# Keybindings Micro has a plethora of hotkeys that make it easy and powerful to use and all hotkeys are fully customizable to your liking. Custom keybindings are stored internally in micro if changed with the `> bind` command or you can also be added in the file `~/.config/micro/bindings.json` as discussed below. For a list of the default keybindings in the json format used by micro, please see the end of this file. For a more user-friendly list with explanations of what the default hotkeys are and what they do, please see `> help defaultkeys` (a json formatted list of default keys is included at the end of this document). If `~/.config/micro/bindings.json` does not exist, you can simply create it. Micro will know what to do with it. You can use the alt keys + arrows to move word by word. Ctrl left and right move the cursor to the start and end of the line, and ctrl up and down move the cursor the start and end of the buffer. You can hold shift with all of these movement actions to select while moving. ## Rebinding keys The bindings may be rebound using the `~/.config/micro/bindings.json` file. Each key is bound to an action. For example, to bind `Ctrl-y` to undo and `Ctrl-z` to redo, you could put the following in the `bindings.json` file. ```json { "CtrlY": "Undo", "CtrlZ": "Redo" } ``` In addition to editing your `~/.config/micro/bindings.json`, you can run `>bind ` For a list of bindable actions, see below. You can also chain commands when rebinding. For example, if you want Alt-s to save and quit you can bind it like so: ```json { "Alt-s": "Save,Quit" } ``` Each action will return a success flag. Actions can be chained such that the chain only continues when there are successes, or failures, or either. The `,` separator will always chain to the next action. The `|` separator will abort the chain if the action preceding it succeeds, and the `&` will abort the chain if the action preceding it fails. For example, in the default bindings, tab is bound as ``` "Tab": "Autocomplete|IndentSelection|InsertTab" ``` This means that if the `Autocomplete` action is successful, the chain will abort. Otherwise, it will try `IndentSelection`, and if that fails too, it will execute `InsertTab`. ## Binding commands You can also bind a key to execute a command in command mode (see `help commands`). Simply prepend the binding with `command:`. For example: ```json { "Alt-p": "command:pwd" } ``` Now when you press `Alt-p` the `pwd` command will be executed which will show your working directory in the infobar. You can also bind an "editable" command with `command-edit:`. This means that micro won't immediately execute the command when you press the binding, but instead just place the string in the infobar in command mode. For example, you could rebind `CtrlG` to `> help`: ```json { "CtrlG": "command-edit:help " } ``` Now when you press `CtrlG`, `help` will appear in the command bar and your cursor will be placed after it (note the space in the json that controls the cursor placement). ## Binding raw escape sequences Only read this section if you are interested in binding keys that aren't on the list of supported keys for binding. One of the drawbacks of using a terminal-based editor is that the editor must get all of its information about key events through the terminal. The terminal sends these events in the form of escape sequences often (but not always) starting with `0x1b`. For example, if micro reads `\x1b[1;5D`, on most terminals this will mean the user pressed CtrlLeft. For many key chords though, the terminal won't send any escape code or will send an escape code already in use. For example for `CtrlBackspace`, my terminal sends `\u007f` (note this doesn't start with `0x1b`), which it also sends for `Backspace` meaning micro can't bind `CtrlBackspace`. However, some terminals do allow you to bind keys to send specific escape sequences you define. Then from micro you can directly bind those escape sequences to actions. For example, to bind `CtrlBackspace` you can instruct your terminal to send `\x1bctrlback` and then bind it in `bindings.json`: ```json { "\u001bctrlback": "DeleteWordLeft" } ``` Here are some instructions for sending raw escapes in different terminals ### iTerm2 In iTerm2, you can do this in `Preferences->Profiles->Keys` then click the `+`, input your keybinding, and for the `Action` select `Send Escape Sequence`. For the above example your would type `ctrlback` into the box (the `\x1b`) is automatically sent by iTerm2. ### Linux using loadkeys You can do this in linux using the loadkeys program. Coming soon! ## Unbinding keys It is also possible to disable any of the default key bindings by use of the `None` action in the user's `bindings.json` file. ## Bindable actions and bindable keys The list of default keybindings contains most of the possible actions and keys which you can use, but not all of them. Here is a full list of both. Full list of possible actions: ``` CursorUp CursorDown CursorPageUp CursorPageDown CursorLeft CursorRight CursorStart CursorEnd SelectToStart SelectToEnd SelectUp SelectDown SelectLeft SelectRight WordRight WordLeft SelectWordRight SelectWordLeft MoveLinesUp MoveLinesDown DeleteWordRight DeleteWordLeft SelectLine SelectToStartOfLine SelectToEndOfLine InsertNewline InsertSpace Backspace Delete Center InsertTab Save SaveAll SaveAs Find FindNext FindPrevious Undo Redo Copy Cut CutLine DuplicateLine DeleteLine IndentSelection OutdentSelection Paste SelectAll OpenFile Start End PageUp PageDown SelectPageUp SelectPageDown HalfPageUp HalfPageDown StartOfLine EndOfLine ParagraphPrevious ParagraphNext ToggleHelp ToggleRuler JumpLine ClearStatus ShellMode CommandMode Quit QuitAll AddTab PreviousTab NextTab NextSplit Unsplit VSplit HSplit PreviousSplit ToggleMacro PlayMacro Suspend (Unix only) ScrollUp ScrollDown SpawnMultiCursor SpawnMultiCursorUp SpawnMultiCursorDown SpawnMultiCursorSelect RemoveMultiCursor RemoveAllMultiCursors SkipMultiCursor None JumpToMatchingBrace Autocomplete ``` You can also bind some mouse actions (these must be bound to mouse buttons) ``` MousePress MouseMultiCursor ``` Here is the list of all possible keys you can bind: ``` Up Down Right Left UpLeft UpRight DownLeft DownRight Center PageUp PageDown Home End Insert Delete Help Exit Clear Cancel Print Pause Backtab F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16 F17 F18 F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 F27 F28 F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40 F41 F42 F43 F44 F45 F46 F47 F48 F49 F50 F51 F52 F53 F54 F55 F56 F57 F58 F59 F60 F61 F62 F63 F64 CtrlSpace CtrlA CtrlB CtrlC CtrlD CtrlE CtrlF CtrlG CtrlH CtrlI CtrlJ CtrlK CtrlL CtrlM CtrlN CtrlO CtrlP CtrlQ CtrlR CtrlS CtrlT CtrlU CtrlV CtrlW CtrlX CtrlY CtrlZ CtrlLeftSq CtrlBackslash CtrlRightSq CtrlCarat CtrlUnderscore Backspace OldBackspace Tab Esc Escape Enter ``` You can also bind some mouse buttons (they may be bound to normal actions or mouse actions) ``` MouseLeft MouseMiddle MouseRight MouseWheelUp MouseWheelDown MouseWheelLeft MouseWheelRight ``` # Default keybinding configuration. A select few keybindings are different on MacOS compared to other operating systems. This is because different OSes have different conventions for text editing defaults. ```json { "Up": "CursorUp", "Down": "CursorDown", "Right": "CursorRight", "Left": "CursorLeft", "ShiftUp": "SelectUp", "ShiftDown": "SelectDown", "ShiftLeft": "SelectLeft", "ShiftRight": "SelectRight", "AltLeft": "WordLeft", "AltRight": "WordRight", "AltUp": "MoveLinesUp", "AltDown": "MoveLinesDown", "CtrlShiftRight": "SelectWordRight", "CtrlShiftLeft": "SelectWordLeft", "AltLeft": "StartOfLine", "AltRight": "EndOfLine", "AltShiftRight": "SelectWordRight", (Mac) "AltShiftLeft": "SelectWordLeft", (Mac) "CtrlLeft": "StartOfText", (Mac) "CtrlRight": "EndOfLine", (Mac) "AltShiftLeft": "SelectToStartOfLine", "CtrlShiftLeft": "SelectToStartOfText", (Mac) "ShiftHome": "SelectToStartOfLine", "AltShiftRight": "SelectToEndOfLine", "CtrlShiftRight": "SelectToEndOfLine", (Mac) "ShiftEnd": "SelectToEndOfLine", "CtrlUp": "CursorStart", "CtrlDown": "CursorEnd", "CtrlShiftUp": "SelectToStart", "CtrlShiftDown": "SelectToEnd", "Alt-{": "ParagraphPrevious", "Alt-}": "ParagraphNext", "Enter": "InsertNewline", "CtrlH": "Backspace", "Backspace": "Backspace", "Alt-CtrlH": "DeleteWordLeft", "Alt-Backspace": "DeleteWordLeft", "Tab": "Autocomplete|IndentSelection|InsertTab", "Backtab": "OutdentSelection|OutdentLine", "CtrlO": "OpenFile", "CtrlS": "Save", "CtrlF": "Find", "CtrlN": "FindNext", "CtrlP": "FindPrevious", "CtrlZ": "Undo", "CtrlY": "Redo", "CtrlC": "Copy", "CtrlX": "Cut", "CtrlK": "CutLine", "CtrlD": "DuplicateLine", "CtrlV": "Paste", "CtrlA": "SelectAll", "CtrlT": "AddTab", "Alt,": "PreviousTab", "Alt.": "NextTab", "Home": "StartOfLine", "End": "EndOfLine", "CtrlHome": "CursorStart", "CtrlEnd": "CursorEnd", "PageUp": "CursorPageUp", "PageDown": "CursorPageDown", "CtrlPageUp": "PreviousTab", "CtrlPageDown": "NextTab", "CtrlG": "ToggleHelp", "Alt-g": "ToggleKeyMenu", "CtrlR": "ToggleRuler", "CtrlL": "command-edit:goto ", "Delete": "Delete", "CtrlB": "ShellMode", "CtrlQ": "Quit", "CtrlE": "CommandMode", "CtrlW": "NextSplit", "CtrlU": "ToggleMacro", "CtrlJ": "PlayMacro", "Insert": "ToggleOverwriteMode", // Emacs-style keybindings "Alt-f": "WordRight", "Alt-b": "WordLeft", "Alt-a": "StartOfLine", "Alt-e": "EndOfLine", // Integration with file managers "F2": "Save", "F3": "Find", "F4": "Quit", "F7": "Find", "F10": "Quit", "Esc": "Escape", // Mouse bindings "MouseWheelUp": "ScrollUp", "MouseWheelDown": "ScrollDown", "MouseLeft": "MousePress", "MouseMiddle": "PastePrimary", "Ctrl-MouseLeft": "MouseMultiCursor", "Alt-n": "SpawnMultiCursor", "AltShiftUp": "SpawnMultiCursorUp", "AltShiftDown": "SpawnMultiCursorDown", "Alt-m": "SpawnMultiCursorSelect", "Alt-p": "RemoveMultiCursor", "Alt-c": "RemoveAllMultiCursors", "Alt-x": "SkipMultiCursor", } ``` ## Final notes Note: On some old terminal emulators and on Windows machines, `CtrlH` should be used for backspace. Additionally, alt keys can be bound by using `Alt-key`. For example `Alt-a` or `Alt-Up`. Micro supports an optional `-` between modifiers like `Alt` and `Ctrl` so `Alt-a` could be rewritten as `Alta` (case matters for alt bindings). This is why in the default keybindings you can see `AltShiftLeft` instead of `Alt-ShiftLeft` (they are equivalent). Please note that terminal emulators are strange applications and micro only receives key events that the terminal decides to send. Some terminal emulators may not send certain events even if this document says micro can receive the event. To see exactly what micro receives from the terminal when you press a key, run the `> raw` command.