitN(a, ".", 2)
if len(split) > 1 {
a = strings.Title(split[0]) + strings.Title(split[1])
} else {
a = strings.Title(a)
names = append(names, a)
} else if f, ok := BufKeyActions[a]; ok {
afn = f
names = append(names, a)
} else {
screen.TermMessage("Error in bindings: action", a, "does not exist")
actionfns = append(actionfns, afn)
bufAction := func(h *BufPane) bool {
cursors := h.Buf.GetCursors()
success := true
for i, a := range actionfns {
innerSuccess := true
for j, c := range cursors {
if c == nil {
h.Cursor = c
if i == 0 || (success && types[i-1] == '&') || (!success && types[i-1] == '|') || (types[i-1] == ',') {
innerSuccess = innerSuccess && h.execAction(a, names[i], j)
} else {
// if the action changed the current pane, update the reference
h = MainTab().CurPane()
success = innerSuccess
return true
BufBindings.RegisterKeyBinding(k, BufKeyActionGeneral(bufAction))
// BufMapMouse maps a mouse event to an action
func bufMapMouse(k MouseEvent, action string) {
if f, ok := BufMouseActions[action]; ok {
BufBindings.RegisterMouseBinding(k, BufMouseActionGeneral(f))
} else {
// delete(BufMouseBindings, k)
bufMapKey(k, action)
// BufUnmap unmaps a key or mouse event from any action
func BufUnmap(k Event) {
// delete(BufKeyBindings, k)
// switch e := k.(type) {
// case MouseEvent:
// delete(BufMouseBindings, e)
// }
// The BufPane connects the buffer and the window
// It provides a cursor (or multiple) and defines a set of actions
// that can be taken on the buffer
// The ActionHandler can access the window for necessary info about
// visual positions for mouse clicks and scrolling
type BufPane struct {
// Buf is the buffer this BufPane views
Buf *buffer.Buffer
// Bindings stores the association of key events and actions
bindings *KeyTree
// Cursor is the currently active buffer cursor
Cursor *buffer.Cursor
// Since tcell doesn't differentiate between a mouse release event
// and a mouse move event with no keys pressed, we need to keep
// track of whether or not the mouse was pressed (or not released) last event to determine
// mouse release events
mouseReleased bool
// We need to keep track of insert key press toggle
isOverwriteMode bool
// This stores when the last click was
// This is useful for detecting double and triple clicks
lastClickTime time.Time
lastLoc buffer.Loc
// lastCutTime stores when the last ctrl+k was issued.
// It is used for clearing the clipboard to replace it with fresh cut lines.
lastCutTime time.Time
// freshClip returns true if the clipboard has never been pasted.
freshClip bool
// Was the last mouse event actually a double click?
// Useful for detecting triple clicks -- if a double click is detected
// but the last mouse event was actually a double click, it's a triple click
doubleClick bool
// Same here, just to keep track for mouse move events
tripleClick bool
// Should the current multiple cursor selection search based on word or
// based on selection (false for selection, true for word)
multiWord bool
splitID uint64
tab *Tab
// remember original location of a search in case the search is canceled
searchOrig buffer.Loc
// The pane may not yet be fully initialized after its creation
// since we may not know the window geometry yet. In such case we finish
// its initialization a bit later, after the initial resize.
initialized bool
func newBufPane(buf *buffer.Buffer, win display.BWindow, tab *Tab) *BufPane {
h := new(BufPane)
h.Buf = buf
h.BWindow = win
h.tab = tab
h.Cursor = h.Buf.GetActiveCursor()
h.mouseReleased = true
return h
// NewBufPane creates a new buffer pane with the given window.
func NewBufPane(buf *buffer.Buffer, win display.BWindow, tab *Tab) *BufPane {
h := newBufPane(buf, win, tab)
return h
// NewBufPaneFromBuf constructs a new pane from the given buffer and automatically
// creates a buf window.
func NewBufPaneFromBuf(buf *buffer.Buffer, tab *Tab) *BufPane {
w := display.NewBufWindow(0, 0, 0, 0, buf)
h := newBufPane(buf, w, tab)
// Postpone finishing initializing the pane until we know the actual geometry
// of the buf window.
return h
// TODO: make sure splitID and tab are set before finishInitialize is called
func (h *BufPane) finishInitialize() {
h.initialized = true
config.RunPluginFn("onBufPaneOpen", luar.New(ulua.L, h))
// Resize resizes the pane
func (h *BufPane) Resize(width, height int) {
h.BWindow.Resize(width, height)
if !h.initialized {
// SetTab sets this pane's tab.
func (h *BufPane) SetTab(t *Tab) {
h.tab = t
// Tab returns this pane's tab.
func (h *BufPane) Tab() *Tab {
return h.tab
func (h *BufPane) ResizePane(size int) {
n := h.tab.GetNode(h.splitID)
// PluginCB calls all plugin callbacks with a certain name and displays an
// error if there is one and returns the aggregrate boolean response
func (h *BufPane) PluginCB(cb string) bool {
b, err := config.RunPluginFnBool(h.Buf.Settings, cb, luar.New(ulua.L, h))
if err != nil {
return b
// PluginCBRune is the same as PluginCB but also passes a rune to the plugins
func (h *BufPane) PluginCBRune(cb string, r rune) bool {
b, err := config.RunPluginFnBool(h.Buf.Settings, cb, luar.New(ulua.L, h), luar.New(ulua.L, string(r)))
if err != nil {
return b
// OpenBuffer opens the given buffer in this pane.
func (h *BufPane) OpenBuffer(b *buffer.Buffer) {
h.Buf = b
h.Cursor = b.GetActiveCursor()
h.Resize(h.GetView().Width, h.GetView().Height)
// Set mouseReleased to true because we assume the mouse is not being
// pressed when the editor is opened
h.mouseReleased = true
// Set isOverwriteMode to false, because we assume we are in the default
// mode when editor is opened
h.isOverwriteMode = false
h.lastClickTime = time.Time{}
// GotoLoc moves the cursor to a new location and adjusts the view accordingly.
// Use GotoLoc when the new location may be far away from the current location.
func (h *BufPane) GotoLoc(loc buffer.Loc) {
sloc := h.SLocFromLoc(loc)
d := h.Diff(h.SLocFromLoc(h.Cursor.Loc), sloc)
// If the new location is far away from the previous one,
// ensure the cursor is at 25% of the window height
height := h.BufView().Height
if util.Abs(d) >= height {
v := h.GetView()
v.StartLine = h.Scroll(sloc, -height/4)
v.StartCol = 0
func (h *BufPane) initialRelocate() {
sloc := h.SLocFromLoc(h.Cursor.Loc)
height := h.BufView().Height
// If the initial cursor location is far away from the beginning
// of the buffer, ensure the cursor is at 25% of the window height
v := h.GetView()
if h.Diff(display.SLoc{0, 0}, sloc) < height {
v.StartLine = display.SLoc{0, 0}
} else {
v.StartLine = h.Scroll(sloc, -height/4)
v.StartCol = 0
// ID returns this pane's split id.
func (h *BufPane) ID() uint64 {
return h.splitID
// SetID sets the split ID of this pane.
func (h *BufPane) SetID(i uint64) {
h.splitID = i
// Name returns the BufPane's name.
func (h *BufPane) Name() string {
n := h.Buf.GetName()
if h.Buf.Modified() {
n += " +"
return n
func (h *BufPane) getReloadSetting() string {
reloadSetting := h.Buf.Settings["reload"]
return reloadSetting.(string)
// HandleEvent executes the tcell event properly
func (h *BufPane) HandleEvent(event tcell.Event) {
if h.Buf.ExternallyModified() && !h.Buf.ReloadDisabled {
reload := h.getReloadSetting()
if reload == "prompt" {
InfoBar.YNPrompt("The file on disk has changed. Reload file? (y,n,esc)", func(yes, canceled bool) {
if canceled {
if !yes || canceled {
} else {
} else if reload == "auto" {
} else if reload == "disabled" {
} else {
InfoBar.Message("Invalid reload setting")
switch e := event.(type) {
case *tcell.EventRaw:
re := RawEvent{
esc: e.EscSeq(),
case *tcell.EventPaste:
case *tcell.EventKey:
ke := KeyEvent{
code: e.Key(),
mod: metaToAlt(e.Modifiers()),
r: e.Rune(),
done := h.DoKeyEvent(ke)
if !done && e.Key() == tcell.KeyRune {
case *tcell.EventMouse:
cancel := false
switch e.Buttons() {
case tcell.Button1:
_, my := e.Position()
if h.Buf.Type.Kind != buffer.BTInfo.Kind && h.Buf.Settings["statusline"].(bool) && my >= h.GetView().Y+h.GetView().Height-1 {
cancel = true
case tcell.ButtonNone:
// Mouse event with no click
if !h.mouseReleased {
// Mouse was just released
// mx, my := e.Position()
// mouseLoc := h.LocFromVisual(buffer.Loc{X: mx, Y: my})
// we could finish the selection based on the release location as described
// below but when the mouse click is within the scroll margin this will
// cause a scroll and selection even for a simple mouse click which is
// not good
// for terminals that don't support mouse motion events, selection via
// the mouse won't work but this is ok
// Relocating here isn't really necessary because the cursor will
// be in the right place from the last mouse event
// However, if we are running in a terminal that doesn't support mouse motion
// events, this still allows the user to make selections, except only after they
// release the mouse
// if !h.doubleClick && !h.tripleClick {
// h.Cursor.SetSelectionEnd(h.Cursor.Loc)
// }
if h.Cursor.HasSelection() {
h.mouseReleased = true
if !cancel {
me := MouseEvent{
btn: e.Buttons(),
mod: metaToAlt(e.Modifiers()),
h.DoMouseEvent(me, e)
if h.IsActive() {
// Display any gutter messages for this line
c := h.Buf.GetActiveCursor()
none := true
for _, m := range h.Buf.Messages {
if c.Y == m.Start.Y || c.Y == m.End.Y {
none = false
if none && InfoBar.HasGutter {
cursors := h.Buf.GetCursors()
for _, c := range cursors {
if c.NewTrailingWsY != c.Y && (!c.HasSelection() ||
(c.NewTrailingWsY != c.CurSelection[0].Y && c.NewTrailingWsY != c.CurSelection[1].Y)) {
c.NewTrailingWsY = -1
// Bindings returns the current bindings tree for this buffer.
func (h *BufPane) Bindings() *KeyTree {
if h.bindings != nil {
return h.bindings
return BufBindings
// DoKeyEvent executes a key event by finding the action it is bound
// to and executing it (possibly multiple times for multiple cursors)
func (h *BufPane) DoKeyEvent(e Event) bool {
binds := h.Bindings()
action, more := binds.NextEvent(e, nil)
if action != nil && !more {
return true
} else if action == nil && !more {
return more
func (h *BufPane) execAction(action func(*BufPane) bool, name string, cursor int) bool {
if name != "Autocomplete" && name != "CycleAutocompleteBack" {
h.Buf.HasSuggestions = false
_, isMulti := MultiActions[name]
if (!isMulti && cursor == 0) || isMulti {
if h.PluginCB("pre" + name) {
success := action(h)
success = success && h.PluginCB("on"+name)
if isMulti {
if recordingMacro {
if name != "ToggleMacro" && name != "PlayMacro" {
curmacro = append(curmacro, action)
return success
return false
func (h *BufPane) completeAction(action string) {
h.PluginCB("on" + action)
func (h *BufPane) HasKeyEvent(e Event) bool {
return true
// _, ok := BufKeyBindings[e]
// return ok
// DoMouseEvent executes a mouse event by finding the action it is bound
// to and executing it
func (h *BufPane) DoMouseEvent(e MouseEvent, te *tcell.EventMouse) bool {
binds := h.Bindings()
action, _ := binds.NextEvent(e, te)
if action != nil {
return true
return false
// if action, ok := BufMouseBindings[e]; ok {
// if action(h, te) {
// h.Relocate()
// }
// return true
// } else if h.HasKeyEvent(e) {
// return h.DoKeyEvent(e)
// }
// return false
// DoRuneInsert inserts a given rune into the current buffer
// (possibly multiple times for multiple cursors)
func (h *BufPane) DoRuneInsert(r rune) {
cursors := h.Buf.GetCursors()
for _, c := range cursors {
// Insert a character
h.Cursor = c
if !h.PluginCBRune("preRune", r) {
if c.HasSelection() {
if h.isOverwriteMode {
next := c.Loc
h.Buf.Replace(c.Loc, next, string(r))
} else {
h.Buf.Insert(c.Loc, string(r))
if recordingMacro {
curmacro = append(curmacro, r)
h.PluginCBRune("onRune", r)
// VSplitIndex opens the given buffer in a vertical split on the given side.
func (h *BufPane) VSplitIndex(buf *buffer.Buffer, right bool) *BufPane {
e := NewBufPaneFromBuf(buf, h.tab)
e.splitID = MainTab().GetNode(h.splitID).VSplit(right)
MainTab().Panes = append(MainTab().Panes, e)
MainTab().SetActive(len(MainTab().Panes) - 1)
return e
// HSplitIndex opens the given buffer in a horizontal split on the given side.
func (h *BufPane) HSplitIndex(buf *buffer.Buffer, bottom bool) *BufPane {
e := NewBufPaneFromBuf(buf, h.tab)
e.splitID = MainTab().GetNode(h.splitID).HSplit(bottom)
MainTab().Panes = append(MainTab().Panes, e)
MainTab().SetActive(len(MainTab().Panes) - 1)
return e
// VSplitBuf opens the given buffer in a new vertical split.
func (h *BufPane) VSplitBuf(buf *buffer.Buffer) *BufPane {
return h.VSplitIndex(buf, h.Buf.Settings["splitright"].(bool))
// HSplitBuf opens the given buffer in a new horizontal split.
func (h *BufPane) HSplitBuf(buf *buffer.Buffer) *BufPane {
return h.HSplitIndex(buf, h.Buf.Settings["splitbottom"].(bool))
// Close this pane.
func (h *BufPane) Close() {
// SetActive marks this pane as active.
func (h *BufPane) SetActive(b bool) {
if b {
// Display any gutter messages for this line
c := h.Buf.GetActiveCursor()
none := true
for _, m := range h.Buf.Messages {
if c.Y == m.Start.Y || c.Y == m.End.Y {
none = false
if none && InfoBar.HasGutter {
// BufKeyActions contains the list of all possible key actions the bufhandler could execute
var BufKeyActions = map[string]BufKeyAction{
"CursorUp": (*BufPane).CursorUp,
"CursorDown": (*BufPane).CursorDown,
"CursorPageUp": (*BufPane).CursorPageUp,
"CursorPageDown": (*BufPane).CursorPageDown,
"CursorLeft": (*BufPane).CursorLeft,
"CursorRight": (*BufPane).CursorRight,
"CursorStart": (*BufPane).CursorStart,
"CursorEnd": (*BufPane).CursorEnd,
"SelectToStart": (*BufPane).SelectToStart,
"SelectToEnd": (*BufPane).SelectToEnd,
"SelectUp": (*BufPane).SelectUp,
"SelectDown": (*BufPane).SelectDown,
"SelectLeft": (*BufPane).SelectLeft,
"SelectRight": (*BufPane).SelectRight,
"WordRight": (*BufPane).WordRight,
"WordLeft": (*BufPane).WordLeft,
"SelectWordRight": (*BufPane).SelectWordRight,
"SelectWordLeft": (*BufPane).SelectWordLeft,
"DeleteWordRight": (*BufPane).DeleteWordRight,
"DeleteWordLeft": (*BufPane).DeleteWordLeft,
"SelectLine": (*BufPane).SelectLine,
"SelectToStartOfLine": (*BufPane).SelectToStartOfLine,
"SelectToStartOfText": (*BufPane).SelectToStartOfText,
"SelectToStartOfTextToggle": (*BufPane).SelectToStartOfTextToggle,
"SelectToEndOfLine": (*BufPane).SelectToEndOfLine,
"ParagraphPrevious": (*BufPane).ParagraphPrevious,
"ParagraphNext": (*BufPane).ParagraphNext,
"InsertNewline": (*BufPane).InsertNewline,
"Backspace": (*BufPane).Backspace,
"Delete": (*BufPane).Delete,
"InsertTab": (*BufPane).InsertTab,
"Save": (*BufPane).Save,
"SaveAll": (*BufPane).SaveAll,
"SaveAs": (*BufPane).SaveAs,
"Find": (*BufPane).Find,
"FindLiteral": (*BufPane).FindLiteral,
"FindNext": (*BufPane).FindNext,
"FindPrevious": (*BufPane).FindPrevious,
"DiffNext": (*BufPane).DiffNext,
"DiffPrevious": (*BufPane).DiffPrevious,
"Center": (*BufPane).Center,
"Undo": (*BufPane).Undo,
"Redo": (*BufPane).Redo,
"Copy": (*BufPane).Copy,
"CopyLine": (*BufPane).CopyLine,
"Cut": (*BufPane).Cut,
"CutLine": (*BufPane).CutLine,
"DuplicateLine": (*BufPane).DuplicateLine,
"DeleteLine": (*BufPane).DeleteLine,
"MoveLinesUp": (*BufPane).MoveLinesUp,
"MoveLinesDown": (*BufPane).MoveLinesDown,
"IndentSelection": (*BufPane).IndentSelection,
"OutdentSelection": (*BufPane).OutdentSelection,
"Autocomplete": (*BufPane).Autocomplete,
"CycleAutocompleteBack": (*BufPane).CycleAutocompleteBack,
"OutdentLine": (*BufPane).OutdentLine,
"IndentLine": (*BufPane).IndentLine,
"Paste": (*BufPane).Paste,
"PastePrimary": (*BufPane).PastePrimary,
"SelectAll": (*BufPane).SelectAll,
"OpenFile": (*BufPane).OpenFile,
"Start": (*BufPane).Start,
"End": (*BufPane).End,
"PageUp": (*BufPane).PageUp,
"PageDown": (*BufPane).PageDown,
"SelectPageUp": (*BufPane).SelectPageUp,
"SelectPageDown": (*BufPane).SelectPageDown,
"HalfPageUp": (*BufPane).HalfPageUp,
"HalfPageDown": (*BufPane).HalfPageDown,
"StartOfText": (*BufPane).StartOfText,
"StartOfTextToggle": (*BufPane).StartOfTextToggle,
"StartOfLine": (*BufPane).StartOfLine,
"EndOfLine": (*BufPane).EndOfLine,
"ToggleHelp": (*BufPane).ToggleHelp,
"ToggleKeyMenu": (*BufPane).ToggleKeyMenu,
"ToggleDiffGutter": (*BufPane).ToggleDiffGutter,
"ToggleRuler": (*BufPane).ToggleRuler,
"ToggleHighlightSearch": (*BufPane).ToggleHighlightSearch,
"UnhighlightSearch": (*BufPane).UnhighlightSearch,
"ClearStatus": (*BufPane).ClearStatus,
"ShellMode": (*BufPane).ShellMode,
"CommandMode": (*BufPane).CommandMode,
"ToggleOverwriteMode": (*BufPane).ToggleOverwriteMode,
"Escape": (*BufPane).Escape,
"Quit": (*BufPane).Quit,
"QuitAll": (*BufPane).QuitAll,
"ForceQuit": (*BufPane).ForceQuit,
"AddTab": (*BufPane).AddTab,
"PreviousTab": (*BufPane).PreviousTab,
"NextTab": (*BufPane).NextTab,
"NextSplit": (*BufPane).NextSplit,
"PreviousSplit": (*BufPane).PreviousSplit,
"Unsplit": (*BufPane).Unsplit,
"VSplit": (*BufPane).VSplitAction,
"HSplit": (*BufPane).HSplitAction,
"ToggleMacro": (*BufPane).ToggleMacro,
"PlayMacro": (*BufPane).PlayMacro,
"Suspend": (*BufPane).Suspend,
"ScrollUp": (*BufPane).ScrollUpAction,
"ScrollDown": (*BufPane).ScrollDownAction,
"SpawnMultiCursor": (*BufPane).SpawnMultiCursor,
"SpawnMultiCursorUp": (*BufPane).SpawnMultiCursorUp,
"SpawnMultiCursorDown": (*BufPane).SpawnMultiCursorDown,
"SpawnMultiCursorSelect": (*BufPane).SpawnMultiCursorSelect,
"RemoveMultiCursor": (*BufPane).RemoveMultiCursor,
"RemoveAllMultiCursors": (*BufPane).RemoveAllMultiCursors,
"SkipMultiCursor": (*BufPane).SkipMultiCursor,
"JumpToMatchingBrace": (*BufPane).JumpToMatchingBrace,
"JumpLine": (*BufPane).JumpLine,
"Deselect": (*BufPane).Deselect,
"ClearInfo": (*BufPane).ClearInfo,
"None": (*BufPane).None,
// This was changed to InsertNewline but I don't want to break backwards compatibility
"InsertEnter": (*BufPane).InsertNewline,
// BufMouseActions contains the list of all possible mouse actions the bufhandler could execute
var BufMouseActions = map[string]BufMouseAction{
"MousePress": (*BufPane).MousePress,
"MouseMultiCursor": (*BufPane).MouseMultiCursor,
// MultiActions is a list of actions that should be executed multiple
// times if there are multiple cursors (one per cursor)
// Generally actions that modify global editor state like quitting or
// saving should not be included in this list
var MultiActions = map[string]bool{
"CursorUp": true,
"CursorDown": true,
"CursorPageUp": true,
"CursorPageDown": true,
"CursorLeft": true,
"CursorRight": true,
"CursorStart": true,
"CursorEnd": true,
"SelectToStart": true,
"SelectToEnd": true,
"SelectUp": true,
"SelectDown": true,
"SelectLeft": true,
"SelectRight": true,
"WordRight": true,
"WordLeft": true,
"SelectWordRight": true,
"SelectWordLeft": true,
"DeleteWordRight": true,
"DeleteWordLeft": true,
"SelectLine": true,
"SelectToStartOfLine": true,
"SelectToStartOfText": true,
"SelectToStartOfTextToggle": true,
"SelectToEndOfLine": true,
"ParagraphPrevious": true,
"ParagraphNext": true,
"InsertNewline": true,
"Backspace": true,
"Delete": true,
"InsertTab": true,
"FindNext": true,
"FindPrevious": true,
"CopyLine": true,
"Copy": true,
"Cut": true,
"CutLine": true,
"DuplicateLine": true,
"DeleteLine": true,
"MoveLinesUp": true,
"MoveLinesDown": true,
"IndentSelection": true,
"OutdentSelection": true,
"OutdentLine": true,
"IndentLine": true,
"Paste": true,
"PastePrimary": true,
"SelectPageUp": true,
"SelectPageDown": true,
"StartOfLine": true,
"StartOfText": true,
"StartOfTextToggle": true,
"EndOfLine": true,
"JumpToMatchingBrace": true,