2020-02-09 14:30:20 -05:00

325 lines
7.7 KiB

package buffer
import (
dmp "github.com/sergi/go-diff/diffmatchpatch"
ulua "github.com/zyedidia/micro/internal/lua"
luar "layeh.com/gopher-luar"
const (
// Opposite and undoing events must have opposite values
// TextEventInsert represents an insertion event
TextEventInsert = 1
// TextEventRemove represents a deletion event
TextEventRemove = -1
// TextEventReplace represents a replace event
TextEventReplace = 0
undoThreshold = 1000 // If two events are less than n milliseconds apart, undo both of them
// TextEvent holds data for a manipulation on some text that can be undone
type TextEvent struct {
C Cursor
EventType int
Deltas []Delta
Time time.Time
// A Delta is a change to the buffer
type Delta struct {
Text []byte
Start Loc
End Loc
// ExecuteTextEvent runs a text event
func ExecuteTextEvent(t *TextEvent, buf *SharedBuffer) {
if t.EventType == TextEventInsert {
for _, d := range t.Deltas {
buf.insert(d.Start, d.Text)
} else if t.EventType == TextEventRemove {
for i, d := range t.Deltas {
t.Deltas[i].Text = buf.remove(d.Start, d.End)
} else if t.EventType == TextEventReplace {
for i, d := range t.Deltas {
t.Deltas[i].Text = buf.remove(d.Start, d.End)
buf.insert(d.Start, d.Text)
t.Deltas[i].Start = d.Start
t.Deltas[i].End = Loc{d.Start.X + utf8.RuneCount(d.Text), d.Start.Y}
for i, j := 0, len(t.Deltas)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
t.Deltas[i], t.Deltas[j] = t.Deltas[j], t.Deltas[i]
// UndoTextEvent undoes a text event
func UndoTextEvent(t *TextEvent, buf *SharedBuffer) {
t.EventType = -t.EventType
ExecuteTextEvent(t, buf)
// EventHandler executes text manipulations and allows undoing and redoing
type EventHandler struct {
buf *SharedBuffer
cursors []*Cursor
active int
UndoStack *TEStack
RedoStack *TEStack
// NewEventHandler returns a new EventHandler
func NewEventHandler(buf *SharedBuffer, cursors []*Cursor) *EventHandler {
eh := new(EventHandler)
eh.UndoStack = new(TEStack)
eh.RedoStack = new(TEStack)
eh.buf = buf
eh.cursors = cursors
return eh
// ApplyDiff takes a string and runs the necessary insertion and deletion events to make
// the buffer equal to that string
// This means that we can transform the buffer into any string and still preserve undo/redo
// through insert and delete events
func (eh *EventHandler) ApplyDiff(new string) {
differ := dmp.New()
diff := differ.DiffMain(string(eh.buf.Bytes()), new, false)
loc := eh.buf.Start()
for _, d := range diff {
if d.Type == dmp.DiffDelete {
eh.Remove(loc, loc.MoveLA(utf8.RuneCountInString(d.Text), eh.buf.LineArray))
} else {
if d.Type == dmp.DiffInsert {
eh.Insert(loc, d.Text)
loc = loc.MoveLA(utf8.RuneCountInString(d.Text), eh.buf.LineArray)
// Insert creates an insert text event and executes it
func (eh *EventHandler) Insert(start Loc, textStr string) {
text := []byte(textStr)
eh.InsertBytes(start, text)
// InsertBytes creates an insert text event and executes it
func (eh *EventHandler) InsertBytes(start Loc, text []byte) {
e := &TextEvent{
C: *eh.cursors[eh.active],
EventType: TextEventInsert,
Deltas: []Delta{{text, start, Loc{0, 0}}},
Time: time.Now(),
// oldl := eh.buf.LinesNum()
// linecount := eh.buf.LinesNum() - oldl
textcount := utf8.RuneCount(text)
lastnl := bytes.LastIndex(text, []byte{'\n'})
var endX int
var textX int
if lastnl >= 0 {
endX = utf8.RuneCount(text[lastnl:])
textX = endX
} else {
// endX = start.X + textcount
textX = textcount
e.Deltas[0].End = start.MoveLA(textcount, eh.buf.LineArray)
// e.Deltas[0].End = clamp(Loc{endX, start.Y + linecount}, eh.buf.LineArray)
end := e.Deltas[0].End
for _, c := range eh.cursors {
move := func(loc Loc) Loc {
log.Println("move", loc)
if start.Y != end.Y && loc.GreaterThan(start) {
loc.Y += end.Y - start.Y
} else if loc.Y == start.Y && loc.GreaterEqual(start) {
loc.Y += end.Y - start.Y
loc.X += textX
return loc
c.Loc = move(c.Loc)
c.CurSelection[0] = move(c.CurSelection[0])
c.CurSelection[1] = move(c.CurSelection[1])
c.OrigSelection[0] = move(c.OrigSelection[0])
c.OrigSelection[1] = move(c.OrigSelection[1])
c.LastVisualX = c.GetVisualX()
// Remove creates a remove text event and executes it
func (eh *EventHandler) Remove(start, end Loc) {
e := &TextEvent{
C: *eh.cursors[eh.active],
EventType: TextEventRemove,
Deltas: []Delta{{[]byte{}, start, end}},
Time: time.Now(),
for _, c := range eh.cursors {
move := func(loc Loc) Loc {
if start.Y != end.Y && loc.GreaterThan(end) {
loc.Y -= end.Y - start.Y
} else if loc.Y == end.Y && loc.GreaterEqual(end) {
loc = loc.MoveLA(-DiffLA(start, end, eh.buf.LineArray), eh.buf.LineArray)
return loc
c.Loc = move(c.Loc)
c.CurSelection[0] = move(c.CurSelection[0])
c.CurSelection[1] = move(c.CurSelection[1])
c.OrigSelection[0] = move(c.OrigSelection[0])
c.OrigSelection[1] = move(c.OrigSelection[1])
c.LastVisualX = c.GetVisualX()
// MultipleReplace creates an multiple insertions executes them
func (eh *EventHandler) MultipleReplace(deltas []Delta) {
e := &TextEvent{
C: *eh.cursors[eh.active],
EventType: TextEventReplace,
Deltas: deltas,
Time: time.Now(),
// Replace deletes from start to end and replaces it with the given string
func (eh *EventHandler) Replace(start, end Loc, replace string) {
eh.Remove(start, end)
eh.Insert(start, replace)
// Execute a textevent and add it to the undo stack
func (eh *EventHandler) Execute(t *TextEvent) {
if eh.RedoStack.Len() > 0 {
eh.RedoStack = new(TEStack)
b, err := config.RunPluginFnBool("onBeforeTextEvent", luar.New(ulua.L, eh.buf), luar.New(ulua.L, t))
if err != nil {
if !b {
ExecuteTextEvent(t, eh.buf)
// Undo the first event in the undo stack
func (eh *EventHandler) Undo() {
t := eh.UndoStack.Peek()
if t == nil {
startTime := t.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
endTime := startTime - (startTime % undoThreshold)
for {
t = eh.UndoStack.Peek()
if t == nil {
if t.Time.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond) < endTime {
// UndoOneEvent undoes one event
func (eh *EventHandler) UndoOneEvent() {
// This event should be undone
// Pop it off the stack
t := eh.UndoStack.Pop()
if t == nil {
// Undo it
// Modifies the text event
UndoTextEvent(t, eh.buf)
// Set the cursor in the right place
teCursor := t.C
if teCursor.Num >= 0 && teCursor.Num < len(eh.cursors) {
t.C = *eh.cursors[teCursor.Num]
} else {
teCursor.Num = -1
// Push it to the redo stack
// Redo the first event in the redo stack
func (eh *EventHandler) Redo() {
t := eh.RedoStack.Peek()
if t == nil {
startTime := t.Time.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
endTime := startTime - (startTime % undoThreshold) + undoThreshold
for {
t = eh.RedoStack.Peek()
if t == nil {
if t.Time.UnixNano()/int64(time.Millisecond) > endTime {
// RedoOneEvent redoes one event
func (eh *EventHandler) RedoOneEvent() {
t := eh.RedoStack.Pop()
if t == nil {
// Modifies the text event
UndoTextEvent(t, eh.buf)
teCursor := t.C
if teCursor.Num >= 0 && teCursor.Num < len(eh.cursors) {
t.C = *eh.cursors[teCursor.Num]
} else {
teCursor.Num = -1