Ayke van Laethem 0087e0549b all: change ManufacturerData from a map to a slice
This is a breaking change, but I believe it is necessary for
correctness. Because maps have an undefined iteration order, the actual
advertised packet could change each time which I think is a bad thing.
In addition to that, using a slice should be much more lightweight than
using a map.

I've also added some tests (that should have been there in the first
place) and added some manufacturer data to the advertisement example.

Furthermore, I've optimized the code that constructs manufacturer data
for raw advertisement payloads, it should now be entirely free of heap
2024-02-21 12:39:24 +01:00

265 lines
8.3 KiB

package bluetooth
import (
// Address contains a Bluetooth MAC address.
type Address struct {
// Scan starts a BLE scan. It is stopped by a call to StopScan. A common pattern
// is to cancel the scan when a particular device has been found.
func (a *Adapter) Scan(callback func(*Adapter, ScanResult)) (err error) {
if a.watcher != nil {
// Cannot scan more than once: which one should ScanStop()
// stop?
return errScanning
a.watcher, err = advertisement.NewBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher()
if err != nil {
defer func() {
_ = a.watcher.Release()
a.watcher = nil
// Set scanning mode to active so we receive scan responses
// from devices in advertising mode
err = a.watcher.SetScanningMode(advertisement.BluetoothLEScanningModeActive)
if err != nil {
// Listen for incoming BLE advertisement packets.
// We need a TypedEventHandler<TSender, TResult> to listen to events, but since this is a parameterized delegate
// its GUID depends on the classes used as sender and result, so we need to compute it:
// TypedEventHandler<BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs>
eventReceivedGuid := winrt.ParameterizedInstanceGUID(
handler := foundation.NewTypedEventHandler(ole.NewGUID(eventReceivedGuid), func(instance *foundation.TypedEventHandler, sender, arg unsafe.Pointer) {
args := (*advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs)(arg)
result := getScanResultFromArgs(args)
callback(a, result)
defer handler.Release()
token, err := a.watcher.AddReceived(handler)
if err != nil {
defer a.watcher.RemoveReceived(token)
// Wait for when advertisement has stopped by a call to StopScan().
// Advertisement doesn't seem to stop right away, there is an
// intermediate Stopping state.
stoppingChan := make(chan struct{})
// TypedEventHandler<BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStoppedEventArgs>
eventStoppedGuid := winrt.ParameterizedInstanceGUID(
stoppedHandler := foundation.NewTypedEventHandler(ole.NewGUID(eventStoppedGuid), func(_ *foundation.TypedEventHandler, _, _ unsafe.Pointer) {
// Note: the args parameter has an Error property that should
// probably be checked, but I'm not sure when stopping the
// advertisement watcher could ever result in an error (except
// for bugs).
defer stoppedHandler.Release()
token, err = a.watcher.AddStopped(stoppedHandler)
if err != nil {
defer a.watcher.RemoveStopped(token)
err = a.watcher.Start()
if err != nil {
return err
// Wait until advertisement has stopped, and finish.
return nil
func getScanResultFromArgs(args *advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs) ScanResult {
// parse bluetooth address
addr, _ := args.GetBluetoothAddress()
adr := Address{}
for i := range adr.MAC {
adr.MAC[i] = byte(addr)
addr >>= 8
sigStrength, _ := args.GetRawSignalStrengthInDBm()
result := ScanResult{
RSSI: sigStrength,
Address: adr,
var manufacturerData []ManufacturerDataElement
if winAdv, err := args.GetAdvertisement(); err == nil && winAdv != nil {
vector, _ := winAdv.GetManufacturerData()
size, _ := vector.GetSize()
for i := uint32(0); i < size; i++ {
element, _ := vector.GetAt(i)
manData := (*advertisement.BluetoothLEManufacturerData)(element)
companyID, _ := manData.GetCompanyId()
buffer, _ := manData.GetData()
manufacturerData = append(manufacturerData, ManufacturerDataElement{
CompanyID: companyID,
Data: bufferToSlice(buffer),
// Note: the IsRandom bit is never set.
advertisement, _ := args.GetAdvertisement()
localName, _ := advertisement.GetLocalName()
result.AdvertisementPayload = &advertisementFields{
LocalName: localName,
ManufacturerData: manufacturerData,
return result
func bufferToSlice(buffer *streams.IBuffer) []byte {
dataReader, _ := streams.FromBuffer(buffer)
defer dataReader.Release()
bufferSize, _ := buffer.GetLength()
if bufferSize == 0 {
return nil
data, _ := dataReader.ReadBytes(bufferSize)
return data
// StopScan stops any in-progress scan. It can be called from within a Scan
// callback to stop the current scan. If no scan is in progress, an error will
// be returned.
func (a *Adapter) StopScan() error {
if a.watcher == nil {
return errNotScanning
return a.watcher.Stop()
// Device is a connection to a remote peripheral.
type Device struct {
device *bluetooth.BluetoothLEDevice
session *genericattributeprofile.GattSession
// Connect starts a connection attempt to the given peripheral device address.
// On Linux and Windows, the IsRandom part of the address is ignored.
func (a *Adapter) Connect(address Address, params ConnectionParams) (Device, error) {
var winAddr uint64
for i := range address.MAC {
winAddr += uint64(address.MAC[i]) << (8 * i)
// IAsyncOperation<BluetoothLEDevice>
bleDeviceOp, err := bluetooth.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(winAddr)
if err != nil {
return Device{}, err
// We need to pass the signature of the parameter returned by the async operation:
// IAsyncOperation<BluetoothLEDevice>
if err := awaitAsyncOperation(bleDeviceOp, bluetooth.SignatureBluetoothLEDevice); err != nil {
return Device{}, fmt.Errorf("error connecting to device: %w", err)
res, err := bleDeviceOp.GetResults()
if err != nil {
return Device{}, err
// The returned BluetoothLEDevice is set to null if FromBluetoothAddressAsync can't find the device identified by bluetoothAddress
if uintptr(res) == 0x0 {
return Device{}, fmt.Errorf("device with the given address was not found")
bleDevice := (*bluetooth.BluetoothLEDevice)(res)
// Creating a BluetoothLEDevice object by calling this method alone doesn't (necessarily) initiate a connection.
// To initiate a connection, we need to set GattSession.MaintainConnection to true.
dID, err := bleDevice.GetBluetoothDeviceId()
if err != nil {
return Device{}, err
// Windows does not support explicitly connecting to a device.
// Instead it has the concept of a GATT session that is owned
// by the calling program.
gattSessionOp, err := genericattributeprofile.FromDeviceIdAsync(dID) // IAsyncOperation<GattSession>
if err != nil {
return Device{}, err
if err := awaitAsyncOperation(gattSessionOp, genericattributeprofile.SignatureGattSession); err != nil {
return Device{}, fmt.Errorf("error getting gatt session: %w", err)
gattRes, err := gattSessionOp.GetResults()
if err != nil {
return Device{}, err
newSession := (*genericattributeprofile.GattSession)(gattRes)
// This keeps the device connected until we set maintain_connection = False.
if err := newSession.SetMaintainConnection(true); err != nil {
return Device{}, err
return Device{bleDevice, newSession}, nil
// Disconnect from the BLE device. This method is non-blocking and does not
// wait until the connection is fully gone.
func (d Device) Disconnect() error {
defer d.device.Release()
defer d.session.Release()
if err := d.session.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := d.device.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// RequestConnectionParams requests a different connection latency and timeout
// of the given device connection. Fields that are unset will be left alone.
// Whether or not the device will actually honor this, depends on the device and
// on the specific parameters.
// On Windows, this call doesn't do anything.
func (d Device) RequestConnectionParams(params ConnectionParams) error {
// TODO: implement this using
// BluetoothLEDevice.RequestPreferredConnectionParameters.
return nil