filetype: rust detect: filename: "\\.rs$" rules: # function definition - identifier: "fn [a-z0-9_]+" # Reserved words - statement: "\\b(abstract|alignof|as|async|await|become|box|break|const|continue|crate|do|dyn|else|enum|extern|false|final|fn|for|if|impl|in|let|loop|macro|match|mod|move|mut|offsetof|override|priv|pub|pure|ref|return|sizeof|static|self|struct|super|true|trait|type|typeof|unsafe|unsized|use|virtual|where|while|yield)\\b" # macros - special: "[a-z_]+!" # Constants - constant: "\\b[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+\\b" # Numbers - constant.number: "\\b[0-9]+\\b" # Booleans - constant: "\\b(true|false)\\b" # Traits/Enums/Structs/Types/etc. - type: "\\b[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z_0-9]*[a-z]+[a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\b" # Builtin types that start with lowercase. - type: "\\b(bool|str|isize|usize|((i|u)(8|16|32|64))|f32|f64)\\b" - constant.string: start: "\"" end: "\"" skip: '\\.' rules: - constant.specialChar: '\\.' - constant.string: start: "r#\"" end: "\"#" rules: [] - constant.string: start: "r##\"" end: "\"##" rules: [] - constant.string: start: "r###\"" end: "\"###" rules: [] - constant.string: start: "r####+\"" end: "\"####+" rules: [] # Character literals # NOTE: This is an ugly hack to work around the fact that rust uses # single quotes both for character literals and lifetimes. # Match all character literals. - constant.string: "'(\\\\.|.)'" # Match the '"' literal which would otherwise match # as a double quoted string and destroy the highlighting. - constant.string: start: "'\"" end: "'" rules: [] - comment: start: "//" end: "$" rules: - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?" - comment: start: "/\\*" end: "\\*/" rules: - todo: "(TODO|XXX|FIXME):?" - special: start: "#!\\[" end: "\\]" rules: []