dnlwgnd e0d5fd4c3a
add ServiceData advertising element (#243)
* gap: fix comment

* gap: expose ServiceData() in AdvertisementFields

* macos: include ServiceData in AdvertisementFields

* gap/linux: include ServiceData in AdvertisementFields

* gap: add unimplemented ServiceData() to raw advertisement

* added ServiceData advertising element also to the sending pieces

* more explicitly use the ad element type ids

* added a test case for ServiceData

* linux: added ServiceData advertising element

* sd: fix: handle no servicedata present

* linux: bluez uses string uuids for service data

* linux: fix: correct datatype for advertise with ServiceData

* uuid: add 32-Bit functions

* ServiceData now also uses a slice instead of a map as in #244

* Revert unnessesary changes

* formatting

* remove extra check


Co-authored-by: William Johansson <>
2024-03-18 22:15:09 +01:00

540 lines
18 KiB

package bluetooth
import (
var (
errScanning = errors.New("bluetooth: a scan is already in progress")
errNotScanning = errors.New("bluetooth: there is no scan in progress")
errAdvertisementPacketTooBig = errors.New("bluetooth: advertisement packet overflows")
// MACAddress contains a Bluetooth address which is a MAC address.
type MACAddress struct {
// MAC address of the Bluetooth device.
isRandom bool
// IsRandom if the address is randomly created.
func (mac MACAddress) IsRandom() bool {
return mac.isRandom
// SetRandom if is a random address.
func (mac *MACAddress) SetRandom(val bool) {
mac.isRandom = val
// Set the address
func (mac *MACAddress) Set(val string) {
m, err := ParseMAC(val)
if err != nil {
mac.MAC = m
// AdvertisementOptions configures an advertisement instance. More options may
// be added over time.
type AdvertisementOptions struct {
// The (complete) local name that will be advertised. Optional, omitted if
// this is a zero-length string.
LocalName string
// ServiceUUIDs are the services (16-bit or 128-bit) that are broadcast as
// part of the advertisement packet, in data types such as "complete list of
// 128-bit UUIDs".
ServiceUUIDs []UUID
// Interval in BLE-specific units. Create an interval by using NewDuration.
Interval Duration
// ManufacturerData stores Advertising Data.
ManufacturerData []ManufacturerDataElement
// ServiceData stores Advertising Data.
ServiceData []ServiceDataElement
// Manufacturer data that's part of an advertisement packet.
type ManufacturerDataElement struct {
// The company ID, which must be one of the assigned company IDs.
// The full list is in here:
// The list can also be viewed here:
// The value 0xffff can also be used for testing.
CompanyID uint16
// The value, which can be any value but can't be very large.
Data []byte
// ServiceDataElement strores a uuid/byte-array pair used as ServiceData advertisment elements
type ServiceDataElement struct {
// service uuid or company uuid
// The list can also be viewed here:
// the data byte array
Data []byte
// Duration is the unit of time used in BLE, in 0.625µs units. This unit of time
// is used throughout the BLE stack.
type Duration uint16
// NewDuration returns a new Duration, in units of 0.625µs. It is used both for
// advertisement intervals and for connection parameters.
func NewDuration(interval time.Duration) Duration {
// Convert an interval to units of 0.625µs.
return Duration(uint64(interval / (625 * time.Microsecond)))
// Connection is a numeric identifier that indicates a connection handle.
type Connection uint16
// ScanResult contains information from when an advertisement packet was
// received. It is passed as a parameter to the callback of the Scan method.
type ScanResult struct {
// Bluetooth address of the scanned device.
Address Address
// RSSI the last time a packet from this device has been received.
RSSI int16
// The data obtained from the advertisement data, which may contain many
// different properties.
// Warning: this data may only stay valid until the next event arrives. If
// you need any of the fields to stay alive until after the callback
// returns, copy them.
// AdvertisementPayload contains information obtained during a scan (see
// ScanResult). It is provided as an interface as there are two possible
// implementations: an implementation that works with raw data (usually on
// low-level BLE stacks) and an implementation that works with structured data.
type AdvertisementPayload interface {
// LocalName is the (complete or shortened) local name of the device.
// Please note that many devices do not broadcast a local name, but may
// broadcast other data (e.g. manufacturer data or service UUIDs) with which
// they may be identified.
LocalName() string
// HasServiceUUID returns true whether the given UUID is present in the
// advertisement payload as a Service Class UUID. It checks both 16-bit
// UUIDs and 128-bit UUIDs.
HasServiceUUID(UUID) bool
// Bytes returns the raw advertisement packet, if available. It returns nil
// if this data is not available.
Bytes() []byte
// ManufacturerData returns a slice with all the manufacturer data present in the
// advertising. It may be empty.
ManufacturerData() []ManufacturerDataElement
// ServiceData returns a slice with all the service data present in the
// advertising. It may be empty.
ServiceData() []ServiceDataElement
// AdvertisementFields contains advertisement fields in structured form.
type AdvertisementFields struct {
// The LocalName part of the advertisement (either the complete local name
// or the shortened local name).
LocalName string
// ServiceUUIDs are the services (16-bit or 128-bit) that are broadcast as
// part of the advertisement packet, in data types such as "complete list of
// 128-bit UUIDs".
ServiceUUIDs []UUID
// ManufacturerData is the manufacturer data of the advertisement.
ManufacturerData []ManufacturerDataElement
// ServiceData is the service data of the advertisement.
ServiceData []ServiceDataElement
// advertisementFields wraps AdvertisementFields to implement the
// AdvertisementPayload interface. The methods to implement the interface (such
// as LocalName) cannot be implemented on AdvertisementFields because they would
// conflict with field names.
type advertisementFields struct {
// LocalName returns the underlying LocalName field.
func (p *advertisementFields) LocalName() string {
return p.AdvertisementFields.LocalName
// HasServiceUUID returns true whether the given UUID is present in the
// advertisement payload as a Service Class UUID.
func (p *advertisementFields) HasServiceUUID(uuid UUID) bool {
for _, u := range p.AdvertisementFields.ServiceUUIDs {
if u == uuid {
return true
return false
// Bytes returns nil, as structured advertisement data does not have the
// original raw advertisement data available.
func (p *advertisementFields) Bytes() []byte {
return nil
// ManufacturerData returns the underlying ManufacturerData field.
func (p *advertisementFields) ManufacturerData() []ManufacturerDataElement {
return p.AdvertisementFields.ManufacturerData
// ServiceData returns the underlying ServiceData field.
func (p *advertisementFields) ServiceData() []ServiceDataElement {
return p.AdvertisementFields.ServiceData
// rawAdvertisementPayload encapsulates a raw advertisement packet. Methods to
// get the data (such as LocalName()) will parse just the needed field. Scanning
// the data should be fast as most advertisement packets only have a very small
// (3 or so) amount of fields.
type rawAdvertisementPayload struct {
data [31]byte
len uint8
// Bytes returns the raw advertisement packet as a byte slice.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) Bytes() []byte {
// findField returns the data of a specific field in the advertisement packet.
// See this list of field types:
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) findField(fieldType byte) []byte {
data := buf.Bytes()
for len(data) >= 2 {
fieldLength := data[0]
if int(fieldLength)+1 > len(data) {
// Invalid field length.
return nil
if fieldType == data[1] {
return data[2 : fieldLength+1]
data = data[fieldLength+1:]
return nil
// LocalName returns the local name (complete or shortened) in the advertisement
// payload.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) LocalName() string {
b := buf.findField(9) // Complete Local Name
if len(b) != 0 {
return string(b)
b = buf.findField(8) // Shortened Local Name
if len(b) != 0 {
return string(b)
return ""
// HasServiceUUID returns true whether the given UUID is present in the
// advertisement payload as a Service Class UUID. It checks both 16-bit UUIDs
// and 128-bit UUIDs.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) HasServiceUUID(uuid UUID) bool {
if uuid.Is16Bit() {
b := buf.findField(0x03) // Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
if len(b) == 0 {
b = buf.findField(0x02) // Incomplete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
uuid := uuid.Get16Bit()
for i := 0; i < len(b)/2; i++ {
foundUUID := uint16(b[i*2]) | (uint16(b[i*2+1]) << 8)
if uuid == foundUUID {
return true
return false
} else {
b := buf.findField(0x07) // Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
if len(b) == 0 {
b = buf.findField(0x06) // Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
uuidBuf1 := uuid.Bytes()
for i := 0; i < len(b)/16; i++ {
uuidBuf2 := b[i*16 : i*16+16]
match := true
for i, c := range uuidBuf1 {
if c != uuidBuf2[i] {
match = false
if match {
return true
return false
// ManufacturerData returns the manufacturer data in the advertisement payload.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) ManufacturerData() []ManufacturerDataElement {
var manufacturerData []ManufacturerDataElement
for index := 0; index < int(buf.len)+4; index += int([index]) + 1 {
fieldLength := int([index+0])
if fieldLength < 3 {
fieldType :=[index+1]
if fieldType != 0xff {
key := uint16([index+2]) | uint16([index+3])<<8
manufacturerData = append(manufacturerData, ManufacturerDataElement{
CompanyID: key,
Data:[index+4 : index+fieldLength+1],
return manufacturerData
// ServiceData returns the service data in the advertisment payload
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) ServiceData() []ServiceDataElement {
var serviceData []ServiceDataElement
for index := 0; index < int(buf.len)+4; index += int([index]) + 1 {
fieldLength := int([index+0])
if fieldLength < 3 { // field has only length and type and no data
fieldType :=[index+1]
switch fieldType {
case 0x16: // 16-bit uuid
serviceData = append(serviceData, ServiceDataElement{
UUID: New16BitUUID(uint16([index+2]) + (uint16([index+3]) << 8)),
Data:[index+4 : index+fieldLength+1],
case 0x20: // 32-bit uuid
serviceData = append(serviceData, ServiceDataElement{
UUID: New32BitUUID(uint32([index+2]) + (uint32([index+3]) << 8) + (uint32([index+4]) << 16) + (uint32([index+5]) << 24)),
Data:[index+6 : index+fieldLength+1],
case 0x21: // 128-bit uuid
var uuidArray [16]byte
serviceData = append(serviceData, ServiceDataElement{
UUID: NewUUID(uuidArray),
Data:[index+18 : index+fieldLength+1],
return serviceData
// reset restores this buffer to the original state.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) reset() {
// The data is not reset (only the length), because with a zero length the
// data is undefined.
buf.len = 0
// addFromOptions constructs a new advertisement payload (assumed to be empty
// before the call) from the advertisement options. It returns true if it fits,
// false otherwise.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addFromOptions(options AdvertisementOptions) (ok bool) {
if options.LocalName != "" {
if !buf.addCompleteLocalName(options.LocalName) {
return false
// TODO: if there are multiple 16-bit UUIDs, they should be listed in
// one field.
// This is not possible for 128-bit service UUIDs (at least not in
// legacy advertising) because of the 31-byte advertisement packet
// limit.
for _, uuid := range options.ServiceUUIDs {
if !buf.addServiceUUID(uuid) {
return false
for _, element := range options.ManufacturerData {
if !buf.addManufacturerData(element.CompanyID, element.Data) {
return false
for _, element := range options.ServiceData {
if !buf.addServiceData(element.UUID, element.Data) {
return false
return true
// addManufacturerData adds manufacturer data ([]byte) entries to the advertisement payload.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addManufacturerData(key uint16, value []byte) (ok bool) {
// Check whether the field can fit this manufacturer data.
fieldLength := len(value) + 4
if int(buf.len)+fieldLength > len( {
return false
// Add the data.[buf.len+0] = uint8(fieldLength - 1)[buf.len+1] = 0xff[buf.len+2] = uint8(key)[buf.len+3] = uint8(key >> 8)
copy([buf.len+4:], value)
buf.len += uint8(fieldLength)
return true
// addServiceData adds service data ([]byte) entries to the advertisement payload.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addServiceData(uuid UUID, data []byte) (ok bool) {
switch {
case uuid.Is16Bit():
// check if it fits
fieldLength := 1 + 1 + 2 + len(data) // 1 byte length, 1 byte ad type, 2 bytes uuid, actual service data
if int(buf.len)+fieldLength > len( {
return false
// Add the data.[buf.len+0] = byte(fieldLength - 1)[buf.len+1] = 0x16[buf.len+2] = byte(uuid.Get16Bit())[buf.len+3] = byte(uuid.Get16Bit() >> 8)
copy([buf.len+4:], data)
buf.len += uint8(fieldLength)
case uuid.Is32Bit():
// check if it fits
fieldLength := 1 + 1 + 4 + len(data) // 1 byte length, 1 byte ad type, 4 bytes uuid, actual service data
if int(buf.len)+fieldLength > len( {
return false
// Add the data.[buf.len+0] = byte(fieldLength - 1)[buf.len+1] = 0x20[buf.len+2] = byte(uuid.Get32Bit())[buf.len+3] = byte(uuid.Get32Bit() >> 8)[buf.len+4] = byte(uuid.Get32Bit() >> 16)[buf.len+5] = byte(uuid.Get32Bit() >> 24)
copy([buf.len+6:], data)
buf.len += uint8(fieldLength)
default: // must be 128-bit uuid
// check if it fits
fieldLength := 1 + 1 + 16 + len(data) // 1 byte length, 1 byte ad type, 16 bytes uuid, actual service data
if int(buf.len)+fieldLength > len( {
return false
// Add the data.[buf.len+0] = byte(fieldLength - 1)[buf.len+1] = 0x21
uuid_bytes := uuid.Bytes()
copy([buf.len+2:], uuid_bytes[:])
copy([buf.len+2+16:], data)
buf.len += uint8(fieldLength)
return true
// addFlags adds a flags field to the advertisement buffer. It returns true on
// success (the flags can be added) and false on failure.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addFlags(flags byte) (ok bool) {
if int(buf.len)+3 > len( {
return false // flags don't fit
}[buf.len] = 2 // length of field (including type)[buf.len+1] = 0x01 // type, 0x01 means Flags[buf.len+2] = flags // the flags
buf.len += 3
return true
// addCompleteLocalName adds the Complete Local Name field to the advertisement
// buffer. It returns true on success (the name fits) and false on failure.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addCompleteLocalName(name string) (ok bool) {
if int(buf.len)+len(name)+2 > len( {
return false // name doesn't fit
}[buf.len] = byte(len(name) + 1) // length of field (including type)[buf.len+1] = 9 // type, 0x09 means Complete Local name
copy([buf.len+2:], name) // copy the name into the buffer
buf.len += byte(len(name) + 2)
return true
// addServiceUUID adds a Service Class UUID (16-bit or 128-bit). It has
// currently only been designed for adding single UUIDs: multiple UUIDs are
// stored in separate fields without joining them together in one field.
func (buf *rawAdvertisementPayload) addServiceUUID(uuid UUID) (ok bool) {
// Don't bother with 32-bit UUID support, it doesn't seem to be used in
// practice.
if uuid.Is16Bit() {
if int(buf.len)+4 > len( {
return false // UUID doesn't fit.
shortUUID := uuid.Get16Bit()[buf.len+0] = 3 // length of field, including type[buf.len+1] = 0x03 // type, 0x03 means "Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs"[buf.len+2] = byte(shortUUID)[buf.len+3] = byte(shortUUID >> 8)
buf.len += 4
return true
} else {
if int(buf.len)+18 > len( {
return false // UUID doesn't fit.
}[buf.len+0] = 17 // length of field, including type[buf.len+1] = 0x07 // type, 0x07 means "Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs"
rawUUID := uuid.Bytes()
copy([buf.len+2:], rawUUID[:])
buf.len += 18
return true
// ConnectionParams are used when connecting to a peripherals or when changing
// the parameters of an active connection.
type ConnectionParams struct {
// The timeout for the connection attempt. Not used during the rest of the
// connection. If no duration is specified, a default timeout will be used.
ConnectionTimeout Duration
// Minimum and maximum connection interval. The shorter the interval, the
// faster data can travel between both devices but also the more power they
// will draw. If no intervals are specified, a default connection interval
// will be used.
MinInterval Duration
MaxInterval Duration
// Connection Supervision Timeout. After this time has passed with no
// communication, the connection is considered lost. If no timeout is
// specified, the timeout will be unchanged.
Timeout Duration