Jöran Karl ceaa143c62
highlighter: Fix regions and patterns inside regions (#2840)
* highlighter: Fix regions and patterns inside regions

* highlighting: Remove 2nd recursive highlightRegion() call

...and add limitGroup checks to pattern search.

* yaml: Add TODO type highlighting

* highlighting: Don't stop in highlightRegion() at empty lines

...because possible region line end pattern must be detected.

* syntax/sh: Correct string handling due to additional pattern handling

* syntax/sh: Remove slash in variables

* highlighter: Accept nested region only in case it's within the current reagion

* highlighter: Accept nested patterns only in case it's within the current reagion

* highlighter: Don't search for nesting in case the region end was found at start
2023-07-11 13:49:12 -07:00

64 lines
2.4 KiB

filetype: shell
# Detection based on filename is rather complicated as there are many
# different file extensions and special filenames in use.
# This expressions aims to capture them all while not matching
# filenames that coincidentally contain the same substring.
# File extensions:
# * .sh
# * .bash
# * .ash
# * .ebuild (Gentoo ebuild format)
# Special filenames:
# * .bashrc, .bash_aliases, .bash_functions .bash_profile
# * profile, .profile (/etc/profile or ~/.profile)
# * Pkgfile
# * pkgmk.conf
# * rc.conf
# * PKGBUILD (Arch Linux build scripts)
# Fix command (fc) files:
# * bash-fc. (followed by a random string)
filename: "(\\.(sh|bash|ash|ebuild)$|(\\.bash(rc|_aliases|_functions|_profile)|\\.?profile|Pkgfile|pkgmk\\.conf|rc\\.conf|PKGBUILD|APKBUILD)$|bash-fc\\.)"
header: "^#!.*/(env +)?(ba)?(a)?(mk)?sh( |$)"
# Numbers
- constant.number: "\\b[0-9]+\\b"
# Conditionals and control flow
- statement: "\\b(case|do|done|elif|else|esac|exit|fi|for|function|if|in|local|read|return|select|shift|then|time|until|while)\\b"
- special: "[`$<>!=&~^\\{\\}\\(\\)\\;\\]\\[]+"
# Shell commands
- type: "\\b(cd|echo|export|let|set|umask|unset)\\b"
# Common linux commands
- type: "\\b((g|ig)?awk|bash|dash|find|\\w{0,4}grep|kill|killall|\\w{0,4}less|make|pkill|sed|sh|tar)\\b"
# Coreutils commands
- type: "\\b(base64|basename|cat|chcon|chgrp|chmod|chown|chroot|cksum|comm|cp|csplit|cut|date|dd|df|dir|dircolors|dirname|du|env|expand|expr|factor|false|fmt|fold|head|hostid|id|install|join|link|ln|logname|ls|md5sum|mkdir|mkfifo|mknod|mktemp|mv|nice|nl|nohup|nproc|numfmt|od|paste|pathchk|pinky|pr|printenv|printf|ptx|pwd|readlink|realpath|rm|rmdir|runcon|seq|(sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512)sum|shred|shuf|sleep|sort|split|stat|stdbuf|stty|sum|sync|tac|tail|tee|test|time|timeout|touch|tr|true|truncate|tsort|tty|uname|unexpand|uniq|unlink|users|vdir|wc|who|whoami|yes)\\b"
# Conditional flags
- statement: " (-[A-Za-z]+|--[a-z]+)"
- identifier: "\\$\\{[0-9A-Za-z_:!%&=+#~@*^$?, .\\-\\/\\[\\]]+\\}"
- identifier: "\\$[0-9A-Za-z_:!%&=+#~@*^$?,\\-\\[\\]]+"
- constant.string:
start: "\""
end: "\""
skip: "\\\\."
rules: []
- constant.string:
start: "'"
end: "'"
skip: "\\\\."
rules: []
- comment:
start: "(^|\\s)#"
end: "$"
- todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?"