box: yosssi/golang-latest@1.0.7 # Build definition build: # The steps that will be executed on build steps: # Sets the go workspace and places you package # at the right place in the workspace tree - setup-go-workspace # Gets the dependencies - script: name: go get code: | cd $WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR go version go get -t ./... # Build the project - script: name: go build code: | go build ./... # Test the project - script: name: go test code: | go test -cover ./... # Invoke goveralls - script: name: goveralls code: | go get echo "mode: count" > all.cov for package in reaper shared/protobuf shared store; do touch $package.cov; go test --covermode=count -coverprofile=$package.cov ./$package; sed -e "1d" $package.cov >> all.cov; done goveralls -coverprofile=all.cov -repotoken $COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN