2019-12-25 17:05:10 -05:00

123 lines
3.5 KiB

package shell
import (
luar "layeh.com/gopher-luar"
lua "github.com/yuin/gopher-lua"
ulua "github.com/zyedidia/micro/internal/lua"
var Jobs chan JobFunction
func init() {
Jobs = make(chan JobFunction, 100)
// Jobs are the way plugins can run processes in the background
// A job is simply a process that gets executed asynchronously
// There are callbacks for when the job exits, when the job creates stdout
// and when the job creates stderr
// These jobs run in a separate goroutine but the lua callbacks need to be
// executed in the main thread (where the Lua VM is running) so they are
// put into the jobs channel which gets read by the main loop
// JobFunction is a representation of a job (this data structure is what is loaded
// into the jobs channel)
type JobFunction struct {
Function func(string, ...interface{})
Output string
Args []interface{}
// A CallbackFile is the data structure that makes it possible to catch stderr and stdout write events
type CallbackFile struct {
callback func(string, ...interface{})
args []interface{}
func (f *CallbackFile) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
// This is either stderr or stdout
// In either case we create a new job function callback and put it in the jobs channel
jobFunc := JobFunction{f.callback, string(data), f.args}
Jobs <- jobFunc
return f.Writer.Write(data)
// JobStart starts a shell command in the background with the given callbacks
// It returns an *exec.Cmd as the job id
func JobStart(cmd string, onStdout, onStderr, onExit string, userargs ...interface{}) *exec.Cmd {
return JobSpawn("sh", []string{"-c", cmd}, onStdout, onStderr, onExit, userargs...)
// JobSpawn starts a process with args in the background with the given callbacks
// It returns an *exec.Cmd as the job id
func JobSpawn(cmdName string, cmdArgs []string, onStdout, onStderr, onExit string, userargs ...interface{}) *exec.Cmd {
// Set up everything correctly if the functions have been provided
proc := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...)
var outbuf bytes.Buffer
if onStdout != "" {
proc.Stdout = &CallbackFile{&outbuf, luaFunctionJob(onStdout), userargs}
} else {
proc.Stdout = &outbuf
if onStderr != "" {
proc.Stderr = &CallbackFile{&outbuf, luaFunctionJob(onStderr), userargs}
} else {
proc.Stderr = &outbuf
go func() {
// Run the process in the background and create the onExit callback
jobFunc := JobFunction{luaFunctionJob(onExit), string(outbuf.Bytes()), userargs}
Jobs <- jobFunc
return proc
// JobStop kills a job
func JobStop(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
// JobSend sends the given data into the job's stdin stream
func JobSend(cmd *exec.Cmd, data string) {
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
// luaFunctionJob returns a function that will call the given lua function
// structured as a job call i.e. the job output and arguments are provided
// to the lua function
func luaFunctionJob(fn string) func(string, ...interface{}) {
luaFn := strings.Split(fn, ".")
plName, plFn := luaFn[0], luaFn[1]
pl := config.FindPlugin(plName)
return func(output string, args ...interface{}) {
var luaArgs []lua.LValue
luaArgs = append(luaArgs, luar.New(ulua.L, output))
for _, v := range args {
luaArgs = append(luaArgs, luar.New(ulua.L, v))
_, err := pl.Call(plFn, luaArgs...)
if err != nil && err != config.ErrNoSuchFunction {