Really improve syntax file compatibility with nano

This commit is contained in:
Zachary Yedidia 2016-03-20 21:45:23 -04:00
parent 9ca36dc77b
commit e61048154b

View file

@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ func LoadSyntaxFiles() {
LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir(dir + "/.micro")
// JoinRule takes a syntax rule (which can be multiple regular expressions)
// and joins it into one regular expression by ORing everything together
func JoinRule(rule string) string {
split := strings.Split(rule, `" "`)
joined := strings.Join(split, ")|(")
joined = "(" + joined + ")"
return joined
// LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir loads the syntax files from a specified directory
// To load the syntax files, we must fill the `syntaxFiles` map
// This involves finding the regex for syntax and if it exists, the regex
@ -35,29 +44,63 @@ func LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir(dir string) {
lines := strings.Split(string(text), "\n")
syntaxParser := regexp.MustCompile(`syntax "(.*?)"\s+"(.*)"`)
syntaxParser := regexp.MustCompile(`syntax "(.*?)"\s+"(.*)"+`)
headerParser := regexp.MustCompile(`header "(.*)"`)
syntaxMatches := syntaxParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(lines[0]))
var syntaxRegex *regexp.Regexp
var headerRegex *regexp.Regexp
if strings.HasPrefix(lines[1], "header") {
headerMatches := headerParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(lines[1]))
headerRegex, err = regexp.Compile(string(headerMatches[1]))
if err != nil {
// Error with the regex!
var filetype string
var rules string
for _, line := range lines {
if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" ||
strings.TrimSpace(line)[0] == '#' {
// Ignore this line
syntaxRegex, err := regexp.Compile(string(syntaxMatches[2]))
if err != nil {
// Error with the regex!
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "syntax") {
syntaxMatches := syntaxParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(syntaxMatches) == 3 {
if syntaxRegex != nil {
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = [2]string{rules, filetype}
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = [2]string{string(text), string(syntaxMatches[1])}
filetype = string(syntaxMatches[1])
extensions := JoinRule(string(syntaxMatches[2]))
syntaxRegex, err = regexp.Compile(extensions)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Regex error:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Syntax statement is not valid:", line)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "header") {
headerMatches := headerParser.FindSubmatch([]byte(line))
if len(headerMatches) == 2 {
header := JoinRule(string(headerMatches[1]))
headerRegex, err = regexp.Compile(header)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Regex error:", err)
} else {
fmt.Println("Header statement is not valid:", line)
} else {
rules += line + "\n"
if syntaxRegex != nil {
regexes := [2]*regexp.Regexp{syntaxRegex, headerRegex}
syntaxFiles[regexes] = [2]string{rules, filetype}
@ -66,7 +109,7 @@ func LoadSyntaxFilesFromDir(dir string) {
// and returns them. It also returns the filetype of the file
func GetRules(buf *Buffer) (string, string) {
for r := range syntaxFiles {
if r[0].MatchString(buf.path) {
if r[0] != nil && r[0].MatchString(buf.path) {
return syntaxFiles[r][0], syntaxFiles[r][1]
} else if r[1] != nil && r[1].MatchString(buf.lines[0]) {
return syntaxFiles[r][0], syntaxFiles[r][1]