Zachary Yedidia 8803d93872 Make all filetype names lowercase
This may be a breaking change if you are using a plugin that
checks the filetype. All the default plugins are now updated,
just make the filetype you were checking for previously all
2016-08-25 15:48:02 -04:00

45 lines
893 B

syntax "markdown" "\.(md|mkd|mkdn|markdown)$"
# Tables (Github extension)
color type ".*[ :]\|[ :].*"
# quotes
color statement "^>.*"
# Emphasis
color type "(^|[[:space:]])(_[^ ][^_]*_|\*[^ ][^*]*\*)"
# Strong emphasis
color type "(^|[[:space:]])(__[^ ][^_]*__|\*\*[^ ][^*]*\*\*)"
# strike-through
color type "(^|[[:space:]])~~[^ ][^~]*~~"
# horizontal rules
color special "^(---+|===+|___+|\*\*\*+)\s*$"
# headlines
color special "^#{1,6}.*"
# lists
color identifier "^[[:space:]]*[\*+-] |^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+\. "
# misc
color preproc "\(([CcRr]|[Tt][Mm])\)" "\.{3}" "(^|[[:space:]])\-\-($|[[:space:]])"
# links
color constant "\[[^]]+\]"
color constant "\[([^][]|\[[^]]*\])*\]\([^)]+\)"
# images
color underlined "!\[[^][]*\](\([^)]+\)|\[[^]]+\])"
# urls
color underlined "https?://[^ )>]+"
# code
color special "`.*?`|^ {4}[^-+*].*"
# code blocks
color special "^```$"