2017-03-28 13:37:41 -04:00

57 lines
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.\" micro manual page - micro(1)
.\" Copyright © 2017 Zachary Yedidia <zyedidia@gmail.com>
.\" Copyright © 2017 Collin Warren <anatoly@somethinghub.com>
.\" This document is provided under the same licensing as micro.
.\" See \usr\share\doc\micro\LICENSE for more information.
.TH micro 1 "2017-03-28"
micro \- An intuitive and modern terminal text editor
.B micro
.RB []
.I "filename \&..."
( Copied from the README file. )
Micro is a terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the full capabilities
of modern terminals. It comes as one single, batteries-included, static binary with no dependencies.
As the name indicates, micro aims to be somewhat of a successor to the nano editor by being easy to install and use in a pinch, but micro also aims to be
enjoyable to use full time, whether you work in the terminal because you prefer it (like me), or because you need to (over ssh).
.B \-v --version
Displays the current version of micro and the git commit hash.
Micro's behaviour can be changed by setting environment variables, of which
there is currently only one:
When MICRO_TRUE_COLOR is set to 1, micro will attempt to treat your terminal as
a true-color terminal and will be able to make full use of the true-color colorschemes
that are included with micro. If MICRO_TRUE_COLOR is not set or is set to 0, then
micro will only make use of 256 color features and will internally map true-color
colorschemes to the nearest colors available. For more information see micro's documentation.
This manpage is intended only to serve as a quick guide to the invocation of
micro and is not intended to replace the full documentation included with micro
which can be accessed from within micro. Micro tells you what key combination to
press to get help in the lower right.
A comprehensive list of bugs will not be listed in this manpage. See the Github
page at \fBhttps://github.com/zyedidia/micro/issues\fP for a list of known bugs
and to report any newly encountered bugs you may find. We strive to correct
bugs as swiftly as possible.
Copyright \(co 2017 Zachary Yedidia, Collin Warren, et al.
See /usr/share/doc/micro/LICENSE and /usr/share/doc/micro/AUTHORS for more information.