package buffer import ( "math/rand" "strings" "testing" "" lua "" "" ulua "" "" ) type operation struct { start Loc end Loc text []string } func init() { ulua.L = lua.NewState() config.InitGlobalSettings() config.GlobalSettings["backup"] = false config.GlobalSettings["fastdirty"] = true } func check(t *testing.T, before []string, operations []operation, after []string) { assert := assert.New(t) b := NewBufferFromString(strings.Join(before, "\n"), "", BTDefault) assert.NotEqual("", b.GetName()) assert.Equal(false, b.ExternallyModified()) assert.Equal(false, b.Modified()) assert.Equal(1, b.NumCursors()) checkText := func(lines []string) { assert.Equal([]byte(strings.Join(lines, "\n")), b.Bytes()) assert.Equal(len(lines), b.LinesNum()) for i, s := range lines { assert.Equal(s, b.Line(i)) assert.Equal([]byte(s), b.LineBytes(i)) } } checkText(before) var cursors []*Cursor for _, op := range operations { cursor := NewCursor(b, op.start) cursor.SetSelectionStart(op.start) cursor.SetSelectionEnd(op.end) b.AddCursor(cursor) cursors = append(cursors, cursor) } assert.Equal(1+len(operations), b.NumCursors()) for i, op := range operations { cursor := cursors[i] b.SetCurCursor(cursor.Num) cursor.DeleteSelection() b.Insert(cursor.Loc, strings.Join(op.text, "\n")) } checkText(after) // must have exactly two events per operation (delete and insert) for range operations { b.UndoOneEvent() b.UndoOneEvent() } checkText(before) for i, op := range operations { cursor := cursors[i] if op.start == op.end { assert.Equal(op.start, cursor.Loc) } else { assert.Equal(op.start, cursor.CurSelection[0]) assert.Equal(op.end, cursor.CurSelection[1]) } } for range operations { b.RedoOneEvent() b.RedoOneEvent() } checkText(after) b.Close() } const maxLineLength = 200 var alphabet = []rune(" abcdeäم📚") func randomString(length int) string { runes := make([]rune, length) for i := range runes { runes[i] = alphabet[rand.Intn(len(alphabet))] } return string(runes) } func randomText(nLines int) string { lines := make([]string, nLines) for i := range lines { lines[i] = randomString(rand.Intn(maxLineLength + 1)) } return strings.Join(lines, "\n") } func benchCreateAndClose(testingB *testing.B, nLines int) { rand.Seed(int64(nLines)) text := randomText(nLines) testingB.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < testingB.N; i++ { b := NewBufferFromString(text, "", BTDefault) b.Close() } } func benchRead(testingB *testing.B, nLines int) { rand.Seed(int64(nLines)) b := NewBufferFromString(randomText(nLines), "", BTDefault) testingB.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < testingB.N; i++ { b.Bytes() for j := 0; j < b.LinesNum(); j++ { b.Line(j) b.LineBytes(j) } } testingB.StopTimer() b.Close() } func benchEdit(testingB *testing.B, nLines, nCursors int) { rand.Seed(int64(nLines + nCursors)) b := NewBufferFromString(randomText(nLines), "", BTDefault) regionSize := nLines / nCursors operations := make([]operation, nCursors) for i := range operations { startLine := (i * regionSize) + rand.Intn(regionSize-5) startColumn := rand.Intn(util.CharacterCountInString(b.Line(startLine)) + 1) endLine := startLine + 1 + rand.Intn(5) endColumn := rand.Intn(util.CharacterCountInString(b.Line(endLine)) + 1) operations[i] = operation{ start: Loc{startColumn, startLine}, end: Loc{endColumn, endLine}, text: []string{randomText(2 + rand.Intn(4))}, } } testingB.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < testingB.N; i++ { b.SetCursors([]*Cursor{}) var cursors []*Cursor for _, op := range operations { cursor := NewCursor(b, op.start) cursor.SetSelectionStart(op.start) cursor.SetSelectionEnd(op.end) b.AddCursor(cursor) cursors = append(cursors, cursor) } for j, op := range operations { cursor := cursors[j] b.SetCurCursor(cursor.Num) cursor.DeleteSelection() b.Insert(cursor.Loc, op.text[0]) } for b.UndoStack.Peek() != nil { b.UndoOneEvent() } } testingB.StopTimer() b.Close() } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose10Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 10) } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose100Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 100) } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose1000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 1000) } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose10000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 10000) } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose100000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 100000) } func BenchmarkCreateAndClose1000000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchCreateAndClose(b, 1000000) } func BenchmarkRead10Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 10) } func BenchmarkRead100Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 100) } func BenchmarkRead1000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 1000) } func BenchmarkRead10000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 10000) } func BenchmarkRead100000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 100000) } func BenchmarkRead1000000Lines(b *testing.B) { benchRead(b, 1000000) } func BenchmarkEdit10Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 10, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit100Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit100Lines10Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100, 10) } func BenchmarkEdit1000Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit1000Lines10Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000, 10) } func BenchmarkEdit1000Lines100Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000, 100) } func BenchmarkEdit10000Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 10000, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit10000Lines10Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 10000, 10) } func BenchmarkEdit10000Lines100Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 10000, 100) } func BenchmarkEdit10000Lines1000Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 10000, 1000) } func BenchmarkEdit100000Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100000, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit100000Lines10Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100000, 10) } func BenchmarkEdit100000Lines100Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100000, 100) } func BenchmarkEdit100000Lines1000Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 100000, 1000) } func BenchmarkEdit1000000Lines1Cursor(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000000, 1) } func BenchmarkEdit1000000Lines10Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000000, 10) } func BenchmarkEdit1000000Lines100Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000000, 100) } func BenchmarkEdit1000000Lines1000Cursors(b *testing.B) { benchEdit(b, 1000000, 1000) }