.PHONY: runtime VERSION = $(shell GOOS=$(shell go env GOHOSTOS) GOARCH=$(shell go env GOHOSTARCH) \ go run tools/build-version.go) HASH = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) DATE = $(shell GOOS=$(shell go env GOHOSTOS) GOARCH=$(shell go env GOHOSTARCH) \ go run tools/build-date.go) ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS = $(shell GOOS=$(shell go env GOHOSTOS) \ GOARCH=$(shell go env GOHOSTARCH)) GOBIN ?= $(shell go env GOPATH)/bin GOVARS = -X github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/util.Version=$(VERSION) -X github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/util.CommitHash=$(HASH) -X 'github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/util.CompileDate=$(DATE)' DEBUGVAR = -X github.com/zyedidia/micro/v2/internal/util.Debug=ON VSCODE_TESTS_BASE_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode/e6a45f4242ebddb7aa9a229f85555e8a3bd987e2/src/vs/editor/test/common/model/' # Builds micro after checking dependencies but without updating the runtime build: go build -ldflags "-s -w $(GOVARS) $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" ./cmd/micro build-dbg: go build -ldflags "-s -w $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS) $(DEBUGVAR)" ./cmd/micro build-tags: fetch-tags go build -ldflags "-s -w $(GOVARS) $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" ./cmd/micro # Builds micro after building the runtime and checking dependencies build-all: runtime build # Builds micro without checking for dependencies build-quick: go build -ldflags "-s -w $(GOVARS) $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" ./cmd/micro # Same as 'build' but installs to $GOBIN afterward install: go install -ldflags "-s -w $(GOVARS) $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" ./cmd/micro # Same as 'build-all' but installs to $GOBIN afterward install-all: runtime install # Same as 'build-quick' but installs to $GOBIN afterward install-quick: go install -ldflags "-s -w $(GOVARS) $(ADDITIONAL_GO_LINKER_FLAGS)" ./cmd/micro fetch-tags: git fetch --tags # Builds the runtime runtime: git submodule update --init go run runtime/syntax/make_headers.go runtime/syntax go build -o tools/bindata ./tools/go-bindata tools/bindata -pkg config -nomemcopy -nometadata -o runtime.go runtime/... mv runtime.go internal/config gofmt -w internal/config/runtime.go testgen: mkdir -p tools/vscode-tests cd tools/vscode-tests && \ curl --remote-name-all $(VSCODE_TESTS_BASE_URL){editableTextModelAuto,editableTextModel,model.line}.test.ts tsc tools/vscode-tests/*.ts > /dev/null; true go run tools/testgen.go tools/vscode-tests/*.js > buffer_generated_test.go mv buffer_generated_test.go internal/buffer gofmt -w internal/buffer/buffer_generated_test.go test: go test ./internal/... bench: for i in 1 2 3; do \ go test -bench=. ./internal/...; \ done > benchmark_results benchstat benchmark_results bench-baseline: for i in 1 2 3; do \ go test -bench=. ./internal/...; \ done > benchmark_results_baseline bench-compare: for i in 1 2 3; do \ go test -bench=. ./internal/...; \ done > benchmark_results benchstat -alpha 0.15 benchmark_results_baseline benchmark_results clean: rm -f micro