**Thanks for taking the time to contribute! ❤️** All types of contributions are encouraged and valued, no matter if it's a bug report 🐛, a feature request 💡, or a Pull Request 🚀. - **❓ I have a question:** Ask in [our dev container community Slack channel] - **🐛 I found a bug:** [Open an Issue] - **💡 I have an idea:** [Open an Issue] - **💻 I want to code:** See below If you like the project, but just don't have time to contribute, that's OK too! You can also star the project ⭐, rave about it online 💬, or add a link to us 🔗 in your project's readme. ⚠️ You must never report security 🔒 related issues, vulnerabilities or bugs including sensitive information to the issue tracker, or elsewhere in public. Instead, please [report them to the Microsoft Security Response Center]. You can read more about our security policy in [`SECURITY.md`]. ## Contributing code 👨‍💼 This repository is a collection of dev container Features managed by dev container spec maintainers. This repository will **only accept improvements and bug fixes** for the [current set of maintained Features]. 🚀 If you're looking to create a new Feature, then we encourage adding it to a separate repository of your control. The [devcontainers/feature-starter] repository has more guidance on self authoring Features. 💡 Once you've self authored the Features and if you'd like to share them with the community, then we'd recommend [adding it to the index]. 👷‍ If you've identified an issue and you want to fix it, here's how you can get started: 1. 🔀 Fork the repo 2. 💻 Open the repo in your editor 3. 👨‍💻 Add your changes to your workspace 4. ✨ [Test your changes using `devcontainer features test`] to make sure everything still works 5. 🆚 Bump the version of the feature you changed according to [semver] 6. 🔖 Commit & push your changes 7. 🔁 Open a PR to get your changes merged 8. 🚀 Profit! 👩‍⚖️ When contributing code to this project, you may be asked to agree to our [Contributor License Agreement]. [our dev container community Slack channel]: https://aka.ms/devcontainer_community [open an issue]: https://github.com/devcontainers/features/issues/new [current set of maintained Features]: https://github.com/devcontainers/features/tree/main/src [devcontainers/feature-starter]: https://github.com/devcontainers/feature-starter#readme [adding it to the index]: https://github.com/devcontainers/feature-starter#adding-features-to-the-index [report them to the Microsoft Security Response Center]: https://msrc.microsoft.com/create-report [`SECURITY.md`]: https://github.com/devcontainers/spec/blob/main/SECURITY.md [contributor license agreement]: https://opensource.microsoft.com/cla/ [Test your changes using `devcontainer features test`]: https://github.com/devcontainers/cli/blob/main/docs/features/test.md [semver]: https://semver.org/