Dmitry Maluka 9593c2a720
Add HistorySearchUp and HistorySearchDown actions (#1829)
Add HistorySearchUp and HistorySearchDown actions which are similar to
HistoryUp and HistoryDown but search for the prev/next history item
whose beginning matches the currently entered text in the infobuffer
(more precisely, the text before cursor).

Also fixed the following issue: if we scrolled to an older history item
and then edit the infobuffer, this older item gets modified.
We should not edit old history entries. So in this case set HistoryNum
to the last (newly added) item and modify the last item.
2023-07-08 14:00:22 -07:00

178 lines
4.7 KiB

package info
import (
// The InfoBuf displays messages and other info at the bottom of the screen.
// It is respresented as a buffer and a message with a style.
type InfoBuf struct {
HasPrompt bool
HasMessage bool
HasError bool
HasYN bool
PromptType string
Msg string
YNResp bool
// This map stores the history for all the different kinds of uses Prompt has
// It's a map of history type -> history array
History map[string][]string
HistoryNum int
// HistorySearch indicates whether we are searching for history items
// beginning with HistorySearchPrefix
HistorySearch bool
HistorySearchPrefix string
// Is the current message a message from the gutter
HasGutter bool
PromptCallback func(resp string, canceled bool)
EventCallback func(resp string)
YNCallback func(yes bool, canceled bool)
// NewBuffer returns a new infobuffer
func NewBuffer() *InfoBuf {
ib := new(InfoBuf)
ib.History = make(map[string][]string)
ib.Buffer = buffer.NewBufferFromString("", "", buffer.BTInfo)
return ib
// Close performs any cleanup necessary when shutting down the infobuffer
func (i *InfoBuf) Close() {
// Message sends a message to the user
func (i *InfoBuf) Message(msg ...interface{}) {
// only display a new message if there isn't an active prompt
// this is to prevent overwriting an existing prompt to the user
if !i.HasPrompt {
displayMessage := fmt.Sprint(msg...)
// if there is no active prompt then style and display the message as normal
i.Msg = displayMessage
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = true, false
// GutterMessage displays a message and marks it as a gutter message
func (i *InfoBuf) GutterMessage(msg ...interface{}) {
i.HasGutter = true
// ClearGutter clears the info bar and unmarks the message
func (i *InfoBuf) ClearGutter() {
i.HasGutter = false
// Error sends an error message to the user
func (i *InfoBuf) Error(msg ...interface{}) {
// only display a new message if there isn't an active prompt
// this is to prevent overwriting an existing prompt to the user
if !i.HasPrompt {
// if there is no active prompt then style and display the message as normal
i.Msg = fmt.Sprint(msg...)
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, true
// TODO: add to log?
// Prompt starts a prompt for the user, it takes a prompt, a possibly partially filled in msg
// and callbacks executed when the user executes an event and when the user finishes the prompt
// The eventcb passes the current user response as the argument and donecb passes the user's message
// and a boolean indicating if the prompt was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) Prompt(prompt string, msg string, ptype string, eventcb func(string), donecb func(string, bool)) {
// If we get another prompt mid-prompt we cancel the one getting overwritten
if i.HasPrompt {
if _, ok := i.History[ptype]; !ok {
i.History[ptype] = []string{""}
} else {
i.History[ptype] = append(i.History[ptype], "")
i.HistoryNum = len(i.History[ptype]) - 1
i.HistorySearch = false
i.PromptType = ptype
i.Msg = prompt
i.HasPrompt = true
i.HasMessage, i.HasError, i.HasYN = false, false, false
i.HasGutter = false
i.PromptCallback = donecb
i.EventCallback = eventcb
i.Buffer.Insert(i.Buffer.Start(), msg)
// YNPrompt creates a yes or no prompt, and the callback returns the yes/no result and whether
// the prompt was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) YNPrompt(prompt string, donecb func(bool, bool)) {
if i.HasPrompt {
i.Msg = prompt
i.HasPrompt = true
i.HasYN = true
i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, false
i.HasGutter = false
i.YNCallback = donecb
// DonePrompt finishes the current prompt and indicates whether or not it was canceled
func (i *InfoBuf) DonePrompt(canceled bool) {
hadYN := i.HasYN
i.HasPrompt = false
i.HasYN = false
i.HasGutter = false
if !hadYN {
if i.PromptCallback != nil {
if canceled {
i.Replace(i.Start(), i.End(), "")
i.PromptCallback("", true)
h := i.History[i.PromptType]
i.History[i.PromptType] = h[:len(h)-1]
} else {
resp := string(i.LineBytes(0))
i.Replace(i.Start(), i.End(), "")
i.PromptCallback(resp, false)
h := i.History[i.PromptType]
h[len(h)-1] = resp
// avoid duplicates
for j := len(h) - 2; j >= 0; j-- {
if h[j] == h[len(h)-1] {
i.History[i.PromptType] = append(h[:j], h[j+1:]...)
// i.PromptCallback = nil
if i.YNCallback != nil && hadYN {
i.YNCallback(i.YNResp, canceled)
// Reset resets the infobuffer's msg and info
func (i *InfoBuf) Reset() {
i.Msg = ""
i.HasPrompt, i.HasMessage, i.HasError = false, false, false
i.HasGutter = false