-- $Id: utf8.lua 179 2009-04-03 18:10:03Z pasta $ -- -- Provides UTF-8 aware string functions implemented in pure lua: -- * utf8len(s) -- * utf8sub(s, i, j) -- * utf8reverse(s) -- * utf8char(unicode) -- * utf8unicode(s, i, j) -- * utf8gensub(s, sub_len) -- * utf8find(str, regex, init, plain) -- * utf8match(str, regex, init) -- * utf8gmatch(str, regex, all) -- * utf8gsub(str, regex, repl, limit) -- -- If utf8data.lua (containing the lower<->upper case mappings) is loaded, these -- additional functions are available: -- * utf8upper(s) -- * utf8lower(s) -- -- All functions behave as their non UTF-8 aware counterparts with the exception -- that UTF-8 characters are used instead of bytes for all units. --[[ Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Kyle Smith All rights reserved. Contributors: Alimov Stepan Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --]] -- ABNF from RFC 3629 -- -- UTF8-octets = *( UTF8-char ) -- UTF8-char = UTF8-1 / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4 -- UTF8-1 = %x00-7F -- UTF8-2 = %xC2-DF UTF8-tail -- UTF8-3 = %xE0 %xA0-BF UTF8-tail / %xE1-EC 2( UTF8-tail ) / -- %xED %x80-9F UTF8-tail / %xEE-EF 2( UTF8-tail ) -- UTF8-4 = %xF0 %x90-BF 2( UTF8-tail ) / %xF1-F3 3( UTF8-tail ) / -- %xF4 %x80-8F 2( UTF8-tail ) -- UTF8-tail = %x80-BF -- local byte = string.byte local char = string.char local dump = string.dump local find = string.find local format = string.format local len = string.len local lower = string.lower local rep = string.rep local sub = string.sub local upper = string.upper -- returns the number of bytes used by the UTF-8 character at byte i in s -- also doubles as a UTF-8 character validator local function utf8charbytes (s, i) -- argument defaults i = i or 1 -- argument checking if type(s) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'utf8charbytes' (string expected, got ".. type(s).. ")") end if type(i) ~= "number" then error("bad argument #2 to 'utf8charbytes' (number expected, got ".. type(i).. ")") end local c = byte(s, i) -- determine bytes needed for character, based on RFC 3629 -- validate byte 1 if c > 0 and c <= 127 then -- UTF8-1 return 1 elseif c >= 194 and c <= 223 then -- UTF8-2 local c2 = byte(s, i + 1) if not c2 then error("UTF-8 string terminated early") end -- validate byte 2 if c2 < 128 or c2 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end return 2 elseif c >= 224 and c <= 239 then -- UTF8-3 local c2 = byte(s, i + 1) local c3 = byte(s, i + 2) if not c2 or not c3 then error("UTF-8 string terminated early") end -- validate byte 2 if c == 224 and (c2 < 160 or c2 > 191) then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") elseif c == 237 and (c2 < 128 or c2 > 159) then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") elseif c2 < 128 or c2 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end -- validate byte 3 if c3 < 128 or c3 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end return 3 elseif c >= 240 and c <= 244 then -- UTF8-4 local c2 = byte(s, i + 1) local c3 = byte(s, i + 2) local c4 = byte(s, i + 3) if not c2 or not c3 or not c4 then error("UTF-8 string terminated early") end -- validate byte 2 if c == 240 and (c2 < 144 or c2 > 191) then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") elseif c == 244 and (c2 < 128 or c2 > 143) then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") elseif c2 < 128 or c2 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end -- validate byte 3 if c3 < 128 or c3 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end -- validate byte 4 if c4 < 128 or c4 > 191 then error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end return 4 else error("Invalid UTF-8 character") end end -- returns the number of characters in a UTF-8 string local function utf8len (s) -- argument checking if type(s) ~= "string" then for k,v in pairs(s) do print('"',tostring(k),'"',tostring(v),'"') end error("bad argument #1 to 'utf8len' (string expected, got ".. type(s).. ")") end local pos = 1 local bytes = len(s) local length = 0 while pos <= bytes do length = length + 1 pos = pos + utf8charbytes(s, pos) end return length end -- functions identically to string.sub except that i and j are UTF-8 characters -- instead of bytes local function utf8sub (s, i, j) -- argument defaults j = j or -1 local pos = 1 local bytes = len(s) local length = 0 -- only set l if i or j is negative local l = (i >= 0 and j >= 0) or utf8len(s) local startChar = (i >= 0) and i or l + i + 1 local endChar = (j >= 0) and j or l + j + 1 -- can't have start before end! if startChar > endChar then return "" end -- byte offsets to pass to string.sub local startByte,endByte = 1,bytes while pos <= bytes do length = length + 1 if length == startChar then startByte = pos end pos = pos + utf8charbytes(s, pos) if length == endChar then endByte = pos - 1 break end end if startChar > length then startByte = bytes+1 end if endChar < 1 then endByte = 0 end return sub(s, startByte, endByte) end --[[ -- replace UTF-8 characters based on a mapping table local function utf8replace (s, mapping) -- argument checking if type(s) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'utf8replace' (string expected, got ".. type(s).. ")") end if type(mapping) ~= "table" then error("bad argument #2 to 'utf8replace' (table expected, got ".. type(mapping).. ")") end local pos = 1 local bytes = len(s) local charbytes local newstr = "" while pos <= bytes do charbytes = utf8charbytes(s, pos) local c = sub(s, pos, pos + charbytes - 1) newstr = newstr .. (mapping[c] or c) pos = pos + charbytes end return newstr end -- identical to string.upper except it knows about unicode simple case conversions local function utf8upper (s) return utf8replace(s, utf8_lc_uc) end -- identical to string.lower except it knows about unicode simple case conversions local function utf8lower (s) return utf8replace(s, utf8_uc_lc) end ]] -- identical to string.reverse except that it supports UTF-8 local function utf8reverse (s) -- argument checking if type(s) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'utf8reverse' (string expected, got ".. type(s).. ")") end local bytes = len(s) local pos = bytes local charbytes local newstr = "" while pos > 0 do local c = byte(s, pos) while c >= 128 and c <= 191 do pos = pos - 1 c = byte(s, pos) end charbytes = utf8charbytes(s, pos) newstr = newstr .. sub(s, pos, pos + charbytes - 1) pos = pos - 1 end return newstr end -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utf8 -- http://developer.coronalabs.com/code/utf-8-conversion-utility local function utf8char(unicode) if unicode <= 0x7F then return char(unicode) end if (unicode <= 0x7FF) then local Byte0 = 0xC0 + math.floor(unicode / 0x40); local Byte1 = 0x80 + (unicode % 0x40); return char(Byte0, Byte1); end; if (unicode <= 0xFFFF) then local Byte0 = 0xE0 + math.floor(unicode / 0x1000); local Byte1 = 0x80 + (math.floor(unicode / 0x40) % 0x40); local Byte2 = 0x80 + (unicode % 0x40); return char(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2); end; if (unicode <= 0x10FFFF) then local code = unicode local Byte3= 0x80 + (code % 0x40); code = math.floor(code / 0x40) local Byte2= 0x80 + (code % 0x40); code = math.floor(code / 0x40) local Byte1= 0x80 + (code % 0x40); code = math.floor(code / 0x40) local Byte0= 0xF0 + code; return char(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2, Byte3); end; error 'Unicode cannot be greater than U+10FFFF!' end local shift_6 = 2^6 local shift_12 = 2^12 local shift_18 = 2^18 local utf8unicode utf8unicode = function(str, i, j, byte_pos) i = i or 1 j = j or i if i > j then return end local ch,bytes if byte_pos then bytes = utf8charbytes(str,byte_pos) ch = sub(str,byte_pos,byte_pos-1+bytes) else ch,byte_pos = utf8sub(str,i,i), 0 bytes = #ch end local unicode if bytes == 1 then unicode = byte(ch) end if bytes == 2 then local byte0,byte1 = byte(ch,1,2) local code0,code1 = byte0-0xC0,byte1-0x80 unicode = code0*shift_6 + code1 end if bytes == 3 then local byte0,byte1,byte2 = byte(ch,1,3) local code0,code1,code2 = byte0-0xE0,byte1-0x80,byte2-0x80 unicode = code0*shift_12 + code1*shift_6 + code2 end if bytes == 4 then local byte0,byte1,byte2,byte3 = byte(ch,1,4) local code0,code1,code2,code3 = byte0-0xF0,byte1-0x80,byte2-0x80,byte3-0x80 unicode = code0*shift_18 + code1*shift_12 + code2*shift_6 + code3 end return unicode,utf8unicode(str, i+1, j, byte_pos+bytes) end -- Returns an iterator which returns the next substring and its byte interval local function utf8gensub(str, sub_len) sub_len = sub_len or 1 local byte_pos = 1 local length = #str return function(skip) if skip then byte_pos = byte_pos + skip end local char_count = 0 local start = byte_pos repeat if byte_pos > length then return end char_count = char_count + 1 local bytes = utf8charbytes(str,byte_pos) byte_pos = byte_pos+bytes until char_count == sub_len local last = byte_pos-1 local slice = sub(str,start,last) return slice, start, last end end local function binsearch(sortedTable, item, comp) local head, tail = 1, #sortedTable local mid = math.floor((head + tail)/2) if not comp then while (tail - head) > 1 do if sortedTable[tonumber(mid)] > item then tail = mid else head = mid end mid = math.floor((head + tail)/2) end end if sortedTable[tonumber(head)] == item then return true, tonumber(head) elseif sortedTable[tonumber(tail)] == item then return true, tonumber(tail) else return false end end local function classMatchGenerator(class, plain) local codes = {} local ranges = {} local ignore = false local range = false local firstletter = true local unmatch = false local it = utf8gensub(class) local skip for c, _, be in it do skip = be if not ignore and not plain then if c == "%" then ignore = true elseif c == "-" then table.insert(codes, utf8unicode(c)) range = true elseif c == "^" then if not firstletter then error('!!!') else unmatch = true end elseif c == ']' then break else if not range then table.insert(codes, utf8unicode(c)) else table.remove(codes) -- removing '-' table.insert(ranges, {table.remove(codes), utf8unicode(c)}) range = false end end elseif ignore and not plain then if c == 'a' then -- %a: represents all letters. (ONLY ASCII) table.insert(ranges, {65, 90}) -- A - Z table.insert(ranges, {97, 122}) -- a - z elseif c == 'c' then -- %c: represents all control characters. table.insert(ranges, {0, 31}) table.insert(codes, 127) elseif c == 'd' then -- %d: represents all digits. table.insert(ranges, {48, 57}) -- 0 - 9 elseif c == 'g' then -- %g: represents all printable characters except space. table.insert(ranges, {1, 8}) table.insert(ranges, {14, 31}) table.insert(ranges, {33, 132}) table.insert(ranges, {134, 159}) table.insert(ranges, {161, 5759}) table.insert(ranges, {5761, 8191}) table.insert(ranges, {8203, 8231}) table.insert(ranges, {8234, 8238}) table.insert(ranges, {8240, 8286}) table.insert(ranges, {8288, 12287}) elseif c == 'l' then -- %l: represents all lowercase letters. (ONLY ASCII) table.insert(ranges, {97, 122}) -- a - z elseif c == 'p' then -- %p: represents all punctuation characters. (ONLY ASCII) table.insert(ranges, {33, 47}) table.insert(ranges, {58, 64}) table.insert(ranges, {91, 96}) table.insert(ranges, {123, 126}) elseif c == 's' then -- %s: represents all space characters. table.insert(ranges, {9, 13}) table.insert(codes, 32) table.insert(codes, 133) table.insert(codes, 160) table.insert(codes, 5760) table.insert(ranges, {8192, 8202}) table.insert(codes, 8232) table.insert(codes, 8233) table.insert(codes, 8239) table.insert(codes, 8287) table.insert(codes, 12288) elseif c == 'u' then -- %u: represents all uppercase letters. (ONLY ASCII) table.insert(ranges, {65, 90}) -- A - Z elseif c == 'w' then -- %w: represents all alphanumeric characters. (ONLY ASCII) table.insert(ranges, {48, 57}) -- 0 - 9 table.insert(ranges, {65, 90}) -- A - Z table.insert(ranges, {97, 122}) -- a - z elseif c == 'x' then -- %x: represents all hexadecimal digits. table.insert(ranges, {48, 57}) -- 0 - 9 table.insert(ranges, {65, 70}) -- A - F table.insert(ranges, {97, 102}) -- a - f else if not range then table.insert(codes, utf8unicode(c)) else table.remove(codes) -- removing '-' table.insert(ranges, {table.remove(codes), utf8unicode(c)}) range = false end end ignore = false else if not range then table.insert(codes, utf8unicode(c)) else table.remove(codes) -- removing '-' table.insert(ranges, {table.remove(codes), utf8unicode(c)}) range = false end ignore = false end firstletter = false end table.sort(codes) local function inRanges(charCode) for _,r in ipairs(ranges) do if r[1] <= charCode and charCode <= r[2] then return true end end return false end if not unmatch then return function(charCode) return binsearch(codes, charCode) or inRanges(charCode) end, skip else return function(charCode) return charCode ~= -1 and not (binsearch(codes, charCode) or inRanges(charCode)) end, skip end end --[[ -- utf8sub with extra argument, and extra result value local function utf8subWithBytes (s, i, j, sb) -- argument defaults j = j or -1 local pos = sb or 1 local bytes = len(s) local length = 0 -- only set l if i or j is negative local l = (i >= 0 and j >= 0) or utf8len(s) local startChar = (i >= 0) and i or l + i + 1 local endChar = (j >= 0) and j or l + j + 1 -- can't have start before end! if startChar > endChar then return "" end -- byte offsets to pass to string.sub local startByte,endByte = 1,bytes while pos <= bytes do length = length + 1 if length == startChar then startByte = pos end pos = pos + utf8charbytes(s, pos) if length == endChar then endByte = pos - 1 break end end if startChar > length then startByte = bytes+1 end if endChar < 1 then endByte = 0 end return sub(s, startByte, endByte), endByte + 1 end ]] local cache = setmetatable({},{ __mode = 'kv' }) local cachePlain = setmetatable({},{ __mode = 'kv' }) local function matcherGenerator(regex, plain) local matcher = { functions = {}, captures = {} } if not plain then cache[regex] = matcher else cachePlain[regex] = matcher end local function simple(func) return function(cC) if func(cC) then matcher:nextFunc() matcher:nextStr() else matcher:reset() end end end local function star(func) return function(cC) if func(cC) then matcher:fullResetOnNextFunc() matcher:nextStr() else matcher:nextFunc() end end end local function minus(func) return function(cC) if func(cC) then matcher:fullResetOnNextStr() end matcher:nextFunc() end end local function question(func) return function(cC) if func(cC) then matcher:fullResetOnNextFunc() matcher:nextStr() end matcher:nextFunc() end end local function capture(id) return function(_) local l = matcher.captures[id][2] - matcher.captures[id][1] local captured = utf8sub(matcher.string, matcher.captures[id][1], matcher.captures[id][2]) local check = utf8sub(matcher.string, matcher.str, matcher.str + l) if captured == check then for _ = 0, l do matcher:nextStr() end matcher:nextFunc() else matcher:reset() end end end local function captureStart(id) return function(_) matcher.captures[id][1] = matcher.str matcher:nextFunc() end end local function captureStop(id) return function(_) matcher.captures[id][2] = matcher.str - 1 matcher:nextFunc() end end local function balancer(str) local sum = 0 local bc, ec = utf8sub(str, 1, 1), utf8sub(str, 2, 2) local skip = len(bc) + len(ec) bc, ec = utf8unicode(bc), utf8unicode(ec) return function(cC) if cC == ec and sum > 0 then sum = sum - 1 if sum == 0 then matcher:nextFunc() end matcher:nextStr() elseif cC == bc then sum = sum + 1 matcher:nextStr() else if sum == 0 or cC == -1 then sum = 0 matcher:reset() else matcher:nextStr() end end end, skip end matcher.functions[1] = function(_) matcher:fullResetOnNextStr() matcher.seqStart = matcher.str matcher:nextFunc() if (matcher.str > matcher.startStr and matcher.fromStart) or matcher.str >= matcher.stringLen then matcher.stop = true matcher.seqStart = nil end end local lastFunc local ignore = false local skip = nil local it = (function() local gen = utf8gensub(regex) return function() return gen(skip) end end)() local cs = {} for c, bs, be in it do skip = nil if plain then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(classMatchGenerator(c, plain))) else if ignore then if find('123456789', c, 1, true) then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil end table.insert(matcher.functions, capture(tonumber(c))) elseif c == 'b' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil end local b b, skip = balancer(sub(regex, be + 1, be + 9)) table.insert(matcher.functions, b) else lastFunc = classMatchGenerator('%' .. c) end ignore = false else if c == '*' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, star(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '+' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) table.insert(matcher.functions, star(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '-' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, minus(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '?' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, question(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '^' then if bs == 1 then matcher.fromStart = true else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '$' then if be == len(regex) then matcher.toEnd = true else error('invalid regex after ' .. sub(regex, 1, bs)) end elseif c == '[' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) end lastFunc, skip = classMatchGenerator(sub(regex, be + 1)) elseif c == '(' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil end table.insert(matcher.captures, {}) table.insert(cs, #matcher.captures) table.insert(matcher.functions, captureStart(cs[#cs])) if sub(regex, be + 1, be + 1) == ')' then matcher.captures[#matcher.captures].empty = true end elseif c == ')' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) lastFunc = nil end local cap = table.remove(cs) if not cap then error('invalid capture: "(" missing') end table.insert(matcher.functions, captureStop(cap)) elseif c == '.' then if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) end lastFunc = function(cC) return cC ~= -1 end elseif c == '%' then ignore = true else if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) end lastFunc = classMatchGenerator(c) end end end end if #cs > 0 then error('invalid capture: ")" missing') end if lastFunc then table.insert(matcher.functions, simple(lastFunc)) end table.insert(matcher.functions, function() if matcher.toEnd and matcher.str ~= matcher.stringLen then matcher:reset() else matcher.stop = true end end) matcher.nextFunc = function(self) self.func = self.func + 1 end matcher.nextStr = function(self) self.str = self.str + 1 end matcher.strReset = function(self) local oldReset = self.reset local str = self.str self.reset = function(s) s.str = str s.reset = oldReset end end matcher.fullResetOnNextFunc = function(self) local oldReset = self.reset local func = self.func +1 local str = self.str self.reset = function(s) s.func = func s.str = str s.reset = oldReset end end matcher.fullResetOnNextStr = function(self) local oldReset = self.reset local str = self.str + 1 local func = self.func self.reset = function(s) s.func = func s.str = str s.reset = oldReset end end matcher.process = function(self, str, start) self.func = 1 start = start or 1 self.startStr = (start >= 0) and start or utf8len(str) + start + 1 self.seqStart = self.startStr self.str = self.startStr self.stringLen = utf8len(str) + 1 self.string = str self.stop = false self.reset = function(s) s.func = 1 end -- local lastPos = self.str -- local lastByte local ch while not self.stop do if self.str < self.stringLen then --[[ if lastPos < self.str then print('last byte', lastByte) ch, lastByte = utf8subWithBytes(str, 1, self.str - lastPos - 1, lastByte) ch, lastByte = utf8subWithBytes(str, 1, 1, lastByte) lastByte = lastByte - 1 else ch, lastByte = utf8subWithBytes(str, self.str, self.str) end lastPos = self.str ]] ch = utf8sub(str, self.str,self.str) --print('char', ch, utf8unicode(ch)) self.functions[self.func](utf8unicode(ch)) else self.functions[self.func](-1) end end if self.seqStart then local captures = {} for _,pair in pairs(self.captures) do if pair.empty then table.insert(captures, pair[1]) else table.insert(captures, utf8sub(str, pair[1], pair[2])) end end return self.seqStart, self.str - 1, unpack(captures) end end return matcher end -- string.find local function utf8find(str, regex, init, plain) local matcher = cache[regex] or matcherGenerator(regex, plain) return matcher:process(str, init) end -- string.match local function utf8match(str, regex, init) init = init or 1 local found = {utf8find(str, regex, init)} if found[1] then if found[3] then return unpack(found, 3) end return utf8sub(str, found[1], found[2]) end end -- string.gmatch local function utf8gmatch(str, regex, all) regex = (utf8sub(regex,1,1) ~= '^') and regex or '%' .. regex local lastChar = 1 return function() local found = {utf8find(str, regex, lastChar)} if found[1] then lastChar = found[2] + 1 if found[all and 1 or 3] then return unpack(found, all and 1 or 3) end return utf8sub(str, found[1], found[2]) end end end local function replace(repl, args) local ret = '' if type(repl) == 'string' then local ignore = false local num for c in utf8gensub(repl) do if not ignore then if c == '%' then ignore = true else ret = ret .. c end else num = tonumber(c) if num then ret = ret .. args[num] else ret = ret .. c end ignore = false end end elseif type(repl) == 'table' then ret = repl[args[1] or args[0]] or '' elseif type(repl) == 'function' then if #args > 0 then ret = repl(unpack(args, 1)) or '' else ret = repl(args[0]) or '' end end return ret end -- string.gsub local function utf8gsub(str, regex, repl, limit) limit = limit or -1 local ret = '' local prevEnd = 1 local it = utf8gmatch(str, regex, true) local found = {it()} local n = 0 while #found > 0 and limit ~= n do local args = {[0] = utf8sub(str, found[1], found[2]), unpack(found, 3)} ret = ret .. utf8sub(str, prevEnd, found[1] - 1) .. replace(repl, args) prevEnd = found[2] + 1 n = n + 1 found = {it()} end return ret .. utf8sub(str, prevEnd), n end local utf8 = {} utf8.len = utf8len utf8.sub = utf8sub utf8.reverse = utf8reverse utf8.char = utf8char utf8.unicode = utf8unicode utf8.gensub = utf8gensub utf8.byte = utf8unicode utf8.find = utf8find utf8.match = utf8match utf8.gmatch = utf8gmatch utf8.gsub = utf8gsub utf8.dump = dump utf8.format = format utf8.lower = lower utf8.upper = upper utf8.rep = rep function charAt(str, i) if i <= utf8.len(str) then return utf8.sub(str, i, i) else return "" end end if GetOption("autoclose") == nil then AddOption("autoclose", true) end local autoclosePairs = {"\"\"", "''", "``", "()", "{}", "[]"} local autoNewlinePairs = {"()", "{}", "[]"} function onRune(r, v) if not GetOption("autoclose") then return end for i = 1, #autoclosePairs do if r == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) then local curLine = v.Buf:Line(v.Cursor.Y) if charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X+1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) then v:Backspace(false) v:CursorRight(false) break end if v.Cursor.X > 1 and (IsWordChar(charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X-1)) or charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X-1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1)) then break end end if r == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1) then local curLine = v.Buf:Line(v.Cursor.Y) if v.Cursor.X == utf8.len(curLine) or not IsWordChar(charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X+1)) then -- the '-' here is to derefence the pointer to v.Cursor.Loc which is automatically made -- when converting go structs to lua -- It needs to be dereferenced because the function expects a non pointer struct v.Buf:Insert(-v.Cursor.Loc, charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2)) v:CursorLeft(false) break end end end end function preInsertNewline(v) if not GetOption("autoclose") then return end local curLine = v.Buf:Line(v.Cursor.Y) local curRune = charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X) local nextRune = charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X+1) local ws = GetLeadingWhitespace(curLine) for i = 1, #autoNewlinePairs do if curRune == charAt(autoNewlinePairs[i], 1) then if nextRune == charAt(autoNewlinePairs[i], 2) then v:InsertNewline(false) v:InsertTab(false) v.Buf:Insert(-v.Cursor.Loc, "\n" .. ws) v:StartOfLine(false) v:CursorLeft(false) return false end end end return true end function preBackspace(v) if not GetOption("autoclose") then return end for i = 1, #autoclosePairs do local curLine = v.Buf:Line(v.Cursor.Y) if charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X+1) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 2) and charAt(curLine, v.Cursor.X) == charAt(autoclosePairs[i], 1) then v:Delete(false) end end return true end